Decentralized e-currencies - when they come into ordinary life?

Currently, in financial, banking, legal, and many other areas of activity, a real revolution is brewing, which is caused by the emergence of DEA (decentralized electronic currencies) and programmers who have missed it can lose a very interesting and profitable niche in which the pioneers will be fixed.

To find out if there is a DEI that you are interested in, you need to shovel mountains of information, or look for the DEV gurus. It is difficult, long, and you always risk to miss something important. This article was conceived as the most informative handbook on DEA for programmers and technicians.

As it turned out, to make a quality directory, you need a lot of time. Therefore, it was decided to release the first version of the article, and then rewrite it several times, add to the review many other DEAs, objectively compare them in many ways (using tables, graphs), without marketing and enthusiastic advertising statements. The more people will show interest in this article, the more complete and high-quality reference will work.

The author also plans to write a sequel, in which he proposes a model of the ETS, which uses a principle different from ProofOfWork and ProofOfState. And this article can be considered as leading to the second article.

Consider the prospects that should open to us DEVI:
NoTechnological capabilities of DAVPerspective for user DEV
oneHigh liquidity (The ability to have DEA money that is recognized and accepted in any corner of the world as a means of payment at least.)There are no problems in traveling, no need to carry and exchange heaps of bills, look for exchange offices, spend time, look for the best exchange rate.
2High liquidity (There should be a mechanism for quick and easy exchange of EEA among themselves, and fiat currency.)
  • If local authorities limit the use of this DEA in the country, this solves the problem.
  • There are no problems in traveling, no need to carry and exchange heaps of bills, look for exchange offices, waste time.
  • The ability to work in the currency exchange market without an intermediary - a broker who takes money, and is an unreliable link capable of stealing money.
3Independence from strong players (money in the wallet exists only as entries in the registry on many independent nodes in the network (nodes)).The state cannot at one moment deprive someone of the money in the account, freezing the user's account on some pretext.
fourReliability (money in the wallet exists only as entries in the registry, respectively, they cannot be stolen in the traditional way).Soon, convenient hardware wallets should be developed that will not allow the use of user funds without his knowledge. Accordingly, theft of a hardware wallet should not lead to the theft of money from it.

Currently, there are wallets for computer, phone, web wallets.
fiveMulti-signatures, electronic contracts.This technological opportunity of the EVA should revolutionize legal relations. Companies that have entered into electronic contracts can do without a lawyer. Unfortunately, they will need the help of a qualified programmer.

Nevertheless, the number of man-hours of programmer's work should decrease many times, in relation to the work of lawyers.
6Reliability to attacksStability and low volatility.
7Digital arbitrationThe ability to regulate relations between the parties, a third party, quickly and flexibly.
eightThe possibility of issuing your moneyIt helps to revive the economy of a limited (closed) contour of economic relations, with the problem of the flow of ordinary money.
9Simplified investmentThe ability to quickly raise money for business, the distinction between the roles of investors, employees, managers.
tenSimplified Investing, Simplified CreditingAllow to replace traditional bank lending for retail consumers.
elevenElectronic companies, electronic contractsShould make a revolution in labor relations.
12Distributed applicationsThe solution to the problem of fast access to information of many users, with the blocking of information and servers by the authorities.

Solving the problem with the sale of free computing power - each user will be able to sell the power of his computer, which is not used, and buy, if necessary, computing power, or another resource.
13Issue ICO TokensAllows you to invest money in companies and make a profit (Replaces work on the stock market shares, companies go public, sell and resale shares).

Thus, the introduction of the EEA revolutionizes the banking, legal, and labor relations:

  1. Banks will not be needed, or their role will be reduced to cash desks for the issuance of cash, and customer identification.
  2. Legal support of part of the transaction will no longer be required.
  3. The relationship between the employee, the boss and the employer can be electronically regulated.

Of course, traditional lawyers will remain, but part of the market for their services will go to
SEDE sector. Also, not all relationships in the labor sphere will be
regulated electronically, but the employee and the employer will have the choice of working traditionally or in the new format of labor relations.

Before starting to consider the main DEA, I can note that until now there is no DEA that solves the main tasks of the actual money:

  1. Payment in real time purchases between counterparties (the situation - to pay for goods in the store or on the street).

    Problems - there is no widespread DEA, there are no well-established mechanisms for exchanges for fiat money, means of payment (e-wallets) are inconvenient.
  2. There is no reliable, fast and well-established system for the exchange of EEA.

All of the below DEA - very good, with a maximum of opportunities, but they mostly solve other problems. The main task of money as a means of fast, liquid and reliable means of payment, in fact, so far only solves Bitcoin.

Until DEVA appears, which has the following characteristics:

  1. Fast (less than a second) payments.
  2. Infinite scalability.
  3. Trouble-free and fast conversion.
  4. Exceptional reliability to attacks.
  5. Minimal system operation costs, low cost transaction maintenance and saving savings.
  6. Controlled emission and distribution of money.

No DEVA will have a chance to make a real revolution. So it will be toys with a mass of interesting narrow circle of things.

Below we briefly review the main DEA. (If someone disagrees with me, I missed something, I ask in the commentary, discussion, we will do together a good reference book).

For the review I chose DEI, which are most interesting from the point of view of solving the above problems.

1. Of course, the first will be Bitcoin . This is the first successful DEA.

What are its advantages:


The currency provides the following technological capabilities:
NoTechnological capabilities of DAVImplementing in Bitcoin
oneThe opportunity to have DEI money that is recognized and accepted anywhere in the world as a minimum as a means of payment.Implemented.
2There should be a mechanism for quick and easy exchange of the EEA between each other, and for fiat currency.Not implemented.
3Money in the wallet exists only as registry entries - this cannot be changed without the owner’s desireImplemented well.
fourMoney in the wallet exists only as registry entries, respectively, they can not be stolen in the traditional way.Implemented well.
fiveMulti-signatures, electronic contracts.Only multi signatures.
6Electronic companies, electronic contracts.Not implemented.
7Digital arbitrationImplemented poorly.

Other features of the EVA:
oneMode of emissionIt is mined by nodes. Emission limited 21 million coins, with a slowdown in speed.
2Open codeOpen source, originally open source, was developed by an open community.
3Basic principlesProofOfWork SHA 256, blockchain
fourOriginality code and ideasThe code is written from scratch, the idea is new,
fiveCapitalizationThe highest among all DEA. 58 billion dollars.
6Transaction speedThe transaction may take more than a day.
7AnonymityIt is impossible to establish the owner of the wallet by standard means (anonymous wallet), but you can see the movement of funds from the wallet to the wallet. The standard methods do not hide the movement of funds, however, “mixers” are used to disguise the movement of funds.

Conclusion: this is the first most promoted currency. Behind the new DEA in the possibilities, with the growth of transactions and with the growth of users, it will become more and more difficult to use it. As soon as a new leader appears in the DEVA, Bitcoin will lose capitalization, the rate will start to fall sharply, the currency will cease to exist.

2. Ethereum (Ether)

What are its advantages:


The currency provides the following technological capabilities:
NoTechnological capabilities of DAVImplementation
oneThe opportunity to have DEI money that is recognized and accepted anywhere in the world as a minimum as a means of payment.Implemented.
2There should be a mechanism for quick and easy exchange of the EEA between each other, and for fiat currency.The implementation is very weak and unreliable.
3Money in the wallet exists only as registry entries - this cannot be changed without the owner’s desireImplemented well.
fourMoney in the wallet exists only as registry entries, respectively, they can not be stolen in the traditional way.Implemented well.
fiveMulti-signatures, electronic contracts.Implemented well.
6Electronic companies, electronic contracts.Implemented well.
7Digital arbitrationImplemented well.

Other features of the EVA:
oneMode of emissionIt is mined by nodes. Emission is limited, with slowing down.
2Open codeOpen source.
3Basic principlesProofOfWork
fourOriginality code and ideasMost of the ideas are original (contracts, electronic companies, distributed Dapp applications)
fiveCapitalization22 billion dollars.
6Transaction speedThe fastest transaction - 14 seconds
7AnonymityEther provides better anonymity compared to Bitcoin
eightOtherDate of foundation 07/30/2015

3. Ripple

Internal currency XRP, for conducting transactions you need to have at least 20 XRP on your account.
Ripple is not a DEVI - it got into the review because of the exchange possibilities, which many other currencies do not have.

The Ripple system is centralized, since the center determines not only the currency development vector, as with Ether, but also affects the operation of the system, the authorization of the nodes, and many other parameters.

The strength of this currency is the possibility of currency exchange. In essence, this is an attempt to make a decentralized exchange, but it turned out to be a centralized exchange, with signs of the ETS.



The currency provides the following technological capabilities:
NoTechnological capabilities of currencyImplementation in Ripple
oneThe opportunity to have DEI money that is recognized and accepted anywhere in the world as a minimum as a means of payment.Implemented
2There should be a mechanism for quick and easy exchange of the EEA between each other, and for fiat currency.Implemented best of all
3Money in a wallet exists only as entries in a distributed registry, on independent nodes - this cannot be changed without the owner’s desireIt is implemented reliably - the nodes are dependent.
fourMoney in the wallet exists only as registry entries, respectively, they can not be stolen in the traditional way.Implemented well
fiveMulti-signatures, electronic contracts.Not
6Electronic companies, electronic contracts.Not
7Digital arbitrationAutomatically provided

Other currency features:
oneMode of emissionThere is no emission, the mining of the local currency was carried out during the launch of the system. Total released 100 billion XRP
2Open codeOpen source, the program code is written from scratch, the opening of the code occurred a long time after the start of operation of the system.
3Basic principlesLedger ledger, consensus between network members. Close work with banks, cooperation.
fourOriginality code and ideasLogical continuation of more centralized systems
fiveCapitalization6 billion dollars. USA
6Transaction speed3-4 s
eightOtherIs not DEV, no blockchain, centralized

4. Stellar

Other currency features:
oneMode of emissionThe currency of the XLR system. There is no emission, the mining of the local currency was carried out during the launch of the system. Total released 100 billion lumens XLR. The currency was evenly distributed to many people for free.
2Open codeOpen source, program code rewritten from Ripple, system developed by non-profit foundation. The system protocol is always open.
3Basic principlesLedger ledger, consensus between network members. Close work with banks, cooperation.
fourOriginality code and ideasFork Ripple.

It was created to correct the situation, which did not suit many people involved in the development of the EEA:

  • Ripple used closed emissions in favor of the founders.
  • Commercial organization authoritatively controls the system
fiveCapitalization179 million dollars. USA
6Transaction speed3-4 s

5. Nxt

The currency provides the following technological capabilities:
NoTechnological capabilities of DAVImplementation
oneThe opportunity to have DEI money that is recognized and accepted anywhere in the world as a minimum as a means of payment.Partially achieved
2There should be a mechanism for quick and easy exchange of the EEA between each other, and for fiat currency.Implemented
3Money in a wallet exists only as entries in a distributed registry, on independent nodes - this cannot be changed without the owner’s desireImplemented
fourMoney in the wallet exists only as registry entries, respectively, they can not be stolen in the traditional way.Implemented
fiveMulti-signatures, electronic contracts.Limited to patterns
6Electronic companies, electronic contracts.Limited
7Digital arbitrationLimited

Other features of the EVA:
oneMode of emissionIssue at the start of the system - 1 billion coins distributed among investors
2Open codeOpenSource, the code is opened a long time after the system starts. Programming and design takes place closed. Opening the code serves only to prove the absence of BackDoor.
3Basic principlesProofOfStake - the first successful system with this principle
fourOriginality code and ideasThe code is written from scratch in Java
fiveCapitalization71 million USD
6Transaction speedHigh
7OtherWallet as a web application

6. DarkCoin - Dash

Dev like Bitcoin

Other featuresDEV:
oneMode of emissionMining
2Open codeOpen source
3Basic principlesProofOfWork, X11 hashing algorithm (combination of 11 cryptoalgorithms), voting on important issues - nodes take part in voting.
fourOriginality code and ideasThe main difference from Bitcoin is the mining algorithm, transaction speed (high)

fiveCapitalization2.5 billion
6Transaction speedHigh

7. Lisk

DAV serves to monetize decentralized applications. Lisk is a platform for running decentralized Dash applications.

Other features of the EVA:
oneMode of emissionOnly 100 million coins
2Open codeWritten in JavaScript, OpenSource
3Basic principlesBlockchain, sidechain is a technology that allows you to speed up the blockchain,

modularity - as I understand it, is implemented using distributed Dash applications - it is not clear how they work for the user.
fourOriginality code and ideasVoting on the development of the currency is conducted by 101 users, with the largest amount of currency.
fiveCapitalization670 million dollars
6Transaction speedHigh
eightOtherThe beginning of the work of the DEVA - the end of May 2016,


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