Proper nutrition, or what to eat with

Today, an increasing number of people strive for a healthy lifestyle. They are interested in what to eat and how to do it better. This is due to the fact that every year the level of environmental safety on our planet is reduced, and therefore, this affects our health. We all know that food compatibility is very important . The menu should be the most diverse, since nothing has such an effect on our body as the correct combination of products.

what to eat with

Have you noticed that sometimes after a meal you are tempted to sleep? This happens because the process of digesting food requires tremendous energy costs from our body, even much more than some physical activities, such as running or cycling. Which conclusion follows from this? You need to understand what you can eat with in order to eat food that is easily digested.

What kind of food can be called easily digestible?

This, of course, is fresh fruit, which, when used correctly, namely when raw and on an empty stomach, is absorbed from 30 to 80 minutes. If you use vegetables correctly, they will be absorbed in about 2 hours.

food compatibility menu

Proper nutrition. Product compatibility

All products can be divided into 3 groups:

First one . Protein products: fish, eggs, meat, nuts, legumes and others.

The second one . Carbohydrates: pasta and bakery products, sugar, potatoes, cereals and others.

The third. The so-called neutral products. For example, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, cheese, as well as greens, butter, fruit and vegetables (only fresh).

If we talk about what you can eat with, then you need, first of all, to remember or write down those products that cannot be combined. As, for example, milk and fish, as these are 2 squirrels. Consequently, fish and eggs are too much of a burden on the digestive system. You can not eat together fruits that are not compatible with anything, and milk. The next pair of such products is sugar and peas, that is, carbohydrates do not combine with protein. Sour milk and chicken (2 protein) are not digested at the same time. Oil and honey is fat with carbohydrates, which is also unacceptable to mix. If you follow the specific rules in the diet, it will only benefit you.

The basis of each meal should be vegetables and fruits, and raw. This is a prerequisite. Fruits should not be eaten at the same time as the main food. They may not be digested on time and turn into a rotting mass in the stomach. If you want to eat fruit - health! Only do at least 40 minutes before eating. It is also not recommended to mix sour fruits with sweet ones.

proper nutrition compatible products

Remember that you can only eat one flour product at a time. It is also not recommended to mix flour with sour fruits and berries. These include oranges, pomegranates, tangerines, lemons, pineapples, currants, cranberries, blackberries and others. Such fruits and berries, as a rule, combine well with themselves, even with nuts, herbs, cheeses, as well as dairy products, such as fatty cottage cheese, cream or sour cream.

Now you know what to eat with. And if you like separate meals, you can stop your choice in the future. And if you also combine such a diet with training, your body will be grateful to you, and you will look your best.


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