Scales analyzer MGB Body Fat scale - comparative "clinical" test in the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Railways

The first material on the scales revealed two problems: first, it became obvious that bioimpedance measurement did not seem to everyone an objective way to diagnose; secondly, mistrust is caused by the scales as a household device.

If we can’t fight the first thesis in any way, then the reliability of indicators of analyzer weights is fairly easy to confirm or refute, for which we were not too lazy to get to the clinic and undergo a similar analysis of body composition in a medical office. We offer a look at the results.

The main task that we set for ourselves can be formulated as follows: checking the quality of the goods. It, in our opinion, consisted in comparing the results of the medical apparatus with the apparatus for domestic purposes in the main intersecting parameters. In general, to put it simply: whether or not the results match.


Bioimpedance analysis is performed in many places - this is an easy process, however, unfortunately, it turned out that for the family of railway workers Semashka is a family hospital with high credibility, which determined the place.

How much is it?

The cost of services from 1000 - 1200 to 1600 rubles per procedure. In other words, with analyzer scales, it can pay off for two approaches.

Is the procedure prescribed in the clinic?

Yes. From a short conversation in the office, it was possible to find out what bio-impedance doctors do and based on the results of the patients is still being treated. Of course, this is only part of the overall diagnosis, but nonetheless. The main requests for analysis come from cardiology and endocrinology, which, incidentally, is also logical.

Practically, according to the health worker, in terms of speed, safety and information content, this is the only study on body composition.

How is going

By the time the procedure takes seconds: the person lies down on the couch (a beautiful hospital word), electrodes are connected to it, and after a minute they give the printed results. As it turned out , it is necessary to prepare for the analysis: it is recommended not to drink for two hours, not to drink alcohol for a day.

A source

From contraindications, as already mentioned, pregnancy, the presence of metal inside the body.

What do

A number of bioimpedance meters will be accumulated , however, MEDASS is considered the most popular, and a study was conducted on it.


The results are packaged in several sheets, where there is both a tablet and a text part: who is interested in meeting our colleague is a “medical secret” in PDF .


Weighing in on the scales immediately from the hospital bed to compare them in the most similar conditions. Here are the key indicators (key ones should be understood conditionally, because such analyzer scales are mostly interested in users because of the fat-muscles-water).

Fat mass in%19.521.4
Fat mass in kg12.513.6
Muscle mass27.228.5
Metabolism1555 Kcal / day1348 Kcal / day
Mineral composition2,652 kg2.5 kg

There are some problems with the level of hydration, because they are in different units: in the application of weights - they are in percent (57), in the analysis in kg (37.7). There are two indicators plus: total water and extracellular fluid. Whether it is necessary to add these values ​​is not immediately clear.

In any case, if percentages are calculated from the total weight, then 37.7 is, out of 63 kg of total weight, probably there is a little more than 50%.

As you can see, the indicators, although they did not coincide equally, did not differ radically: there is no such thing, for example, one source shows 10 percent, and the other 40, etc., that is, you can track the general trends using weights: everything within the same numbers, without going beyond the norm.

From the boundary values ​​- muscle mass, or musculoskeletal mass: according to the "MEDASS" the subject passes through the lower limit of the norm. According to the weights, it seems, too, but with a certain bias in plus:

At the same time, in absolute figures, the values ​​are almost equal: the difference is one (27.2 - 28.5).

Separately, you still need to add once again about the convenience of transportation. MGB scales are small and compact, they easily fit into an ordinary city backpack, not burdening the carrier too much, and there is still enough space for ordinary things (a purse, a laptop with charging), etc.

Summarizing. At least (as it seems to us), with the part of the task: to check whether it is a set of random numbers or not, we coped, and the results seem positive. We wrote about what standards we should strive for and why we need analyzer scales.

MGB smart scales can be bought on the Medgadgets website: the cost of a couple of trips to bio-impedancemetry at the clinic .

Do you need this for you? We do not know, but if you have a pacemaker installed or you are a pregnant woman, that is not necessary.

Take care of yourself.


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