Hello! Recently, I have repeatedly dealt with the topic of waterproof readers. Firstly, here in the official PocketBook blog on Geektimes.ru
a detailed review of the new model PocketBook 641 Aqua 2
came out . Secondly, I
shared my reasoning regarding the two existing methods of protecting readers from water, namely “using tuling” (PocketBook) and “using gel” (all others).
And recently, at one of the major resources devoted to gadgets, a rather detailed
article was published on the analysis of three “off-road” readers to the cogs. One of them is
PocketBook 641 Aqua 2 with tuling, additional protection with HZO gel and compliance with IP57 standard. The second is an unnamed model, officially supplied to the Russian market and not conforming to any formal standards of water protection (the developers only vaguely report “moisture protection”). The third parsing participant is also not named; it is noted only that it is not officially delivered to Russia, and the model is protected according to the IPX8 standard. Both the second and third readers are protected only with the HZO gel; this is the only method used. But the tuling, that is, the complete sealing of the case, is not involved in them. I will not break the intrigue - I am sure that dear readers of this article will understand without any difficulty who is who.
I will say something else. My attention was drawn to a number of comments on the above-mentioned article, which stated that the author of the material was allegedly wrong, because he called the standard IP57 (for PocketBook 641 Aqua 2) more serious protection than IPX8 (for an unnamed foreign “guest”). Here, for example, is one of such comments disturbed by the universal injustice:
What do I have to say about this?The author was not at all mistaken when he called IP57 "a more serious standard" than IPX8. And that's why. Let's start with the second digit. 7 - the ability to immerse the gadget in water to a depth of one meter for a maximum of half an hour, 8 - the ability to immerse the gadget in water to a depth of more than a meter for more than half an hour. Manufacturers of gadgets can promise completely different dates and depths in the case of the presence of the number "8" in the security index of the shell of their product. A manufacturer of an unnamed foreign reader, for example, talks about two meters and one hour. Ok, so be it.
And now let's think - why should the reader be two hours in the water at a depth of more than a meter? This is not a smartphone where you can turn on the camera and shoot, for example, fish in the Red Sea. Or how beautiful girls in little swimsuits splash in the pool.
Water protection is necessary for the reader in several cases - and there is no difference whether 7 or 8 is at the end of the security index, in these very cases there is not. I will give a couple of typical situations where protection can come in handy:
• when you read in the bathroom, and at some point the reader accidentally slipped to the bottom (hardly
one of us has a bathroom with a depth of one meter and even more so in two). Here, by the way, is a very characteristic commentary to the same article about the parsing of readers on the site about gadgets:
• when you read on the beach and some child (perhaps yours), for example, spilled a bucket of water on the reading room, or a citizen who just emerged from the sea ran past and sprayed you with a cloud of spray;
• when you or, again, your child indulged in literary pleasures at breakfast / lunch / dinner (which is bad, but many people do this now, and I will not read morals here) and accidentally spilled soup, milk, cereal, tea on the device, coffee, juice, beer, vodka or something else.
And here is the time to remember the first digit. In the case of PocketBook 641 Aqua 2, we see the number 5, and in the case of an unnamed foreign reader - the letter X. This means that PocketBook 641 Aqua 2 has a completely sealed case, protected not only from water, but also from the ingress of solid particles. The latter should be understood not only dust, but also, for example, particles of products of organic origin - the same porridge, soup, juice, and so on. Meanwhile, X in the index means that the device is generally unpressurized. Yes, the insides of this reader are treated with HZO gel, and the latter is able to ensure the reader’s operation when water and other liquids get inside the case. That is, after bathing the reader will not die. But the body, roughly speaking, has a lot of slots (like a microUSB port without a plug), and you can pour the device not only with water, but also - I will repeat for the third time - for example, milk, soup, juice, and so on and so forth. The particles of these products will remain inside and after a while inside the reader, the process of mold will begin to bloom. Moreover, in order to wash them out of the internal space of the reader, it is necessary to thoroughly redeem the devices (or even completely disassemble it). And not the fact that you can do it. Want to read from the reader, from which it carries both from the trash? Ok, to health. But I do not think it is very nice.
Someone may think that these are all far-fetched situations - they say, nothing will leak inside, and will not shed a stench. I will say this: it is clear that this is not the most common situation. And yet this may well happen. Just because IPX8 level protection is inferior. I remember, at one time Sony enjoyed something similar in its smartphones, then some other offices with a smaller caliber. But serious guys - Samsung, Apple, LG, the same Sony in recent years, as well as PocketBook - protect their devices to the maximum. That is, both from water and from solid particles. Only this option can and should be considered a real full protection. Everything else is half measures, implemented, in fact, for a tick. More precisely, for the "sweet" marketing positioning of the device by the manufacturer.
Samsung, Apple, LG and PocketBook implement only full protection in their devices.So it turns out that IP57 is really cooler than IPX8. Especially in the case of the reader, with whom no one will swim at the depths, dressed in a scuba diver costume.
And one moment. I would like to recall the second reader from the analysis, which is officially sold in Russia, is positioned as protected and does not meet any standards at all. Just give a few most curious pictures. Here is the first, from the official site. The screenshot was made a couple of months ago, immediately after the start of sales of this reader:
But then - just a couple of weeks ago, about a month and a half after the release (!), The developers came to their senses and noticeably softened the wording:
In the manual, which, as you know, no one really reads today, the following is said - see below. That is, the device is very afraid of water. And the warranty case of the "death" of the reader from the ingress of water will NOT be considered. Although the people who visited the official website a couple of months ago and bought for the alleged "tightness" of the case, could have considered otherwise ...
PocketBook is much more unambiguous and transparent. Was drowned by PocketBook 641 Aqua 2, being immersed to the allowable depth with the microUSB plug closed? This is a warranty case, and the reader will be repaired or replaced within two years. And if you bought the device in the company's online store PocketBook, then it did for three years.
By the way, some people in the comments to the article wrote that, they say, water protection is generally a whim and the reader doesn’t really need it.
Well, first of all, I brought above the situation when water protection is really useful. For those who like porlaksirovat in the bathroom with a book, it is generally a must have.
Secondly, the surcharge for full water protection in the case of PocketBook is only 1,000 rubles. The fact is that exactly the same model WITHOUT water protection - PocketBook 626 Plus - costs 9,990 rubles, not 10,990, like PocketBook 641 Aqua 2.
And, finally, the first two months of active sales showed - yes, water protection is really in demand: despite the lowest price, the PocketBook 641 Aqua 2 has become a leader in sales, and the company has shipped twice as many readers as it did in the first two months. planned. Still, everyone didn’t have enough - the site now accepts only pre-orders for a new batch, which will go on sale only in a week - production was not really ready for such a rush. And what if not the "voice with money" of consumers is the best proof of popularity?
Summarizing all the above, I state the following: the only reader in the world 100% protected from liquids (without asterisks, notes, shamanism, and fly-over) is PocketBook 641 Aqua 2. I don’t like it, someone likes it - the tenth question. A 100% protection of the "Pocket" is a real fact. Which, by the way, is confirmed by the author of the post, who was present at the analysis of three readers and saw with his own eyes that in the other two models the protection is at the most basic, rudimentary level.
If anyone wants to actively discuss on the topic of protected readers - well in the comments!