How to use ginger and not harm yourself

Ginger is widely used both in cooking and in medicine. But it often happens that people do not know how to consume ginger, and bring themselves to poisoning and other problems.

First of all, you need to know that the taste of fresh and dried ginger is significantly different. After eating fresh ginger, a pleasant and refreshing aftertaste remains, while dried ginger has a special aroma and pungency.

When chopping ginger root, it is advisable to use plastic or glass boards and an iron grater, as the tree absorbs the obsessive aroma of this product well and transfers it to other products. Before cutting, the root must be washed and gently cleaned with a thin layer of the skin, since it is under it that all essential oils and aromatic substances are located.

Beneficial features

To know how to consume ginger, you should first remember its beneficial properties. Ginger is an excellent tool in the fight against pain and inflammation, even with diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis. In addition, it has high antioxidant properties that resist the aging and withering of the human body.

Ginger is an effective aphrodisiac and increases potency in men and libido in women. It also has the property of lowering blood cholesterol, which normalizes blood circulation, improves memory, and has a stimulating effect on mental activity.

Ginger is indispensable in the fight against menstrual pain in women. Just a cup of tea with it will greatly facilitate the condition of the body.

How to use ginger in cooking?

If you prefer ginger as a seasoning when cooking, remember that a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger can be replaced with a teaspoon of ground. It is added to dishes at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram of product.

It is also important to add ginger to the dish. For example, in baking it is added directly to the dough, and if it is candied, it is better to immediately put it on the finished product. When cooking meat dishes, ginger is added 20 minutes before cooking, and in the case of sweet dishes 3 minutes before cooking.

How to use ginger for weight loss?

Ginger well stimulates the metabolism, which leads to the acceleration of metabolic processes. Hyperol, which is in its composition, enhances blood circulation. The use of ginger accelerates the process of splitting food, and also removes toxins from the body and creates a favorable environment that is opposed to the accumulation and redistribution of toxins and lipids. A person can literally feel the acceleration of metabolism, as from a habit he is thrown into the heat. In addition, a cup of ginger tea before meals significantly reduces the feeling of hunger, and you eat less.

To make such tea is very easy. You will need two tablespoons of ginger, grated on a fine grater, and a liter of boiling water. Pour ginger and insist for an hour. Before use, you can add lemon or honey to tea. The taste of the drink is very pleasant and refreshing.

Contraindications to the use of ginger

How to eat ginger and not harm your health? It is always important to remember that ginger is a spice that contains bitterness, essential oils and at the same time has a rather burning taste. Because of this, there is a certain category of people who are not desirable to use this product. These primarily include pregnant and lactating women, ulcers, people with sand and stones in the bladder and kidneys, and there is no reason to eat ginger for colds with high fever. In any case, you should first consult your doctor about the possible use of ginger, since only he will be able to choose the optimal dose for you of this aromatic and tasty seasoning.


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