Palm oil: harm and benefit

Palm oil has a special place in modern life. Such an exotic product is less popular than butter and vegetable oil, but it is the subject of heated discussion. Palm oil contains a huge amount of tocopherols, ubiquinone, carotenoids, which are quite strong antioxidants, and this is very useful for the human body. Many companies use palm oil for cosmetic purposes, but it can also be used in food. Tocopherol can increase muscle volume, and if they are insufficient, sexual function can be affected. Provitamin A is of great importance for the work of the visual pigment of the eye retina, it also provides the activity of the visual analyzer.

Palm oil: harm and benefit to our body

Scientists and doctors have been debating lively over the effects of palm oil for several years - is it beneficial or harmful? This product cannot be called unambiguous, therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider its properties. The cost of palm oil is relatively low, and its exceptional technological and nutritional properties give it special importance, and therefore, the demand for this type of product is noticeably increasing. Shelf life of products increases markedly if palm oil is added to them. Beautiful color makes familiar products more attractive and mouth-watering.

Palm oil is obtained from plants that have not yet been genetically modified, so it is the only natural product one hundred percent. This adds to his even greater popularity in modern society. Palm oil is sold unrefined and refined, there is a third type produced in Latin America, it is a hybrid of African and American palm trees.

The benefits of palm oil seem obvious, but there are other aspects to this product. It is usually reproached for containing a huge amount of saturated fatty acids. Often this oil is compared to pork fat, however, it contains no anterogens. Palm oil contains mainly oleic acid, a fatty unsaturated acid that is readily digestible. The harm of palm oil is associated with a high amount of palmitic acid contained in it , which contributes to an increase in blood cholesterol, which can cause atherosclerosis, obesity, vascular thrombosis, and other heart and vascular diseases.

Palm oil: harm and benefits according to nutritionists

Nutritionists are convinced that palm oil, the harm and benefits of which have not yet been fully determined, is more likely to be harmful. To increase the shelf life of dairy products, this component is added to them, because of this they become refractory. The temperature at which these products begin to melt is noticeably higher than the temperature of the human body, if such food is in the stomach, then it becomes just a sticky mass, trying to cover up everything around. Oils are usually appreciated for the high content of linoleic acid, their usefulness and price depends on this. In palm oil, such an acid contains only 5%, and it does not contain any substances useful to the body.

Palm oil: harm and benefit

Those who are concerned about their health are switching to soft margarine, but this product will not be safe if palm oil is present in it. When choosing margarine, you need to carefully study the composition. There should be no palm oil in it. It is a fairly powerful carcinogen. In developed countries, this type of oil has long been refused to use, and products containing it must have a label indicating this. Thus, this oil, of course, is cheap, but there is no health benefit from it.


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