VisionHack - the first international student hackathon in computer vision for UAVs will be held in Moscow

NUST MISIS and Cognitive Technologies will hold the first international student hackathon on artificial intelligence and computer vision with a prize pool of more than 30,000 US dollars on September 11-13 in Moscow. Teams from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), University of Cambridge (UK), University of Arizona (ASU, USA), Beijing University of Science and Technology (PRC), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, Spain) and leading Russian universities.


The organizers of VisionHack 2017 were one of the leading Russian technical universities, NITU "MISiS" and the developer of artificial intelligence systems for unmanned vehicles, Cognitive Technologies. The rector of NITU "MISiS" Alevtina Chernikova noted: " Our country and our university have become the venue for such a status event not by chance. Russia has one of the best schools for creating artificial intelligence in the world. Domestic developments in the field of computer vision are today rated by leading foreign experts very highly, and the NITU "MISiS" team has reached the finals of the ACM / ICPC World Programming Championship for several years in a row
A hackathon (international forum of IT developers) of this magnitude devoted to computer vision technology and unmanned vehicles is being held for the first time not only in Russia, but also in the world. More than 30 teams from the leading universities of the world: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), the University of Cambridge (UK), the University of Arizona (ASU, USA), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (PRC), the University of Paris-Saclay (France), Beijing University of Science and Technology (PRC), Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, Spain), etc. The total number of hackathon participants is about 150 people. The prize fund of the hackathon VisionHack exceeds 30 thousand US dollars.

The main theme of the competition was one of the most relevant and currently popular areas of artificial intelligence - computer vision as applied to the practical tasks of the movement of unmanned vehicles. The purpose of the participants will be to create their own intellectual subsystem of driver assistance or ADAS (advanced driver assistance assistance system) that can automatically detect various traffic events (minor circumstances, sometimes seriously affecting traffic safety). This may be a car with an activated alarm system in the direction of travel, a dog about to cross the road, and a sun that has suddenly appeared after turning and blinding the driver, etc.

Participants will be offered a large array of data - several hundred 10-second videos, which will be attended by similar events of the road scene. According to the president of the company Cognitive Technologies, Olga Uskova , “the guys will have to solve real and important practical tasks of computer vision for unmanned vehicles. We expect that the intellectual subsystems created by them will be included in the ADAS product lines and will be able to significantly improve safety on the road, as well as provide the driver with the necessary level of comfort. We are confident that hackathon laureates will be able to increase their value as professional professionals of the highest class, for whom the doors are open in the world's leading companies - developers of artificial intelligence . "

The hackathon winner will be the team that has proposed the most accurate and complete solution on the set of proposed traffic situations. In addition, the organizers will prepare additional prizes for high-quality decisions on specific events.

VisionHack will be held in 2 stages: an absentee qualifying round from July 13 to July 31, where participants will be asked to solve a test problem. The best teams of participants will receive an invitation to the on-site stage. Both a team (3-5 people) and an individual participant can register. The jury will include well-known experts in the field of IT and artificial intelligence, representatives of business, venture funds, development institutions, etc.

The event will be held on the campus of NITU "MISiS", the famous architectural monument of the constructivism era "House-Commune".


As part of the hackathon, an extensive educational program will be organized, meetings with well-known representatives of the IT industry (especially in the field of unmanned vehicles). Top managers of well-known Russian and world companies will act as mentors and lecturers of the hackathon.

As honored guests of the event, top managers of the largest Russian enterprises, such as Alfa Group, PJSC Severstal, VEB, GK Rosatom, will be invited. OAO Gazprombank, as well as representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Among the partners of the event are well-known world companies, developers of artificial intelligence systems, unmanned technologies, and hardware.

Detailed information about the hackathon VisionHack is available on the website For all questions, please contact the organizers of


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