Write it down immediately: 5 reasons to update your fleet of printers

In 1978, we showed the world the first LBP-10 desktop laser printer. From this moment on, efficient and productive printers have taken a worthy place not only in homes, but also in millions of offices. The world is not worth a place: as time goes on, technologies change.

Now, more than ever, success depends on the best possible actions of the team. And they, in turn, on how accurately the mechanism works, whether each part is in its place.

How to understand that your fleet of multifunction printers corresponds to the time? Use our little guide.

Do your devices cope with volumes?

If your fleet of printing devices was formed a few years ago, it is worth considering whether it copes with the current tasks of your organization. The market conjuncture changes unpredictably, and the companies themselves tend to grow and develop, and perhaps the equipment that met all your requirements then is now working at the limit of capabilities or simply not allowing you to accomplish your tasks. Does he have a reserve for the near future? Audit all current printers and MFPs or invite us for this purpose - but more about this in the following materials.

It is important to take into account the capabilities of modern printers for comparison with the technical characteristics of your fleet. For example, even the basic model of a color multifunctional device (A4 format) imageRUNNER C1225i is capable of printing up to 25 pages of format per minute, not only in “monochrome”, but also in color.

But even more impressive is the scanning speed. In the new model of the middle segment of the imageRUNNER ADVANCE line - C355i it is 100 images per minute. Such indicators are achieved thanks to a two-way (dual) optical sensor.

By the way, in this model, as in a number of other multifunctional Canon devices of the new generation, the technology of separate R, G, B scanning is used. Thanks to the optical sensor with three rulers, the novelties are characterized by an increased image quality, including due to the improved reproduction of complex color combinations, for example, fluorescent colors.

As for the performance of modern multifunctional large-format devices (with support for sheets up to 1200x320 mm.), In the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5560i flagship multifunction printer, the speed of printing and scanning is up to 60 sheets and 160 images per minute, respectively.

Do you send everyday tasks to "outsource"?

It often happens that you perceive the limited functionality of your own fleet of printing devices as a given and, without thinking about it, you give enough everyday tasks for maintenance to third-party organizations.

High-quality color printing in large volumes, scanning and automatic digitization of documents, finishing - all these tasks can be done in your own office, saving significant funds for the budget of the organization.

For example, new devices from the imageRUNNER ADVANCE line, including the C3520i / C3525i / C3530i, allow color and black-and-white printing on thick paper up to 300 g / m² and most coated paper types without any additional settings. At the same time, the quality of prints will be at the highest level: with deep undertones, clear borders and rich shades. The text will be as clear as possible, without noticeable blur.

As for finishing, for most of the existing models of Canon office multifunction devices, there are additional modules, including an internal, step-down and booklet finisher. Now print and issue several copies of high-quality color reports before the meeting is a matter of a couple of minutes.

By the way, the modules offer such finishing options as ECO-stapling without using clips and stapling on demand - for stitching the already printed sheets.

If, on the contrary, it is required to digitize the received correspondence, financial reports and any other documents, then the models of the new imageRUNNER ADVANCE line provide the possibility of automatic text recognition and its subsequent conversion into PDF, Word or PowerPoint documents.

It turns out to save? Are you sure?

Buying non-genuine consumables, refueling instead of replacing cartridges often give a sense of significant savings to an organization’s budget. And, probably, sometimes the desired coincides with the actual, but not rare cases when such savings (in cases of abuse) led to larger-scale costs for repairing devices.

However, saving on consumables is not the only way to save an organization’s budget. Selecting printing devices with a long component life will help you optimize costs as well as choosing doubtful consumables.

The imageRUNNER family of devices also boasts good growth dynamics of resource indicators from generation to generation. For example, the resource of a monochrome drum in the imageRUNNER ADVANCED C55xx MFP lineup has increased by (!) 272% compared to the predecessor models, and the color drum life - by (!!) 632%. On average, the resource of key components increased by 300%.

What about security?

Are you sure that your printers and MFPs do not work against your company? Can you protect yourself from information leaks in terms of your fleet of printers?

The age of information technology dictates its own rules, so a guide that does not pay enough attention to security is most vulnerable. According to statistics, today about 80% of companies perceive document protection as the highest priority, therefore they consider it necessary to control access to devices using an intelligent user identification system.

You can spend money on enhancing the protection of your current fleet of printers and MFPs, but often the cost of such innovations may exceed the residual value of devices. Isn't it better to decide on updating the park, especially since with the new solutions of imageRUNNER ADVANCE you don’t have to invent anything and reinvent the wheel - ULM (Universal Login Manager) is standard.

Using this application, the device can be configured so that confidential documents are printed only after authorization of the user by means of a control image, PIN-code or card.

In addition, it is possible to track users - individually or by department. To avoid unauthorized dissemination of sensitive information, you can disable various device functions for individual users. An additional degree of protection will be visual and audible reminders in some models of imageRUNNER ADVANCE, which warn if there are original documents in the ADF.

Encryption and cleaning of the hard disk are standard features, so saved data is protected at all times in accordance with the FIPS 140-2 standard. In addition, administrators can configure the period after which tasks will be automatically deleted.

Are your employees satisfied? What about technical administrators?

“The paper is over!”, “It doesn’t print at me!”, “I pressed something and everything broke” - how often do you hear these phrases in your office? Sometimes complex and not very informative interfaces, fast consumption of materials or the difficulty of interaction of printing devices with employees' computers simply ruin the workflow processes in the office.

How to make the everyday process convenient for everyone? It is enough to make sure that your devices are comfortable and understandable to all employees, quickly cope with the workflow and do not create queues in print zones in your office.

In addition to high-speed printing and scanning, modern devices, like the imageRUNNER ADVANCE MFPs of the C35XX and 45XX series, have a well-thought-out user interface. A widescreen color display with an intuitive UI, through which you can manage all the possibilities directly from the device itself, allows personnel to efficiently and effectively manage their resources.

A stock of paper in 6330 pages? Even a small printing house can envy such volume. Setting the automatic paper selection is certainly a plus: if the first cassette is empty in the process of copying or printing, the device will automatically switch to the second one — convenient, won't it?

Agree that remote and centralized fleet management simplifies the IT administration of devices and helps to quickly resolve user issues. By the way, engineers can track the work of the MFP through a special mobile application, even when they are out of the office. Platform 3.4 brought new features and advantages to the organization of the working office space: now WLAN and Direct Connection can be used simultaneously. By the way, in previous versions for connecting an MFP with a mobile device via Direct Connection, the MFP should not be connected to the network via Wi-Fi.

According to statistics, on average, the company's mobile workers account for almost half of the total staff, and, according to experts, this number is slowly but surely growing. If there are employees in your company who run into the office for a couple of hours, then in this case there is support for cloud systems and the ability to connect a mobile device to the MFP for simple printing in various ways: manually, by QR code, NFC or BLE.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/404857/

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