With the introduction of sanctions, some regions have lost some of the usual products. Therefore, we are actively engaged in import substitution. Somewhere well, somewhere not very, but the result was a general decline in the quality of products. Why did this happen and what to do about it? How to save yourself from low-quality products and is it possible to improve the quality of products by joint efforts? I tried to answer these questions.
The quality of the products has fallen. Why?
Background and sources
At one time, it brought me to work as a "tyzhprogrammist" in a sausage shop and a small pastry bakery. Then, by chance, it turned out that I was studying with the technologist of a large pastry shop. Because of natural curiosity, I saw and heard even too much interesting, but shocking.
The website of Roskontrol was used as an online source, I recommend to look through it at your leisure. Some insider information from fixus-papus (it runs from platform to platform, not to catch).
- Lies and irresponsibility
- Regulatory authorities
- Lack of competition due to shortage
- Production inefficiencies and effective managers
Lies and irresponsibility
They lie, they all lie
(c) the quote is attributed to Dr. House,
but he is neither the first nor the last
The danger of products in Russia is not even in the fact that they use palm oil or soybean, which are harmless in themselves, but that one never knows what exactly this or that product is made of. There are variations and gradations.
Graduation first - a lie about availability. For example, if you look at the development site, you will see that what is often found in products is often found. Most often, not very useful, of course, not reflected in the composition.
Graduation two - a lie about the amount. "Signs of meat are found in the stew." The most favorite combination in semi-finished products, sausages - should be 30% soy protein and 70% meat products. In reality - the opposite. And the reasons may be from the global "management ordered to optimize", to the banal theft of products on site during production.
Graduation three - magic substitutes. An example of this I saw very vividly in the bakery. Accountant clearly told. If you see the inscription honey - it means molasses, an egg - powder, milk-cream - powder, vegetable protein - soy ... and so on. All this was with the comment "otherwise we will go around the world."
Graduation fourth - the quality of the product. When the purchase is made, the buyer has the task to buy as cheaply as possible, the quality is usually silent. Not always, but very often. Again, back to the memorable palm oil (there will be interest - I will write a separate article). It is used by European confectioners very tightly, it is often found in all your favorite cookies. But there is palm oil - darkish semi-liquid substance, and there is a technical palm oil, similar to stearin. The difference in price at times. Guess what oil the purchaser will buy?
The bonus is a terrible Russian chance and disorder. The technologist has not tracked down, and one of the workers sypanul preservative two times more. They climbed into admissible norms, does not affect the taste, no one will recall. Worker chide and deprive of the award. Everything. But you will not call the product obtained useful.
What pushes manufacturers to do everything the way they do? The pursuit of profit, it has not been canceled. The luring factor against this background is irresponsibility plus the absence of the notion of reputation. The exception is large and especially transnational companies (TNCs), but about them separately. Interestingly, personal reputation works great in some cases. The same pastry shop still produces its delicious cakes, and there the post of chief technologist passed from grandmother to granddaughter, the business is controlled by parents. For them, this is a matter of honor, not profit.
Regulatory authorities
What if someone sees you drinking
Well, did you see?
Had seen?
So what?
Radio Day (s)
It would seem that in this place the state should come out in a white raincoat and proud inspectors and services to go through the ranks of negligent manufacturers with fire and sword. But there are two nuances. Above any small and medium entrepreneur - the manufacturer of Damocles sword hangs continuously. Moreover, the thread can break off for no reason and take down both the business and the head. There are manufacturers who immediately build a scheme so that in case of which the losses are minimal.
General Director - Zits Chairman Accounting is black. Just a little - bankruptcy, re-registration and drove on. There are those who are trying to pretend that there is no sword. The last group is the smallest - those who fight. Moreover, the first two groups periodically "pay off" from inspections of organs, even if "everything is in order." We recall the maxim about "it does not matter how strict the law is in the country, it is important how its execution is observed."
Gently turn to TNK. Here the situation is such - large whale fish, minor inspections are too tough. Plus lawyers who check how the composition is written. You have repeatedly read about the traces of peanuts and sulfur dioxide - this is the work of lawyers. The only option is public media. They can pull out something, it is more difficult to deal with them. Simply "agree," the resource is.
Lack of competition due to shortage
"And cho, people hawala!"
(c) people
Immediately it is necessary to indicate the obvious - the quality of many products has deteriorated catastrophically very recently. Tell me when? Yes, you know yourself, state sanctions against their own citizens. Why was this critical? Because a significant factor that affects the quality of products is competition. In the field of products, they suddenly took a lot of competitors with a single movement. This is especially noticeable in some regions in the field of milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, butter), fish products, meat, fruit and vegetables. Previously, you had a choice between imported and local. Now everything is only local and you have to choose between one clay and another cheese the same, but a little different. There is a terrible question. Why at the same price, and even more, we get a product of the worst quality? The answer is below.
Production inefficiencies and effective managers.
You're lucky you're not like everyone else
You work in an office
Leningrad ©
A culture of production, high-quality and efficient, is my personal dream. I recently completed a project management course, and I am surprised once again. Everything is thought up to us, techniques and technologies have long been developed, tested and work. But not with us. Our production has two roots - artisanal and Soviet. This, respectively, in the management of production before last and last century. Go to the new technologies can and should be, but this requires either money or loans. As well as an experienced, responsible person who possesses both knowledge in a particular production, and project management and systems engineering skills. Instead, they come "effective managers", which became the talk of the town. Therefore, there is a paradoxical situation. I come from an expensive European Finland for 5 euro / kilogram of cheese with the same quality as ours for 600 rubles (here, in fact, I also have a minus tax free).
The quality of the products has fallen. What should I do?
The task can be formulated as follows: what should I do to minimize the harm from what I eat? As the American proverb says, “It’s better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick”. To maintain health, one must eat “normal” food.
- Subsistence or not worth
- Read the manual
- Personal responsibility and reputation of sellers
- Places of purchase
Sama-sama-sama! Faster-Faster-Faster! ..
© Station for two
First of all, you need to understand the list of potentially harmful products to health, in which maximum abuses in composition and technology are possible, and it is difficult to determine. Here is my list:
- canned food Especially potentially dangerous, almost all types of canned meat. Stew, pies - how much meat will actually be in them, no one can say for sure. How many preservatives are put there, what quality, how many soybeans, bones, gelatin are there ... This is a lottery with a small chance to win. Vegetables are more likely to win, but squash caviar, for example, can be along with the tops (in principle, like a dog with a booth in a pate). The best option - canned fish in its own juice. If you're lucky and there will be only fish in its own juice ...
- semi-finished products-freeze-mince and its derivatives For composition - see above. No one guarantees anything. Russian roulette, only with the difference that they will kill you slowly. The bullet seems more humane.
- sausage, sausages and other "meat products" If the sausage is cheaper than meat, then what is it made of? Although, if more expensive - it also does not guarantee anything. This is probably the most terrible fact. HIGH PRICE DOES NOT WARRANT HIGH QUALITY.
- sweets, cookies, cakes, bread The discrepancies between the actual composition and the declared, as well as the maximum number of strange and questionable preservatives are located right here. Inferior to harm only canned food.
- juices, carbonated drinks The presence in these liquid joys of a large amount of sugar and its substitutes, dyes and preservatives turn even potentially useful drinks into a light poison.
The list did not include separately ketchups, mayonnaise and others like him - I refer them to canned food
Looking at the list, you sadly ask, "and then what is there?". It seems that the time has come to reveal the thesis. All or almost all of the above list can be replaced by tangible products with known properties. Minced meat and semi-finished meat products are made from purchased meat. Meat is difficult to fake, the quality of meat with some experience is easily recognized by color and smell. We make semi-finished products and freeze them. Dumplings, dumplings, sausages (yes, you will not believe, they are not made as difficult as you think), cutlets, kupaty - the list is easy to add and continue. Sausage and similar products are replaced by meat. Baked, dried, even, if you like, smoked. Vegetable canned food, if there is a need, we do it ourselves. Juice replace compote, fruit drinks. Bake bake themselves. Cakes and cookies too. Candy - prunes in chocolate fit? We do it ourselves. Thus, we will understand what made what we eat. At least partially.
Natural economy? Or not worth it?
We'll get a cow, and we will sell milk!
And why should we then start a cow, if we sell all her milk?
(c) inaccurate quote from Prostokvashino
It is quite expected to hear the question: “Maybe we can switch to subsistence farming?” Here you can tell a lot about modern hydroponics and the “wonderful wonderful world”. But the reality so far is that, alas, switching to subsistence farming is almost a feat. But there is one catch, to which I would like to draw your attention. Not everything “natural from its bed” is absolutely useful. There is one amusing study, which suggests that the level of nitrates in individual "household" cucumbers is higher, and sometimes significantly higher than in cucumbers from greenhouses. Why? Because cucumbers from greenhouses somehow control, and economically unprofitable to push a lot of fertilizer (they are not as cheap as I would like agrocomplex). When amateur gardeners fertilize their land, including “natural compost,” no one controls the content of legendary nitrous acid salts. There is no possibility, and no desire. Therefore, everywhere you have to keep your ears open. You can not believe anyone. I can
Read the manual
You do not know what to do in the laboratory?
Read the manual, everything is written there!
(c) teacher in the laboratory
We smoothly shifted from doubts in “believing” to the need to “know.” Alas, life in the CIS countries is a passing game at an increased level of complexity. Therefore, if you want to survive and be as healthy as possible, you must become an expert. In our case, in food. What is harmful and what is not? Can I have GMOs? What preservatives are harmful? What does this record mean? If you are reading these lines, then you have the Internet. There is access to a giant knowledge base. But you have to understand that it’s not stupid articles to look for in stupid journals, but scientific articles that include references to research, literature, and powerful argumentation. Plus the magic non-Russian phrase "fact-checking". Check facts, research, references, literature, search in expert communities. These are arguments, not “on TV said.”
I had a sad experience when I, a radio physicist, long and tediously tried to find out from my mother, a medic, that such a microwave breaks down with the help of microwave waves. She watched a program on REN-TV.
Personal responsibility and reputation of sellers
There are only two things more valuable than money - reputation and good show.
But bluffs are cheap, only reputation remains
(c) Rostov-papa
Expert assessment and knowledge is good. But you spit in the cottage cheese or not - you probably won't be able to understand. It remains, unfortunately or fortunately, to believe in people, in particular, in manufacturers and sellers. A strange psychological twist, long proven and included in the advice of psychologists: in personal contacts, reputation is of much greater importance. When the chain between the producer and the consumer is shorter, the responsibility and importance of reputation for the producer becomes higher. Oddly enough for the seller too. If the seller already recognizes you in person, the chance that he will discourage you from buying missing or stale ones is much higher. But reputation has another important use, which we will consider in a separate article.
Places of purchase
I buy 100 here, I sell there 200, for these two percent I live
(c) entrepreneurial humanities
Smoothly flow to a simple thought. Supermarkets, as a place of shopping, lose to markets and small shops. Moreover, the most logical option is to purchase part of the products in wholesale stores, and part - in the markets. There are several advantages in this. In markets, you can often try or evaluate a product first before purchasing. When you have a connection, you will also receive a bonus in the form of possible discounts and recommendations. In wholesalers, you can buy products cheaper, although without the celebration of marketing orgy.
Alas, I can not fail to mention this question. For everything in our world you have to pay. For the extension of your life and for your health - too. The stated strategy implies that you will pay mostly with your time. Because the money you get even more profitable, with a certain experience and skill. Whether your health is worth it or not is up to you.
The quality of the products has fallen. What should we do?
After a billionth Pentagon server attempt was forced to agree that the password - "Glory to Mao Zedong"
I am afraid that the idea is clear and understandable. Where one person cannot achieve anything, the crowd will achieve their goal. The procurator may fail to respond to one statement, and is forced to respond to the flow. Of course, we can say with the example of a lawyer that one in the field is a very warrior. It is true to say that this one is clearly armed to the teeth with modern weapons. But what do we, simple peyzanam? That's right, rally.
System features
The father dies, asks his sons: "Bring along the twig." Have brought. "Now break it." Breaking down. "Now bring the broom." Have brought. "My elder, try to break." Breaks down. “You are strong with me, but a fool, spoiled such a parable”
Ultimately, we need stores and manufacturers to sell us high-quality, non-harmful, honest products of acceptable quality. What we need for this and how we can work together on the manufacturer (seller):
- independent quality assessment system;
- the possibility of automated filing complaints of poor quality;
- rating system of products and manufacturers.
Independent assessment of product quality
Colleague, the taste and consistency of this product is very similar, I apologize, g @ vno.
Minute, colleague, now check the list. Hmm, really, g @ vno ...
We form two pools of experts: public and anonymous. The work of public experts can be paid for their advertising. But it is dangerous to rely only on their data, so independent laboratories must necessarily exist to assess the composition of products that will work for money. First, we will obviously use the blind testing method. Secondly, the test results will be randomly rechecked. That is a check check check. Of course, public experts will have a reputation system. However, anonymous laboratories will also have internal evaluations, on the basis of which a decision on further cooperation will be made.
It should specify two features. By experts we mean not people, but laboratories. The laboratory does not make a quality assessment, it gives the composition of the product. And if we see a discrepancy between the composition, or, even worse, the danger to health when using this product, then the work is not of experts, but of lawyers.
Automated filing of complaints and applications
Yes, you have the same cockroach in the bun!
Where? (grabs a cockroach and eats) Yes, it's raisins.
The next day, the store produces the same buns, but with raisins.
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