Surely you all know about sites such as
quora or
stackoverflow , where you can find a lot of interesting and useful information. Today we will talk about those sites that are not yet known by everyone, but which are definitely worth adding to your bookmarks. This can be done not only for the sake of English-language content or educational materials, but also to find useful news and interesting reading.
And in order to really understand the text, we advise you to take note of such sites: is an excellent dictionary with a bunch of meanings for each word; there are categories for using words and detailed explanations; is also a high-quality dictionary with a more modern interface, categories of words, explanations and comments from users;
context.reverso - both the dictionary and translators in the same person with categories and the ability to offer their own options;
thesaurus is a quality English-English explanatory dictionary to catch all the subtleties of meaning, look for synonyms and much more;
urbandictionary - explanatory dictionary for lovers of modern English.
All these dictionaries will be more interesting than the literal translations from Google Translate, so add to bookmarks. And now for the collection of sites!
IT and business
CIO is an excellent American resource with an abundance of content on many topics for both IT specialists and executives of IT companies.
Value : a huge number of research articles, manuals, a column of opinions, videos, career tips. It is possible to read the digital version of CIO magazine issues and find links to useful books.
The Harvard Business Review is a good business site that is directly connected to the world famous Harvard.
Value : articles that cover various areas of business, with a special focus on leadership, organizational change, negotiations, strategy, marketing, finance, human resource management and, of course, IT.
In addition to articles, there are useful videos, an archive of magazines and a store of useful books.
Hacker News is a very simple and convenient site with a minimal amount of interface elements.
Value : just the same endless list of news that is constantly updated. Each article is taken from a separate source, you can read and leave comments, suggest your news, ask a profile question in the Ask section or look at the work of IT specialists in the Show section, and also find a job in Jobs.
IT and cyber security
DARKReading is a well-known site that is completely dedicated to a special topic - cyber security.
Value : many sections for reading (from news to analytics), presentations, video, library, radio, and even the University section, where useful literature on the relevant topic is collected. In addition, you can connect yourself to their calendar of events, so as not to miss interesting courses and news.
Schneier on Security - the site of a well-known cybersecurity expert, Bruce Schneier, who doesn’t really need to be introduced.
Value : you can find useful articles in a blog, essays, speeches in the style of TED Talks, news, thematic subscriptions, buy books by the author of the site and even sign up for his courses.
Krebsonsecurity is another site on the same subject, but this time the author is Brian Krebs.
Value : the simplest interface, a large number of articles on cybersecurity, links to the author’s books and, of course, the ability to subscribe to a useful newsletter.
IT and gadgets
Ars Technica is a large and interesting resource, where a lot of interesting things are collected, dedicated to technology and various devices.
Value : a wide range of topics - gadgets, cars, science, politics, business, games, culture. All news is relevant, and the presentation of the material is simple and clear. Very interesting section feature story (essay), which is a steep authors. Among other things, there is a forum where you can discuss the previously mentioned topics.
MIT Technology Review is a website-magazine that is administered by the world-renowned university - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Value : reviews of gadgets, software and hardware, business articles, news on various topics. In the articles themselves you can find fascinating videos. There are also interesting sections - Events and Competitions, for those who want to take part in regular competitions and events of this institute with one of the coolest reputations in America.
Smallnetbuilder is a concise and simple site dedicated to networks and everything connected with them.
Value : an insane amount of manuals and various electronic tools for networks and smart home, reviews of routers, servers, their selection by rating of devices, news from the network world and forums where you can find almost any answer to a given topic.
Thewirecutter - a bit like the previous resource, but with a large girth of various topics.
Value : first of all, these are reviews - machines, headphones, routers, devices for a smart home, computers and peripherals, smartphones, audio and video equipment. In addition to such technical articles, there are a lot of interesting things about sports, various hobbies, tools for home and equipment for hiking.
We hope that this compilation will help you not only pass the time while you get home from work in the subway, but also give you a chance to improve your reading skills, plunging into the interesting world of technology and living English.
Of course, this list goes on and on, because there are still many other equally interesting resources in the world. But we only shared what is interesting for us. What do you read in your free time? Write in the comments.
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