Cabbage Diet: Several Ways to Lose Weight

Cabbage songs of praise have been sung more than once. Cabbage is a pantry of vitamins, so necessary for the human body. It has been used for centuries not only for proper nutrition, but also for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Recently, a cabbage diet has become very popular. At first it was developed for patients in the postoperative period, but it is picked up by those who care about beauty.

There are a lot of options for consuming cabbage as part of the slimming menu . You can opt for any variety of fresh cabbage - white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Peking. Fans of sauerkraut will also choose a suitable menu for themselves. How to cook cabbage? Salads, soups, stewing, pancakes - this is an incomplete list of dishes for this diet.

Strict cabbage diet


The cabbage diet is designed for a maximum of 10 days. More often recommend staying 5-7 days. This is due to low calorie content, which for a long time can cause weakness, headaches, and decreased performance.


The cabbage diet is not recommended for people during an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the stomach is healthy, then cabbage, on the contrary, will be an excellent helper in cleansing the intestines.


The composition of the menu of the cabbage diet can not include salt and sugar. In addition, alcohol is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to exclude flour and confectionery products.


Together with cabbage salad in one day you can eat:

- green tea, coffee, fat-free kefir - at least 2 liters

- fruits (except banana) and vegetables - one at a time

- vegetable oil - one spoon

- boiled beef, low-fat fish, chicken - no more than 200 grams for lunch

- egg - one quail or half chicken

You can eat cabbage, as they say, "how much will fit" and at any time.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Ingredients (1 way)

Onions - 3 pcs, celery - 1 root, green pepper - 1 pod, cabbage - half a head of cabbage, a mixture for onion soup - 1 pack, vegetable broth - 1.7 liters. All soup should be eaten in six meals throughout the day.

Ingredients (2 way)

White cabbage - 500 g, carrots - 5 pieces, onion - 5 pieces, bell pepper - 2 pods, tomato - 2 pieces, celery - 4 stalks, brown rice - 100 g, a little salt.


In addition to soup, you need to include other foods in the diet. On Monday - fruits, on Wednesday - vegetables (except potatoes), on Thursday - skim milk, on Friday and Saturday - low-fat meat or fish, tomato, on Sunday - vegetables and fruit juice without sugar.

Sauerkraut Diet

Contraindications - kidney disease.

Menu (1 option)

For breakfast, oatmeal with unsweetened yogurt and fruit is suitable. For lunch, prepare a cauliflower salad with one apple and one carrot. For dinner - stewed sour cabbage with low-fat fish and beets.

Menu (2 option)

For breakfast - one slice of bread (wholemeal flour), boiled meat, if desired - pickled cabbage brine. For lunch - pancakes made from sour cabbage (mix 2 tablespoons of cabbage with one grated potato and one egg, bake). For dinner - sour cabbage soup with two potatoes and herbs.

Cabbage diet results

Among the descriptions of the cabbage diet, one can find different numbers indicating the weight result after several days of desperate malnutrition.

The diet on cabbage soup involves losing 5 kg, the diet on sauerkraut - 3 kg in 3 days. A strict diet in 10 days can save up to 10 kg of excess weight.

However, those who "sat" on the cabbage note that it is important not only to hold out for a certain number of days, but also to switch to a normal diet evenly, without gaining the same weight. Actually, this requirement applies to most weight loss programs. But the peculiarity of the cabbage diet is its low calorie content, and therefore, after cleansing, the body will require a larger number of missing components.


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