Proteins are the most important building material for any organism. They take part not only in the creation of all tissues, internal organs and the skeleton, but are also necessary to maintain its proper functioning. With their participation, metabolism occurs, immunity and the signal system work.
Unlike most other chemicals, the amino acids contained in proteins are not synthesized in the body and can only come from outside.
To provide our body with the necessary amount of protein, it is necessary to follow these norms of its consumption: women - 40-60 g daily, men - 50-70 g.
The main question is what should we eat and in what quantities so as not to experience protein starvation? To answer it, there is a table of protein content. If you read it carefully, you will find out that the main source for us is animal products. Proteins contained in plant foods can only act as a necessary supplement. And if you want to use a vegetable diet in order to lose weight, then deprive yourself of a balanced diet. To prevent this from happening, you must definitely add cereal and cereal dishes to the diet. At the same time, nuts and legumes should also be included in your daily menu.
The most commonly used proteins in plant foods (in grams):
- peas (1 cup) - 8.1;
- portion of brown rice - 4.8;
- dark blue beans (cooked, 1 cup) - 14.8;
- beans with pork - 15.6;
- avocado (half) - 2.4;
- banana (1 average) - 1.3;
- baked potatoes (one large potato) - 4;
- mashed potatoes with milk and butter (0.5 cups) - 2.2;
- oatmeal (1 cup) - 4.8.
And for comparison - proteins in animal products:
- fish sticks (6 pcs) - 28.2;
- fried halibut (170 g) - 42.6;
- lamb chop (147 g) - 42.
A typical three-course lunch contains almost the entire daily protein intake.
From the point of view of protein content, such products as cocoa (17 g per 100 g of powder), gelatin (87 g per 100 g of dry product), dried wheat ovary (11 g per 6 tbsp of the product) and brewer's nutritional supplement are interesting - 3.1 g of protein in 1 tbsp. spoon.
Just one serving of any kind of fish or meat can give you the entire daily protein requirement. They are also rich in cheese, eggs, all kinds of dairy products. But you should not eat too much of such food if you lead a sedentary lifestyle: excess protein contributes to the formation of urea, and this, in turn, can lead to gout disease. Especially fraught with the use of fried and fatty foods.
Interesting information for those who want to lose weight: those who think that if they go on a diet are mistaken, they will get rid only of excess fat. In this case, most of the losses will be due to the protein of your body. With complete starvation, muscle tissue will be more than half the weight you have lost. But if you reduce the calorie content of your diet by only 300-400 calories, protein loss will be minimized. Exercise will allow you to use it adipose tissue.
If for one reason or another it is not possible to obtain proteins in products of natural origin, then protein supplements can also be used. Typically, this practice is used in the course of complete starvation or in conditions of the impossibility of a normal diet. Often a couple of tablespoons of such additives provides the daily requirement of the body. But it’s better to get proteins from natural sources, since they are high-quality, and the use of protein substitutes for the body is very doubtful, because they do not contain all the vital vitamins and minerals.
The conclusions are as follows: proteins in products of plant and animal origin are indispensable for the body, and they do not contribute to weight gain.