The overwhelming majority of air purifiers do not differ in mobility, and the project with Kickstarter Wynd decided to grab the idea first.

Further, the prefix "smart" appeared, the cleaner received a compact sensor-analyzer of air, and, removable, and now, finally, it took shape in the final product. A small announcement - inside.
Wynd is a compact air purifier, which the manufacturer
places on a par with the largest manufacturers of household appliances.

Despite the ultra-compact dimensions, which is undoubtedly one of the main advantages, the device is able to provide clean air at 18+ cubic meters: Wynd is positioned as “individual”. Thus, among the main applications are: office premises, a workplace.

Small enclosed spaces, for example, a personal car:

What is smart?The Wynd campaign, which gathered about $ 600 thousand out of the required 50 thousand dollars, began with the words: “The smartest air purifier ...”
The smart component of Wynd is the tracker, which is able to assess the surrounding air for contamination, detecting smog, tobacco smoke, mold spores, allergens and harmful particles and displaying data in a special application.

The air tracker is a removable design element:

The device at the same time can work in the "on demand" and "as needed" mode. In the second case, the intelligent system itself assesses the need for air purification at this particular moment and is put into operation.
Wynd filterThe built-in Wynd filter is able to screen particles up to 0.3 microns in size, and is additionally “lined” with silver particles, which also keeps the filter itself from germs and contaminants, increasing the service life: the recommended replacement is once every three months.

This filter fights odors, allergens, harmful particles:

And the user receives a “personal clean air,” wherever he is.

This seems like a viable idea, with a number of advantages due to its size, mobility and autonomy: Wynd can run on an internal battery.
To whom is it addressed?The Wynd air purifier does not have a specific addressee, and anyone who wants to breathe fresh air can show a logical and understandable interest to the gadget.

Taking into account the specifics, the developers note that people who have breathing problems, asthmatics, allergies and other categories of citizens who are somehow “dependent” on clean air can use such a device.
For this, the developers carried out comparative laboratory tests that confirmed the ability of Wynd to operate at a volume of 18 cubic meters. The closed automatic mode was also confirmed: the Wynd tracker was compared with the DUSTTRAK II air quality monitor, which has the reference status.
Cost ofA Wynd kit with a sensor
costs 12990 rubles , and will soon be in Russia. Application can be left on the site.