Fats in food

Fats in human food are essential components that ensure the stable functioning of the human body, just like other components. These substances take part in the formation of connective tissues, nerve pathways, and cells of our body. Fats are closely associated with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. If we talk about fats in foods, then this relationship is favorable with a reasonable quantitative ratio of these elements. If the body lacks such substances, then it begins to produce fatty acids from substances that enter it, such as carbohydrates and proteins that come with food. However, a significant amount of energy is spent on this transformation, and a sick person has little of it. In this regard, it becomes obvious that it makes no sense to completely abandon fats, but it is worth reducing their intake to a normal amount.

What foods contain fats?

They can be present both in plant foods and in products of animal origin. If we compare them by their natural value, then vegetable fats are richer than animals. This is due to the fact that they contain special polyunsaturated acids that are valuable to the human body. The most fat-containing in this sense are almonds, walnuts, peanuts, mushrooms, buckwheat and oatmeal, and corn. Fats have another very important role - they contribute to the absorption of vitamins A, E, D and K by the human body, as well as replenish our body with the energy necessary for the implementation of metabolic processes.

Fats in food and the opinion of scientists

Many scientists are very distrustful of fats, since when, for example, certain fats of animal origin enter the digestive tract, the formation of toxins and toxins occurs during their splitting. The adipose tissue of any animal contains many toxins. Products resulting from fat metabolism have the ability to accumulate in places that have excess fat. And this is worth considering. Refined fats are especially dangerous in food, as well as fats that are reused. Here various carcinogens can come into action.

Let's dwell on this type of fat, which is found directly in fat. For many Russians, this dish is traditional; they like to use it as an appetizer for vodka. Fat can be eaten with benefit for the body only in its raw form, if it is subjected to heat treatment, it loses its useful properties. If we talk about which fats it is harmful for a person to eat, then it is important to note the internal fats of birds and animals.

The most valuable fats in foods are those that are not saturated with low-melting acids. Similar fats are perfectly absorbed by the human body. It is also worth remembering about vegetable sunflower oil, which contains five unique acids. This type of oil is not only nutritious, but also an excellent medicine in folk medicine. It has opposite properties compared to animal fats. Sunflower oil allows you to keep cholesterol in dissolved form, and then contributes to its removal from our body. It is widely used in the treatment of all kinds of skin diseases, diseases of the bronchi, stomach, allergic and infectious diseases. Here we are talking about unrefined oil, since refined oil no longer presents such a rich set of useful substances. It is worth noting that after you open the oil in a plastic bottle, it must immediately be poured into a glass bottle, since the oxidation process that is harmful to it starts in the plastic container.

It is important to understand that fats in food are an essential element that cannot be completely abandoned, as this will only harm your health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/10721160179512546/

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