Healing pomegranate: beneficial properties for humans

There is no doubt in the wisdom of nature. It seems that she gave us everything necessary to live long, while remaining healthy and alert. In all her creations, she concluded not only an amazing power, but also the key to her understanding. One of the most ancient and healing fruits on the planet is pomegranate. The useful properties of literally all parts of this plant were noted by Hippocrates and Avicenna. And what are its edible grains hidden under a thick and rough skin? That's right - on drops of red blood. Therefore, it is no coincidence that pomegranate juice is actively used in maintenance therapy for blood diseases. It not only increases hemoglobin, but also improves its quality as a whole.

Enumerate how useful pomegranate can be quite a long time. The richness of vitamins and minerals makes it stand out among other fruits. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, as well as manganese and sodium - pomegranate is famous for these minerals. Useful properties are inherent not only to fruits, but also to all other parts of the plant. What vitamins in pomegranate are represented in the greatest quantity has also been determined for a long time. This is, first of all, vitamin C. The immunostimulating effect of pomegranate juice is due to the high content of this particular substance. With colds, flu, prolonged protracted diseases, the use of the fruits of this magical fruit is extremely desirable. It is responsible for the strengthening of blood vessels contained in its healing juice, vitamin P, for the nervous system - vitamin B6, B12 is designed to promote blood formation. In addition, phytonicides, phytohormones and all kinds of organic acids are present in parts of the plant. Not a fruit, but a chemical laboratory from the crown to the roots, because the peel, root and leaves also treat many diseases.

With atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, radiation exposure, pomegranate is indicated. The beneficial properties of its juice fight against peptic ulcer, gastritis and increased acidity of gastric juice. Decoction from the crusts of the fetus treat inflammation of the intestines and stomach, fight dysentery and hemorrhoids. These medicinal fruits stimulate appetite, and seeds covered with a delicious juicy shell are also useful. They help strengthen the heart muscle.
Gallbladder function improves significantly with regular use of pomegranate juice. He is also credited with a diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction of the pomegranate peel will help get rid of parasites. With a cold, pomegranate juice treats the throat, runny nose and lower the temperature. It is especially useful to drink the juice of this unusual fruit for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It has a positive effect on the entire female body as a whole and is useful for women of any age: from the youngest (normalizes the monthly cycle) to mature (helps to combat the manifestations of menopause). Pomegranate has a positive effect on vision, strengthens it and even prevents the development of eye diseases. In particular, it helps to get rid of night blindness - a decrease in visual acuity during twilight pores. And besides, regular use of its juice protects against cataracts.

But not only health is positively affected by pomegranate. The beneficial properties of its juice positively affect the preservation and enhancement of beauty. Garnet masks are used in cosmetology. With their help, you can destroy pigmentation, freckles, blackheads, whiten the skin of the face, strengthen nails and hair. Pomegranate juice affects beauty not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It has the properties of stimulating metabolic processes in the body. A juice mixed with sour cream in equal proportions turns into a nourishing lotion that prolongs youthful skin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/16740649332792534/

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