Once upon a time, in the middle of the two thousandth, Ukraine regularly held offline events under the auspices of the manufacturers of phones and smartphones. I remember I read about them in the then popular magazines about technology. There were similar parties led by Nokia, LG, Samsung and Motorolla. However, then, at one wonderful moment, it all subsided. Why, why - I do not know. Just vendors have ceased to interact directly with the audience of their consumers. Maybe the central offices stopped allocating budgets for this, or maybe the manufacturers decided that everything was fine with them and they no longer needed to communicate directly with the users of their products. Or they thought that there are enough groups in “VKontakte” for feedback from users - then this social network was just gaining momentum. In short, the time of fun offline parties has come to an end.
And on May 20, 2017, an SMS message arrives to me: they say, on the 24th of the same month, the first meeting of the Ukrainian Meizu fan club will take place in Kiev, waiting for a visit and all that.
“In business!” - I thought, and decided to certainly attend this event. Just because I always wanted to go to an informal meeting of like-minded people who, like me, love to poke around in all these boxes with buttons and touch screens. I have a Meizu smartphone in my collection, and I’m quite happy with it. So I can even pass for a fan of a Chinese company. And if so, then ... We are waiting for the 24th day, ask for a couple of hours earlier from work and from there go straight to the salon of the Citrus network in the center of Kiev. It is there, because "Citrus" is the exclusive distributor of Meizu in Ukraine.
About fifty journalists from various media outlets came to the press event, both about social and political ones. And, of course, a number of top bloggers attended the press conference.

It's nice that the guests were fed - it was still the height of the working day, and many of the journalists went to press instead of the traditional lunch time.

The following speakers spoke at the conference: Daniel Ting, head of the international department of Meizu, who flew in from China, and Andrei Mineev, CEO of Citrus. Daniel Ting was introduced as Ding Cantszyu - do not be surprised, the people of China always have several bundles of "name + surname", and verbally they prefer to appear more harmonious.
From left to right: Andrei Mineev, Daniel Tin, translatorQuestions were asked different - from the development prospects of the fan club, to which the press conference was devoted, to the features of the Meizu devices. What I liked: I did not notice any evasion in the answers of the speakers. For example, when asked about new U-series devices (these are such glass smartphones), they honestly said that they would not be. But there will be glass devices in other series. Also at the conference called the market share of Meizu in Ukraine - it already exceeds 8 percent. This is the fourth place, which is very bad for a young Chinese company that has been on the Ukrainian market for 4 years (out of a total of 14 years of its existence).
I admit honestly: after listening to the speakers for 20 minutes and eating mini pizzas, I ran away from Citrus to the Arena House restaurant, where another part of the large-scale Meizu event was held simultaneously with the press conference. Namely, a round table dedicated to Flyme OS. If someone does not know (I think everyone knows, but still), this is a Meizu operating system based on Android. It is used in all smartphones of the company.
Four Chinese engineers and programmers of the Flyme division arrived at the round table, they answered questions from Ukrainian users. Of course, in this case we are talking not only about the owners of Meizu smartphones, but about enthusiasts. Therefore, only about two dozen people came to the round table. Flyme's discussion turned out to be quite hot, and the process resembled a brainstorm in some R & D department of an electronics manufacturer.

The round table ended with a group photo. Judging by the expressions on the faces, everyone was satisfied: the representatives of the Flyme team, and enthusiasts from Ukraine.

So what have we already had? Once - a press conference at Citrus, two - a round table on Flyme for techno-fans. Then the third part of the event began in Arena House - in fact, the first meeting of the official Meizu fan club in Ukraine. There were enough people willing to get on it, about 200 people came.
Directly at the club, a demo zone was installed under the guidance of the guys from Citrus, where everyone could familiarize themselves with Meizu smartphones. The flagship Meizu Pro 6 Plus aroused the greatest interest - whether it was a joke, Meizu managed to plug Samsung with its Galaxy S7 into the belt, releasing the same thing with the same hardware, but much cheaper and almost no worse.

Meizu fans were surprised by their heterogeneity. There were some very young comrades here ...

... and lots of attractive girls ...

... and young people also met in huge quantities. Meizu says that two-three buyers of their smartphones are men, and a third are girls. It was like this.

The guests were addressed by the head of the international division of Meizu, Daniel Ting. He stated that his company is one with its own fans. It is hard to disagree, given the general sincerity of the event.

Then there were contests. A variety of contests. :) Starting with the choice of a person who came from the farthest country, continuing with the best video message to the audience - a review of Meizu products, and ending with a race in the 3D races of Asphalt 8.

But the user's video messages, they were broadcast on screens around the perimeter of the hall:

Winners in competitions received branded backpacks Meizu. Like these ones. IMHO, but they are worth their money (900 UAH).

Excellent event turned out. There were simply no dissatisfied, boring, gloomy faces - the holiday atmosphere was fully present. And Meizu’s desire to hold such events regularly can only be welcomed. On May 24, a fan club meeting took place in Kiev, in 2017, at least three more cities of Ukraine are on the waiting list: Odessa, Dnieper and Kharkov. Others will follow in the future.

This is the main difference between young and daring Chinese manufacturers of smartphones from their mossy competitors from the USA, Japan and Korea with their long history.