AI learns to determine the mood of a person using a normal camera

The company Silver Logic Labs (SLL) is a startup that is exploring the capabilities of artificial intelligence in various fields. Of course, we are talking about a weak form of AI, here specialists from various companies and research organizations have achieved quite noticeable success. In most cases, AI is engaged in analyzing information in order to help a person understand the diversity of data, which is now very much.

In general, we can say that SLL does the same, analyzes the data. Only here is the main "trick" in what is analyzed. This is a behavioral analysis of a person. The AI, created by the efforts of the SLL team, can track the slightest features of a person’s facial expressions or body movements that will not say anything to another person. But the computer is able to catch all this and evaluate, in order to make a conclusion about the person's mood, his emotional state at the moment. Yes, the car really can determine what people feel.

And there is no magic here - all the same strict laws of mathematics and IT. A company that develops its computer “psychologist” does this in order to give other companies an opportunity to assess the attitude of clients towards them. Often, these companies conduct surveys, and people willingly participate in some of them. But are their answers honest? Probably, an experienced psychologist can determine this, but the probability of error remains. But the car does everything much more accurately.

“Often there are situations when you try to determine what other people feel, thinking about something or seeing something, or you want to understand how honest they are with you,” says the project representative.

In fact, even if a person hides his reaction, seeing something, his feelings can still be determined. How accurate and correct is the second question. One of the main tasks of SLL is to determine when a person is lying. Yes, other feelings, representatives of the project are also trying to determine correctly, but the "lie detector" in this case is the primary task.

The accuracy of determination in this case is high enough to speak of the possibility of using the developed technology for commercial purposes. As an example, you can imagine a situation where a broadcaster is trying to understand what people think about a new show or a new series. Yes, you can just give out a list of questions to volunteers, but will the answers be honest? Not in all cases. But the machine can analyze the direct reaction of a person to the same show or a specific scene in it. Even if the mimic muscles that determine any emotion worked for a split second, the car would catch it and determine the attitude of the person.

In the course of work, the AI ​​determines various emotional shades of a person’s current state. This happiness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, sadness and others. Everything is expressed in points. The maximum value of a particular characteristic is one. It is clear that absolutely can not be sad or happy, so the dominant component of the computer highlights the maximum value. Supervision over the person goes through the ordinary camera. No sensors - just the camera and software.

In addition to the purely commercial sphere, AI, developed in SLL, can work in medicine. According to the creators of the system, it is capable of determining neurodeficiency and some other diseases and abnormalities with a high degree of accuracy. And not only mental. For example, before the main “stroke,” that is, stroke, most people have microstrokes. They are invisible to others, but the machine determines them with a high degree of probability. As a result, if the AI ​​determined a microinstult, the patient needs to take urgent measures, the consequences of the disease were minimal.

And another version of the use of such technology - assistance to law enforcement. For example, a man runs down the street. Why, where is he running, what are his main emotions - hardly anyone is able to say. Maybe this person is running, trying to find a lost pet, maybe he is running away from something. But maybe this is a terrorist who is in a hurry to the appointed place to commit a crime. It is all about the emotions that prevail at the moment - in most cases it can be used to determine what is bothering the person at the moment. In this case, we are talking about the analysis of information in real time. The idea is not bad, but it will take considerable time to implement it.

Whatever it was, everything goes to the fact that the mood of a person will soon be easily determined by computers. They are likely to be able to change a person’s emotions, correct them, showing some specific content or simply leading a conversation (this is a relatively distant future). Singularity is just around the corner.


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