Pistachios: benefits and contraindications

Pistachios are probably the favorite delicacy of most people, but few people know about their origin and beneficial properties. In this article we will try to reveal all these points. Pistachios grow in the Caucasus and Crimea, they are brought to the Russian market from Turkey.

Pistachio fruits grow on small deciduous trees up to 10 m high. Their homeland is the mountainous regions of southwest and central Asia. Pistachio trees grow very slowly and survive to 300-400 years.

Nuts begin to ripen from September to November. A sign of fruit ripening is an open bone and dry flesh of a greenish color. Those that did not open on their own open mechanically. In stores, we mainly buy fried pistachios in the form of nuts.

Ripe seeds are harvested only at night, because in the daytime under the sun, the leaves of the trees exude a very strong aroma. In large quantities, this aroma even causes dizziness. In small doses, aromatic oils raise their tone and energize. To cheer up - eat pistachios. The benefits and charge of positive energy - this is what you get from eating seeds.

In many countries, pistachio trees are believed to be a sign of prosperity and longevity. Even in the scriptures it was said about the beneficial properties of fruits, they were praised, amazing dishes were prepared from them. It is from antiquity that many interesting recipes have come to us that use pistachios. Their benefit is not in doubt, and the taste adds spice to any dish. Eating a handful of nuts, you saturate your body with useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on brain activity.

Pistachios: benefits and composition

100 g of fruits contain 49 g of fat, 25 g of carbohydrates and 21 g of protein. They include linolenic, stearic, oleic and palminitic acids. Nuts are rich in manganese, iron, copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and other trace elements and minerals.

It should be noted that nuts have an anti-inflammatory effect, because they contain tannin. Therefore, pistachios are often used in folk medicine - they make various ointments, creams, infusions and decoctions.

Pistachios: useful properties

It is no accident that these seeds are called "nuts of youth", because they have an antioxidant effect. They also contain the substance lutein - which strengthens the eye muscles. This is a storehouse of vitamins: A, B, E, C, PP.

With its value, nuts are a very high-calorie product - about 560 kcal per 100 g of seeds, so you should not get carried away with them. Every day you can eat no more than 10 grams of pistachios. If you eat pistachios every day, then after about a month or two, your blood sugar will drop and your blood pressure will normalize (with hypertension).

In Western countries, there is such a belief that the constant use of these seeds prevents the formation of cancers. Nuts also have an expectorant effect, it is recommended to eat them during acute respiratory infections to strengthen immunity. This is an excellent natural medicine in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases.

Nuts must be included in the diet of athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. With great success pistachio essential oils are used in cosmetology. Lotions, creams, masks, gels and even shampoos are made from them. This is a great way to get rid of wrinkles and improve skin epithelium.

Oil is added to tanning agents, it is also used to treat fungal infections and dermatitis. If you suffer from constipation and want to cleanse your body of toxins - eat pistachios more often. Benefit and result will not be long in coming.


Despite the mass of advantages, there are still negative aspects. First of all, any nuts are an allergenic product. For example, pistachios during pregnancy should be used with extreme caution. Also, you can not abuse essential oils, as this can cause premature contractions.

If you decide to be treated with these nuts, be sure to consult a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/09147534969092974/

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