Heavenly slow-moving: Russian Post thought about its own airline

Do not be deceived by the ironic headline: in fact, we like the development of the Russian Post in recent times. So the idea to create your own airline, voiced by PR Director Dmitry Strashnov, also pleases.


According to Vedomosti , Russian Post will create its own airline if it increases its fleet to 4-6 aircraft. It is still thinking out loud, because decision to purchase aircraft yet.

Now the Post of Russia has two medium-haul Tu-204S, flying mainly in the Russian Federation and to China (Harbin, Zhengzhou, etc.).

Most large postal administrations and logistics operators have their own fleet: for example, Deutsche Post has 137 aircraft, China Post has 29 aircraft, and Italian Post has about 10 aircraft. “With the growth of cross-border flows of goods on the international postal transportation market, this type of postal transport will actively develop in the future, and competition among the main players will increase,” the representative of Post of Russia says.

This type of activity can provide the necessary volume of cargo in order to operate with its own fleet of vessels, said Oleg Panteleev, the executive director of Aviaport. He believes that if the operator has an understanding that the volume of mailings will increase, the creation of the airline may be more profitable than using the services of third-party providers.

Having your own aircraft allows Pochta not to depend on the schedule of passenger flights, speed up delivery, and also save up to 50% compared to charter cargo carriers.

The main directions of transportation of the flying “Mail of Russia”, most likely, will be the Far East - both delivery from China and delivery to remote areas of our country.

For reference: according to Strashnov, the net profit of “Post of Russia” at the end of 2017 could be 1.7 billion rubles, i.e. at the level of 2016.

Bonus from Pochtoy.kom

To those who read to the end, we want to offer to write in the comments your ideas on what to call this airline. For the most neglected or witty option, we will credit $ 50 to the balance of the new customer Pochtoy.com . This money will be enough for a small order in US stores, which we will buy for you without a fee (see “ Full Escort ”) or for delivery of a package weighing up to 5 kg. The result will be summarized on June 5, when the voting for the post and comments are closed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/404329/

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