When to start complementary foods: we teach a child to adult food

Nutrition - these are dishes and products that are given to the child instead of breast milk or adapted milk formula. In other words, this is a gradual transition from liquid foods to solid, adult foods. Many mothers are interested in the question: "When to start complementary foods?"

A large flow of information from different sources prevents many parents from making an adequate decision on this issue. After all, just a few decades ago, we started to introduce complementary foods very early, so any grandmother will give you advice as early as possible to accustom a child to adult food. However, in our time, WHO recommends that solid foods be administered no earlier than 6 months. How do you know when to start complementary foods? Let's look at all aspects of past and present tenses.

About twenty to thirty years ago, in the absence or shortage of mother's breast milk, the child was given cow or goat milk. In order to be able to give the baby milk, it was first boiled, which led to a large loss of vitamins and minerals. So it turned out that the children were sick with rickets, were behind in weight, had a history of hypovitaminosis and other diseases. Naturally, in this situation, the recommendations of pediatricians on the introduction of early feeding are quite logical. And the mother, who had enough milk, did not always have the opportunity to eat varied and properly. Therefore, vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, meat and other complementary foods could make up for the lack of vitamins in children up to 6 months.

But times are changing. Now you rarely see a mother who feeds her baby with cow's milk. On the shelves of shops and pharmacies there is a large selection of high-quality milk mixtures, therefore, with a lack or absence of milk, the child receives a milk formula balanced in vitamins and minerals. There is a misconception that mixtures are chemistry, and milk from a cow is natural and healthy. It's not like that at all. A good mix far surpasses cow's milk in quality and beneficial properties . It was developed by pediatricians and nutritionists, taking into account the age-related needs of the child and is as close as possible to breast milk. Yes, and a modern mother, who breastfeeds, in most cases can afford a varied diet, due to which a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients enter the child's body.

The question "When to start complementary foods?", Up to six months should not even be considered. The usefulness of the early introduction of solid food in our time is very small compared with the negative manifestations. The most common consequences are allergic reactions. The child’s liver is immature and any undigested particles (allergens) create an additional burden on this organ to neutralize and excrete them. Another problem is eating disorders, which also occur with the early introduction of complementary foods. The third negative aspect is the child’s perception of new food at such an early age. The baby can react negatively to the introduction of unfamiliar dishes in the diet, as he is not ready for this yet.

How to introduce complementary foods? In fact, everything is not as complicated as it seems. Be gradual when introducing a new product for 7-10 days. Observe the behavior of the child, the presence of allergic reactions, changes in stool. If everything is normal, after three weeks you can also gradually introduce new dishes.

If you are in doubt when to start complementary foods, consult your pediatrician not with your stairwell neighbors. He will be able to correctly and accurately answer all your questions and give valuable recommendations. Ideally, the first feeding of the baby should take place no earlier than 6 months. Earlier terms can only be set by a doctor if there are diseases, prematurity, small weight gain, etc.

Do not succumb to the entreaties of grandmothers and friends - your child’s health is more important than any advice. Be competent mothers - find out the necessary information and act correctly. I wish you success in raising kids!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/0012243572633192645/

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