The US Tax Inspectorate uses data mining and predictive analytics.

In Russia and the CIS countries, tax crimes are not considered something extraordinary for an individual. Underpaid tax? Well, pay as much as you need - and free. The situation is completely different in the USA. There, for concealing taxes, you can go to prison for a long time, this is one of the most serious crimes against the state, along with high treason and espionage in favor of another state. So with the IRS (the so-called local tax inspectorate) is better not to joke.

But the IRS itself is becoming more intelligent. She begins to apply modern technology to identify those citizens whose expenses do not correspond to the officially received income. This writes the publication Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law , citing the report of Associate Professor of Business Law at the University of Washington Kimberly Hauser and Professor of Accounting at the University of Washington Debra Sanders.

Reportedly, the IRS is now engaged in data mining of public and commercial data sets (including from social networks) in order to create detailed taxpayer profiles through which tax specialists perform data analysis.

The report's authors say that the methods of work of the tax inspectorate remain largely unknown to the general public. At the same time, there are doubts about their legality. According to some lawyers, the collection of data from social networks and the profiling of users with the data mining of their income can itself violate the law. Although users themselves post information for everyone to see, but the tax inspectorate begins to collect a profile on them before the audit begins . The existence of data brokers (companies that collect information on users and resell it to interested parties) and the ability to buy information through the Internet on almost any person creates a situation where a person loses control over his personal data. This is especially dangerous if the interested party is the state in the person of the tax service.

The lack of transparency and accountability in this process raises even more serious questions. Secretive actions of the state in such a collection of the state are illegal, and also can lead to discrimination.

The authors of the report list all the methods of collection that the IRS uses, as well as the articles of the law that the tax authorities may violate in the process of data collection and data mining.

So, the sources of tax information:

The following potential violations of the law are possible:

In general, the actions of the American IRS may already violate a number of federal laws. It is quite possible that in the coming years, their advanced data mining methods will be taken over by their Russian colleagues, especially since there is a big deficit in the budget - and it is imperative for the state to increase tax revenues from citizens.

Then it is better to think twice before posting photos from a Cayman vacation or a snapshot of a new car that you bought by dragging an online poker tournament in a “contact”. We thought that the tax will not know about it? Now find out.


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