Low calorie fresh tomato - the key to successful diet meals

calorie fresh tomato

Tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods. This vegetable appeared in our country around the eighteenth century, and came to our table from Europe. It is believed that tomatoes appeared in South America, it was there that they were wild plants. Then travelers were able to distribute this amazing vegetable in European countries. A very interesting name - tomatoes - tomatoes received from French gourmets. Today's table without tomatoes in a salad or in other dishes is very difficult to imagine.

Calorie fresh tomato is low, it is about twenty kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Therefore, nutritionists recommend these vegetables to be used more often by people who want to be in good shape and without extra pounds. Tomatoes contain a huge amount of vitamins of groups B, C, E. They are also good because they have a lot of organic acids, such as oxalic, succinic, citric, tartaric. This is one of the products where there is pectin, fiber, lycopene and much more. This product is one of the antidepressants.

calories olive oil

Although it is known that tomatoes contain glucose and fructose, the calorie content of fresh tomatoes is still very low. If you use them in the form of a salad seasoned with vegetable or olive oil, then this dish can be used for fasting days. Many try not to consume olive oil. The calories contained in it scare away. It is known that in calories this oil is approximately 890 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. If you do not abuse it, then all the calories will only benefit. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves heart function and cleanses blood vessels. It also boosts immunity, is an excellent antioxidant and has many other beneficial properties.

Tomatoes are one of the vegetables in which the beneficial properties and lycopene content increase during heat treatment, which reduces the likelihood of cancer, cardiovascular disease, as well as prostatitis, macular degeneration. Therefore, the calorie content of fresh tomatoes in no way should excite. The beneficial properties of these wonderful vegetables have been noted by people for a long time.

tomatoes harm

Do not abuse tomatoes for those who have gallstone disease. Tomatoes are valued by choleretic properties and can cause the movement of stones. Doctors also do not recommend people who have kidney disease and hypertension to eat salted, pickled, canned, boiled tomatoes. The harm from them can be quite serious for the human body. Everyone else needs to use tomatoes in their diet.

If you got the idea to start eating right and do some kind of sports, then tomatoes should be one of the main products on the table. And the low calorie content of fresh tomatoes, their beneficial properties and great taste will help them become an excellent basis for any diet dish.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/07581169703955504/

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