Why do we all learn the language over the years, but can not learn

Probably, sometimes I wanted to close the English textbook and never open it again. Understandably, learning a new language is not easy, especially in the first couple. Let's discuss the most popular mistakes that most beginners make in learning English.

Pronunciation and phonetics problems

The first thing we encounter is the differences in the phonetic structure of the English language, unusual sounds and difficulties in their pronunciation. Basically, we strive to find analogies in our native language, although this is not always to our advantage.
Let's start with the most complex consonants, which have only incomplete analogs or no similar sounds in Russian at all.

Just a couple of common phonetic problems:

Problems with grammar

Usually, the next problem after pronunciation, chorus beginners call grammar. Let's describe the most common problems that confuse them.

Vocabulary and its expansion

What is the main problem? Words are quickly forgotten and many of them cannot be learned at once. What is the best way to learn? Well, at least by traditional methods:

At the last stop a little more detail and explain what mnemotehnika. This is a way to memorize words, which includes the following:

That is, in order, for example, to learn the word fist - fist, we must imagine how we squeeze pistachio in our fist and it produces a crunch, similar to the sound of a word in English.

And to improve the efficiency of memorization, regularly repeat the words learned. You can follow the rule of interval repetitions - first repeat the word after 5 minutes, then after half an hour, after 2 hours, every other day, week, month, etc. That is, it is also worth planning to learn new words in order to assimilate them and reliably fix them in memory.

Reading and listening

Here you read the text and you meet an unfamiliar word. What do we usually do in this situation? Right, we are looking for a translation. How to do better:

Such a sequence greatly facilitates the understanding of the word and its individual meaning. And the same word would be better to remember, because a lot of time will be spent on its study.

The same algorithm can be applied to audio and video materials:

Another important point - start with shorter clips. They are easier to understand and work without losing meaning. Then gradually increase the load.

Speaking and language barrier

One of the biggest problems not only beginners. Even those who already have a good understanding of Future Perfect Continuous may experience problems and discomfort when they have to communicate in English. There are several reasons:

How to overcome this? Only practice:

Of course, this is far from an exhaustive list of problems when learning a language, but even this simple instruction will help you to make significant progress. Do not forget about the issue of motivation. If you do yourselves, be sure to set clear goals for yourself and encourage yourself to achieve them with some pleasant emotions so that learning does not turn into hard labor. Also try to set aside 5–10 minutes a day outside of English classes in order to listen to your favorite English-language song, watch a short video or read an educational post on social networks. So you will be constantly in the English-speaking environment and will quickly rebuild, if necessary, communicate in English. We wish that there would be more such cases, so that you would have more chances to pump your English!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/407481/

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