Everyone knows the situation when, due to circumstances, you have to work with the same documents on several devices.
For these purposes, there are many network solutions. For on-duty work with texts, I decided to give up Evernote and try out Leanote, Wiznote, Turtl and Simplenote notebooks. For comparison, I used the poison, where you can save the usual docks, as well as Notesforweb notes from the Dutch developer of the Notes application for Android, Jacob Ras, in connection with the Dropbox service. I did not specifically consider the derivatives of the well-known "Corporations of Good." Although privacy concerns do not work in any of the cases, since everyone knows that there is no anonymity on the network.
My decision not to use known repositories is dictated by other considerations. Firstly, I do not like to put all my eggs in one basket, and secondly, I usually delimit accounts depending on the work performed.
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First of all, that everything is correctly synchronized between the server and the client itself, and then between the server and other devices along the chain, access to their records in the offline mode, a user-friendly interface and no restrictions on the amount of data loaded.
Suffice it to say that I have been using Simplenote for a long time. I was not deceived by my native client for android, although it looks great. It takes up a lot of space in the device's memory, so I found an old mNote, which was developed for Android 1.6 and a newer Glance Note (22 MB), to replace it. For Windows, there is an excellent client of Resoph notes, for Linux - nvPY. Both clients are lightweight, although in modern terms, with an outdated interface. It is also worth mentioning browser plugins (Sincpad), which is also definitely convenient. Working with 4 different devices in different encodings, synchronization works correctly. There is access to data on all devices. Text can be downloaded as you please. One trouble - all without illustrations. But for the expression of thoughts and ideas is quite suitable.
In general, it would be possible to dwell on it and not bother further.
For business purposes only, I created an account on a Chinese Leanote server. There are applications for Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile for iOS and Android. The interface of the notebook attracted me with its simplicity and the presence of all the necessary functions. In Notepad, you can create simple notes, use the simplified markup language mode for documents - Markdaun, insert into the text of the picture. Notepad has all the basic text editing features. You can publish a note as a blog on the same site. You can not publish, and export it in several common formats: pdf, html, leanote and evernote. In case of unstable connection or in general its absence, notes are available offline. As with most notebooks of this type, the synchronization frequency is configured. Despite the fact that the interface languages are few (5, of which two are Chinese: simplified and traditional, Korean, English, German), there is not much choice. The English language looks unobtrusively in a notebook and hardly frightens the usual Russian-speaking user. By the way, notes can be stored and not on the network, and configure the notebook to save to your local storage. There is a browser plugin, but, in my opinion, it already requires an update, as it only works correctly on Windows.
I was upset with the work of synchronization. Probably affected by the flaws in the quality of communication. After synchronization, my information remained relevant only on the machine with which I worked before it. After I started the sync on android. Outdated information was poured onto the server from the smartphone.
By the way, about the application for android. You will not find the Leanote application in the famous Google Play repository. It is only for Github, where there are several versions. Of these, I tried the last two. Everything is easy to install and works correctly. It is important that the application takes up only 32 MB in the memory of the smartphone. But even if you exclude the link of the phone in the synchronization chain, then everything seems normal only in sequence: Windows PC - Leanote server - Linux. If you do the same thing in reverse order, then there will be no information update on Windows PC. That is, my information dies somewhere along the way, it is clear, but this is not easier for me, so I suspended the use of this notebook.
A more popular WizNote application, developed by the Chinese team as well, for taking notes online. The application "lives" on all popular platforms. According to various ratings, he has more fans than the Leanote notebook. I decided to try out its functionality.
The interface resembles the same Evernote notebook. The text editing features are the same as for Leanote. Interface languages in the desktop version of WizNote only 3: as usual, two Chinese and English. There is also a browser plugin that works as a clipper.
In the network you can find many reviews of this program, as, however, and comparative assessments of it with Evernote. The mobile application "wipes" 92 MB of device memory. This is a bit, of course, but if we consider such consumption for each installed program on a smartphone, without which you can’t live without, then a memory shortage will be detected very quickly. Everyone has different smartphones, not all have 3 GB of memory, so it’s not a fact that it will be convenient for someone to use Wiznote on their phone.
As for the synchronization work, I have not yet noticed any glitches. The program in the tray on Mate in LM works a little slow, but on Windows there are no problems. In case of any connection failure, you can pick your text from the hard drive, just as in the case with a Leanote notebook.
Despite the fact that it is WizNote that is more popular with users, I personally tend to sympathize with the Leanote notebook, if you compare Chinese handicrafts. In my opinion, the simplicity of the interface, lightness with greater functionality wins. If you do not use as many devices as I usually do, then perhaps there will be no problems with information loss.
If we consider further Turtl notebook, here, on the one hand, the protection of information is enhanced, compared with the Chinese. But for work it is necessary to install desktop or mobile clients. The service does not have a web interface, except for the clipper plugin, which also does not work without an installed client on the PC. Nothing is stored on the computer disk. If, thus, you forgot your password or a server suddenly fell off, or you simply do not have access to the worldwide network, then you will not see the notes like your ears.
notesforweb.com is a sort of lotion using Dropbox. There is only a web interface and a mobile application for Android. Notes are saved in the dropbox folder. After writing something in the Notes application for a smartphone, you can then modify it on a PC from a browser. It seems to be convenient. You can add pictures to the beginning of the text. The browser version only allows you to edit the text and then print it. In the mobile version, you can turn your note into a list, share it, print it or delete it. It is possible that of the most popular notes that use the dropbox service for synchronization, this is the most convenient option.
But now it all seems to me like real dances with a tambourine. You can not choose applications that exist for all kinds of platforms and devices. It is most likely to properly organize the space into the appropriate folders on the Poison, Dropbox, or Mail Group clouds. You can make notes / notes using the most common applications: WPS office, Libreoffice (good, now you can put and retrieve files remotely), Wordpad or Notepad, but everything is better in rtf format. After all, the availability of the server from Yandex is not like the Chinese. Dropbox, in general, is also a win-win, especially if the client is installed on a PC or smartphone. Speaking of servers and their availability, it is worth remembering that most of the known cloud storages are American servers (Dropbox, Turtl, Zoho, Simplenotes, Google Keep, Gnotes, OneNote). Against the background of all the events taking place in the world, “The Iron Curtain - 2” no longer seems something ridiculous and unreal.
Therefore, I got the impression that storing on Yandex / Mail is the least confusing option for a regular user than to just take and create your home cloud server.