Ginger is a genus of perennials belonging to the ginger family. In fact, in Russian, this word refers to the frayed or processed roots of this plant. His homeland is considered South Asia. Therefore, at present, it is grown industrially in countries such as China, Australia, Indonesia, etc.
Depending on the method of pre-processing, 2 types of this spice are distinguished: white and black ginger. White refers to well-peeled and washed ginger. And to the black belong the rest of the ginger, which has not undergone preliminary processing. Usually it can be found in the ground or in dried form. Ground spice is a yellow-gray powder, vaguely reminiscent of flour.
I must say that this spice is widely used in cooking. As for its use in medicine, the most commonly used tincture of ginger, tea and dry root of this plant. All this is used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, to improve the digestive tract as a whole, with metabolic disorders. More specifically, ginger tincture has been used successfully in the treatment of malaria, colds and fever.
So here he is, ginger. Of course, he also has contraindications, but before you start talking about them, it’s worthwhile to tell more about the diseases that can be treated with this plant. In general, there are a lot of such diseases. However, the main effect of ginger is to cleanse the body. After all, it’s stupid to start a general treatment of the disease without first cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.
In principle, there are several varieties of drugs from it. True, one of the most popular is tincture of ginger in vodka or alcohol. Although, you can insist its root on the water. The shelf life of the solution in this case will be short. So, for the preparation of ginger tincture you need to take a medium-sized root, rinse it in running water and finely chop. Put these pieces in a bowl of porcelain or dark glass, pour 200 grams of vodka, carefully clog and put in a dark warm place to insist, for at least 2 weeks. When the tincture is ready, it must be diluted with distilled water in equal proportions and begin to use in various mixtures.
And all would be fine, but ginger has contraindications. Therefore, do not forget about them. First of all, this refers to the fact that not all drugs are “normally” related to this spice. In some cases, a combination of tinctures with other drugs, the effect may be the opposite.
If with the help of the ginger root a person tries to remove the fever from a cold and increase his immunity, then contraindications in this case are the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.
In early pregnancy, ginger usually helps fight some unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting or nausea. However, ginger, the contraindications to the use of which in this case can be quite serious, should not be taken at a later stage of pregnancy.
In addition, it is forbidden to consume the root of this plant and tinctures from it for liver diseases. This is especially true for cirrhosis. The fact is that ginger is able to enhance the secretory activity of the liver. And this is very dangerous with such an ailment. Also, ginger is undesirable to use for open bleeding of various kinds.
Meanwhile, ginger has contraindications for use in those cases, if a person suffers from allergies. This is especially true during exacerbations of attacks, because in these cases, this spice can only enhance the body's reaction.