Food digestion time

The process of digesting food is a rather complicated chain of transformations. Few people know that in order to digest a piece of meat, it is necessary to influence many enzymes for a long time. Some foods speed up the digestion process, and some slow it down. All this knowledge is necessary in order to eat properly.

A person often does not even think about what he eats, how often and in combination with what foods, but in fact it is very important.

A survey of a group of people who adhere to separate nutrition showed that this lifestyle helps to maintain lightness, energy and a good mood throughout the day. Unfortunately, not every ordinary person can boast of this.

The time of digestion of food in the stomach varies depending on the composition of the food, its quantity and quality, and also on the condition of the intestine. It must be understood that the slightest pathology of the internal organs leads to a disruption in the process of digestion of food, and, consequently, the load on the digestive organs increases .

If the stomach, intestines and other enzymatic organs are in order, then the time of digestion of food will depend on what this food consists of. For example, juices and compotes will be able to split in 15-20 minutes. Accordingly, if you drink a glass of juice, then after this period of time, nutrients from it will enter the bloodstream, and the filtered liquid into the bladder.

About the same amount of time is needed for mastering the watermelon, but for a melon a little more - 30 minutes. The remaining fruits and vegetables will be able to please you with nutrients only after 30-40 minutes after entering the stomach. But remember, if you make a salad of fresh vegetables and season it with oil (olive, rapeseed or sunflower), then this mixture will not be able to be digested earlier than an hour later.

The digestion of food containing turnips, corn, carrots, parsnips, beets, beans, beans or zucchini is about 50 minutes. But in order for the splitting of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or barley to take place, it takes more than an hour. Soy and products rich in this plant are digested for one and a half hours, which practically coincides with the decay time to the smallest particles of pumpkin, sesame and pear.

Products that are dense in consistency, such as nuts and seeds, can be in the intestines for up to 3 hours, and only then digested completely.

An interesting fact is that hard varieties of cheeses are digested within 5-6 hours, but curd is enough for 2 hours.

In order to digest pig meat, it will take at least 4 hours, but lard can spend more than a day in the stomach before it undergoes final splitting. Much less time for processing in the body requires chicken meat - about two hours.

Fish and other seafood also do not require much time and effort on the part of the digestive system and are split in 40-60 minutes.

The digestion time of food with a combination of several products increases significantly, while the amount of energy spent on digestion also increases. A person absorbs food (combined), the digestion time has increased, but most people do not pay attention to it and absorb food anew. This portion is added to the one that has not yet been digested until the end - the walls of the stomach are stretched, the digestive organs are stressed. As a result, people suffer from gastroenterological pathology.

It should be noted that washing down food with water or another liquid, we interfere with the natural digestion process. Pieces of undigested food enter the intestines and exit the feces, while injuring the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, it is best to drink water 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after eating.


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