Pine nuts. How useful and how are they going?

Cedar only belongs to the family of pine species, but is a different tree than pine. There are several varieties of it: Lebanese, Himalayan, Atlas and Siberian. According to various estimates, their life together with a period of growth can last 500 or even 800 years. Fruits appear after 60 years, and sometimes, under poor growing conditions, later. Cones ripen for more than a year, from 14 to 15 months, each contains only 30 or 150 nuts. One tree can produce up to 12 kilograms of nuts per year.

The hard way from the forest to the counter

Pine nuts. Many people know how useful they are, but they are perplexed about their high prices. They are so expensive because the road from the tree to the packaging is quite long. First, there is a collection of nuts, the lesson is not simple and time-consuming. They are collected in bags manually, they are taken out only within a radius of two kilometers from the motor depot, and on their shoulders outside this zone. In a processing plant, a kilogram of cones produces, on average, only 250 grams of seeds, that is, only a quarter of a kilogram goes to food. To produce cedar oil, nuts go with the shell. Oilcake is used in agriculture.

Eat pine nuts and forget the way to the pharmacy and clinic

The positive qualities that pine nuts are known for, how they are useful for humans, their healing and nutritional composition, the high content of linoleic acid and other polyunsaturated acids in fat, people have been studying for a long time. They contain proteins that are easily absorbed by the body. They are rich in a large number of amino acids with a predominance of arginine, a substance extremely important and useful for a growing body. The presence of pine nuts in the diet of children, pregnant women and adolescents is not replaceable by anything, therefore it is a necessary supplement in nutrition.

This does not end their dignity. Pine nuts, what else are they useful for: tocopherol, fat-breaking vitamins of group E and P. They provide complete heredity, feeding during lactation, reduce the predisposition to atherosclerosis.

Minerals, lecithin, amino acids are also included in their composition, not inferior in the amount of soy. They are rich in iodine, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. Deficient trace elements: manganese, cobalt, zinc and copper will enter the body of an adult in full if he eats 100 grams of nuts per day.

This is followed by a complex of B vitamins, affecting human growth and development, minerals, phosphatide phosphorus. By the number of biologically active substances, cedar is superior to all other nuts. Pine nuts, what are useful in addition to the above? They contain 18 amino acids, of which 75% for a person are irreplaceable or conditionally interchangeable. They eliminate vitamin deficiency resulting from a lack of B vitamins.

Birds and animals have long known the healing properties of pine nuts. Not only birds, wolves at the time of changing teeth are also happy to regale with them.

Cedar and traditional medicine

A man has long known their benefits, applying in tinctures and decoctions, at home preparing oil from them. Why is cedar oil useful? It is drunk with stomach ulcers (a teaspoon three times a day), hypertension, neurosis, and skin diseases are treated. This is an indispensable tool in the treatment of burns of any degree. From my own practice: a burn from boiling fat, accidentally splashed on my hand, took place in three days, the pain went away within half an hour.

Broths treat gout, arthritis, joint pain, peptic ulcer, cleanse the blood, and are used for various skin diseases. The immune system is strengthened, potency in men increases. The infusion of kernels can be done like this: pour half a glass of water, insist for a day, then beat everything with a mixer. To drink both independently and adding to tea, to cereals for children.

A very strong decoction of the shell helps to permanently get rid of vegetation under the arms and legs. It is enough for them to lubricate the shaved places on the body, wash off after half an hour. Tinctures from the shell or kernels of nuts are taken to purify the blood, with arthritis, osteochondrosis.

Nuts must be given to children and adolescents, as well as their adults.


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