Breaking through the wilds of quantum physics, I had the feeling that I was being deceived somewhere. Fortunately, I did not read GR then, otherwise this article would not have turned out.
Have you ever wondered why the light can spread? Why is the magnetic field instantly and who spreads it? Well, gravity and its newly discovered waves. Waves of what? What are they made of? For me, the concept of the field is purely abstract. It is very easy for them to explain without explaining anything.
Then we will also build our single field theory with gravity and black holes.

How can two subjects see each other? One must start the wave, waiting for the reflection of the wave from the second object in order to understand where it is. The key word here is wave. A wave of what? But seriously, we will have to come up with another dimension.
Four-dimensional space is familiar to us XYZ and our single field. How to present it? Remove one of the coordinates, let it be Y. There will be XZ and the field level. What matters to us is whether the object passes through the field level or not. Place one object at the field level (let the field pass through 0), launch the wave with the second object. The wave reflected from the object will fall to us and we will know where it is ... if we fix the reflected wave from two different places.
Much more interesting when the object for some reason is shifted relative to the field level. If he is taller than him, then we will not be able to fix it and he will not be able to influence us. That is, it completely falls out of our space. If the item is completely immersed in the field, then we will not see it, but at the same time it will retain the ability to influence us. He can dive in one place and disappear from view and emerge in another.
Okay, so what about gravity? Who is the little devil who grabs us by the atoms and pulls into the gravity well? If you remember, in GR, this was due to a distortion of the space-time metric, we will have a reason for this behavior.
What happens if the object starts to move around the field? After all, he is partially immersed in it. Behind him the field will collapse, taking the place freed by him. And whether the field? Maybe it would be clearer if you imagine this as a super-dense superfluid liquid?
If the object just moves, nothing interesting will happen. The field will just wrap around it. It becomes much more interesting when the object begins to move with acceleration. In front of the object there will be an oncoming wave, and behind it a funnel of a collapsing field. Here's how to explain that if you are under acceleration, then you are experiencing a load like with gravity? So, moving with acceleration, the object is constantly moving towards the wave, which itself also generates, that is, uphill. Let it not a funnel of a gravitational well, but action is similar.
Let the subject be supermassive. Then he will completely plunge into the field, but the funnel will remain above him. What happens if another item gets into it? Oh, he will disappear and we will never see him again ...

But in fact, he just dive under the level of the field and emerges in another place when he leaves the attraction of the funnel. Perhaps in parts.
And the gravitational wave, then what? Imagine a wave with a huge amplitude but low frequency. A small object will hardly notice such a wave. She almost will not be affected. Of course, all these effects are the addition of the effects of the smallest particles that are at the field level.
If we assume that space is four-dimensional, then many things become clear. That is, each object has another dimension and in it it adjoins the field. If he lost contact with him, plunged into him or rose above him, we will stop observing him. The paradox of black holes is resolved, in terms of information preservation. Nothing disappears anywhere, just temporarily falls out of the area of observation. True, it is difficult to imagine what will happen to the Universe if it ceases to expand rapidly. It is much worse than thermal death; stars will not be able to ignite simply because they will not have gravity to gather. You can still think about the primacy of the field and matter. Maybe there will be no matter at all if it stops moving with acceleration. Such splashes on the water, while they are running, exist, stop, merge into a single field. But what an elegant solution to avoid singularity. In addition, the dependence of gravity on acceleration solves the problem of dark matter. It's just not necessary anymore.
The main difficulty is to see the field. How can one see what is the root cause, but not the effect? We cannot touch it, take a microscope and study it. We can only observe the consequence of its existence. We warmed up the object to a high temperature, he began to strongly oscillate the field due to excess energy. Field oscillations reach other objects, are reflected and reach receptors in our eyes. We "see" the subject, but do not realize how we do it. We are so accustomed to perceive the world as three-dimensional, that such an obvious four-dimension seems fantastic.
The main thing is that you now know where the socks go.
Since there are so many questions, I will answer a few and add on my own.
There is an observer and an observed object. The observer can only detect the waves of the field level. If he wants to see an object, he must “irradiate” it with waves of amplitude comparable to the object. If the waves are too large, the object simply will not notice them, for it the level of the field will rise and fall with it. Otherwise, the wave will be partially absorbed or, having reflected, will return to the observer. Having irradiated an object from all sides within the same plane, we can only know its perimeter. That is, the plane in which the object is in contact with the field. That part of it, which is higher or lower than the field, is not available for observation. We can observe the object from all sides in our three-dimensional coordinates. But each time we observe, we are at the level of the field, the plane that passes through the object and the observer. That is, the object is four-dimensional, but we see only its three-dimensional part.
Also, the four-dimensionality of space can help answer some
unsolved problems of physics, such as dark matter and the singularity of black holes. Since gravity depends on acceleration, it is logical to assume that the gravity force is different for different parts of the observed universe. We can also observe what happens inside black holes if we learn to penetrate below the field level or otherwise interact with the field. That is, the event horizon is not a barrier for us. The interaction just happens on a different level.
There was a question in the comments linking matter and energy. Matter and energy easily transform into each other. That is, a particle can transform into a wave and vice versa.