We promise it will be interesting

Good day! We are a Smile-Expo company, and this is our first post here. In it we will tell who we are and why we are here.


For 11 years we have been organizing exhibitions and conferences in the CIS, Europe and even in Asia. It seems, while the farthest where we were brought, is Malta. Our main focus is on innovative technology events. Among them:

Of course, this is not all of our events (the full list is on the Smile-Expo site ). But it is these technologies that will most of all affect the life of society, will determine the future of the economy and production. So we’ll track together how innovative ideas come to life and change it.

We will write about these processes in our blog. The first materials will be released very soon. Do not say goodbye to you and hope that our content will be suitable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/407491/

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