Case: Higher School of Economics selects Canon professional equipment as production capacity

Good evening, Geektimes! Today we want to bring to your attention the history of fruitful cooperation between the Higher School of Economics and Canon. In a brief form, we with representatives of the HSE tried to tell what problems of the printing house of the educational institution we were able to jointly solve at the initial stages and what results of printing production the Higher School of Economics managed to achieve in 7 years of cooperation with Canon.

It was very important for us to receive products that fully meet the requirements of the customer.

Marcel Sharifullin, head of the HSE printing house.

History of creation

Before the appearance of the printing house at the Higher School of Economics, non-professional printing equipment was bought to solve the printing problems of the university, or an order was given to third-party organizations.

For this reason, printing products were often of inadequate quality and were made late.

Also in the HSE it is necessary to print a large amount of classified information: tickets for exams, tests for competitions, etc.

To solve these problems in 2010, it was decided to create an internal university printing house equipped with professional equipment.

Problem of choice

When creating a printing house, first of all, it is necessary to choose the right fleet of printing equipment. The Higher School of Economics has identified a number of important criteria that printing equipment must meet for the printing house:

After analyzing the market of equipment suppliers, it was decided to focus on Canon professional equipment.

We paid attention to the possibility of using the available grades of paper, durability and efficiency of equipment in use. Technique Canon best meets all the stated requirements.

Marcel Sharifullin, head of the HSE printing house.

Current volumes

Since the creation of the printing house of the Higher School of Economics, the number of orders has steadily increased. By 2017, the number of orders reached 13,000 per year, which in monetary terms amounts to 25 million rubles. These volumes exceed the average amount of work of conventional printing 4-5 times.

Features of the HSE typography

The printing house of the Higher School of Economics was created to solve the printing tasks of the university: supplying printed materials to educational and research departments, fulfilling orders from a university publishing house, printing materials for conferences or exhibitions, and also providing services to teachers and students of HSE.

The printing house is located in nine different HSE buildings in Moscow. Printing of intra-university orders requires strict adherence to the deadlines - sometimes the wrong time, the circulation becomes unnecessary, which leads to significant losses.

Within the framework of cooperation with Canon, the printing house of the Higher School of Economics acquired professional equipment that fully satisfied all its technical requirements.

As the main production facilities, the printing house has chosen the following models:

Having made the main bet on Canon equipment, the printing house of the Higher School of Economics has shown itself to be a serious player in the printing market. This is reflected in the constant increase in the number of orders and the need to increase the working space by 2 times for further development.

Over 7 years of cooperation with Canon, their equipment worked
and still perfectly copes with the tasks, allowing us to make a profit.

Marcel Sharifullin, head of the HSE printing house.

Results of cooperation

Client name: Printing house of the Higher School of Economics
Foundation Date: 2010
Sector: Printing
Location: Russia, Moscow

Purpose: Ensuring the smooth operation of the printing house 24 hours a day without loss of quality and increase in the cost of finished products.


Solution: Professional Canon ImagePRESS printing equipment.



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