Lingonberry leaf: properties and applications

Who does not know about lingonberry? There simply aren’t any, everyone knows her. And not only because it is a delicious berry, but precisely with its beneficial properties. The most valuable is the lingonberry leaf, whose properties are many times superior to the usefulness of berries.

Lingonberry leaves are used to treat the following diseases: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, but the healing properties of lingonberries are much broader than they appear, and can cure a number of other diseases.

What is the usefulness of lingonberry leaves, its use, proper use and contraindications.

The leaves contain a number of useful elements, which include lycopene, glycoside and vaccine, as well as a large amount of flavonoids in the leaves. In addition, ellagic, quinic and tartaric acids are present in the leaves, tannins are also observed here.

But the berry contains ascorbic acid, sugar and a lot of organic acids. They are in the leaves, but in small quantities.

A lot of "usefulness" contains a leaf of cranberries. The properties of the sheet is that it has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, and is also a diuretic. Leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent, they are also considered as a wonderful sedative, they are used as a cardiotonic and tonic drug.

Leaves are also used to treat influenza and the herpes virus. Lingonberry leaves are a good antiviral agent. In addition to berries and leaves, lingonberry shoots are also used. They have antimycotic and antihistamines, and are also used in the treatment of cancer.

Due to the contained benzoic acid, the leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory agent. To do this, it is recommended to make decoctions, teas, tinctures and to use for people who are, for example, on a diet, since such nipitki contain a lot of protein.

Diabetics are also advised to turn their attention to lingonberry leaves. Useful properties are that they are able to lower blood sugar to a normal level. Decoctions and infusions from lingonberry leaves for arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis are considered to be an effective tool, and they are also often used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The volatile phytoncides act as an excellent antiseptic. Decoctions of lingonberry leaves will help to cope with a staph infection.

Traditional medicine has long been using lingonberries as a drug that can treat various diseases and prevent the development of such diseases (prevention). Folk healers knew how useful a leaf of lingonberry is. Properties, or rather, the main property - This is the ability to treat a variety of diseases.

What can be prepared from lingonberry leaves? Decoction.

Boiling water - 200 ml, pour 1 tbsp. lingonberry leaves. It boils over low heat for 30 minutes. After the broth cools down, it is necessary to strain it and add boiled water to the volume that was at the beginning.

Such a decoction helps people suffering from urolithiasis. You need to take the broth half a cup after a meal, preferably warm. In half, you can dilute the broth with green tea. Since the broth is a diuretic, it should be drunk carefully, because it flushes out calcium and potassium from the body. Breaks in taking decoction during treatment are simply necessary.

As a prophylactic, not only a berry is used, but also a lingonberry leaf. Its properties can help prevent diseases of the kidneys, bladder and many other diseases.

There is no problem in starting directly from today the prevention of diseases of the excretory system. Whatever is said, but to prevent the disease is always easier than treating it later. Decoctions of lingonberry leaves are a simple and economical, natural remedy that will protect you from many diseases.


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