Hello everyone again! Online retailer Umka Mall is with you again and again reports an auction of unprecedented generosity. Already the second in the last month.
first action with the distribution of gifts for each purchase was extremely successful both for us and for buyers. Buyers walked carefully over our new site
Umkamall.ru and helped to identify a dozen and a half different bugs, from young to old. It was extremely important and useful for us - we initially started a campaign with the distribution of smart watches only in order to “polish” our new website as quickly as possible with the help of users to brilliance and radiance. People go to the product pages, click on links, pictures and buttons, and then bang - something does not work. We immediately see and "repair" it. In general, I think you understand what we wanted.
We did not remain in debt: the first 500 customers in the appendage to their chosen product received the watches Howellworld HW-G08A. And thank you very much to all those who participated in the testing and who bought some product from us. We hope that you are pleased with both the product and the gift clock!
These are the smart watches for 2 170 rubles we gave last time ...There would be a fairy tale and an end - go to Umkamall.ru, buy goods at delicious Chinese prices with a direct Russian guarantee and fast delivery, but WITHOUT any gifts. But no, we will not be left behind so quickly by your favorite customers :) And this is definitely for you.
Umka Mall announces the second promotion with a large-scale distribution of gifts. The conditions are exactly the same: go to the Umkamall.ru website, choose a product, buy, pay, wait for a package. Only here instead of one box with paid goods for a maximum of a week (and for residents of capitals - 2-3 days) ... two boxes will arrive to you. In the second there will be such an external battery:
Vinsic 303 or
Vinsic 304 . Both - as much as 20,000 mAh. In fact, very cool devices: there is support for fast charging Qualcomm QuickCharge 3.0 (charges compatible smartphones by 80% for 35 minutes), a display for displaying charge in percent, USB ports and USB Type-C. You can even “MacBooks” last charge. And the phones are the same: one smartphone with a 3000 mAh battery will be able to charge five and a half times. A laptop can be charged twice. In general, once again: cool stuff! If you buy for money, this battery costs 2 190 rubles. And we give her!

... and now we will give such batteries for 20 000 mAh (the usual price tag is 2 190 rubles)!Important: the campaign starts on August 1, 2017, and only the first 500 customers will receive a Vinsic 303/304 external battery for 20,000 mAh. It is not necessary to postpone the choice of goods and the order for tomorrow: the first action showed that people made 500 promotional purchases on Umkamall.ru ... in about half a day. Not in a day. And not in a week. And in half a day. So you should hurry - and the battery is yours.
And finally - tezisno: why you should buy on Umkamall.ru, and not on the good old Chinese "Ali"?
• Reliability: Umka Mall has been on the market since 2015, during this time we have already sold more than 10 thousand products to Russian consumers, and at least every third buyer returns to us again.
• Prices: they are just the same as on Ali. Well, give or take. The fact is that Umkamall.ru has direct contracts with dozens of Chinese electronics manufacturers. Hence, very tasty price tags - sometimes they are even lower than on AliExpress. We are not resellers of goods from Chinese retail, but in fact representatives of Chinese manufacturers in Russia.
Take a look at
Umkamall.ru and look at the brands, we have a direct contract with each of them.

• Delivery: it is very fast: Muscovites are guaranteed to receive an order within 3 business days, residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - within 3-4-5 days. For other regions, delivery takes place within a maximum of 7 days. Compare with two or three weeks, or even a month in the case of AliExpress and their ilk. The thing is that all products sold at Umka Mall are ALREADY customs cleared and located in Russia - we have a warehouse with a total area of 30 thousand square meters. Here is such a warehouse (real photo of our warehouse):

• Warranty: for most products - a year. Curious Chinese guys with "Ali" usually do not give any guarantee at all. Whether it is the Umkamall.ru case: in case of a breakdown, you either receive a new gadget from us, or, if the replacement gadget is not available, simply return the money without question. Let's pay attention: at a warranty case the mechanism is extremely transparent and simple. You communicate with the Russian-speaking representatives of Umka Mall, and not with nameless Chinese, who a priori do not plan to solve your problem and are generally indifferent to it.
Such are the cases. We are waiting for you on
Umkamall.ru ! Like last time, when, despite the harsh minus of our last post, people with Geektimes.ru made almost a hundred purchases :) And just in case, we again show batteries, which can be obtained completely free of charge:

Such a gift, if you buy it for money, would cost you 2 190 rubles. We give it for free!PS If you have any questions about the products, warranty, our store and in general everything, everything, everything connected with Umka Mall, - ask in the comments! And we will answer.