Photo: ReutersAlexander Zharov, the head of Roskomnadzor, promised to block the Telegram messenger, developed by Pavel Durov in a few days, Interfax reports. This will happen if the messenger does not provide data for entering his company into the
register of information dissemination organizers (ARIs).
“We use the last opportunity of communication and dialogue. I cannot say that we are ready and we will block Telegram tomorrow, but I repeat that time is limited - it is calculated in days. These days we will wait for the answer of Pavel Durov, ”said Zharov.
to the head of the department, the creator of Telegram "consistently demonstrates legal nihilism," thereby putting the lives of millions of people at risk. “If the scenario is optimistic, it answers, we add the Telegram messenger to the registry of AIDs, and this is where the work of Roskomnadzor ends. Pavel Valerievich demonstrated that he is ready to work in the Russian legal field, and so far everything, ”said Zharov.
According to the head of Roskomnadzor, the secret services have not once and not twice said that Telegram is "if not the main, then one of the main communication channels for terrorists."
Regarding the special services, Zharov stated the following: “They themselves during the investigative actions, as the special services say, confirm that when they are preparing a terrorist attack, they are prepared precisely through a Telegram, and during the terrorist attacks they also coordinate through the Telegram. What is the reason? The information inside the Telegram is encrypted, and to penetrate it instantly in the absence of keys to decrypt this information, no special service has yet been able to - this is very difficult. And, accordingly, the reluctance of Mr. Durov to provide the keys to this information to all the intelligence agencies of the world, as far as I know, this allows terrorists to kill people using this channel of communication with impunity. ”
The Russian federal television channel Russia-24 explains the essence of the problem.Last Friday, June 23, Roskomnadzor
threatened to block Telegram in the absence of registration as an organizer of information dissemination. At the same time, in mid-May, Roskomnadzor
called it rumored that the intention was to add an instant messenger to the ORI registry.
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the organizers of the dissemination of information must keep the data of users of Russia on the territory of the country for one year, providing information at the request of the special services. In the past, ignoring requirements or refusing to register in the ARI registry turned out to be blocking for, for example, Zello, Line, Blackberry Mesenger, vChat and messengers.