Coworking is for hipsters and other myths about the “communal” office.

The concept of “co-working”, though it has become firmly established in recent years, still raises some doubts. The main misconception that the major market players are gradually destroying is that the main residents of “communal” offices are either loafers, or hipsters, or creative personalities. Perhaps these guys rented places in coworkings, but it was still at the dawn of their creation. Now the portrait of the indigenous residents of the hybrid workspaces has changed significantly. Increasing interest in general offices is shown by corporate clients. At the same time, if in Russia small companies become more often the main residents, then large divisions of international corporations, such as IBM, GE, Amazon and so on, settle in coworkings.


Anyway, in our country, the idea of ​​co-working is in many ways far from reality. Someone still perceives the “communal” office as something cramped, inconvenient, located in an old or ugly room and certainly not like a place where you can work effectively. Of course, there are enough “camorkings” in the capital, but not all coworkings look like this. Pragmatic owners of "communal" offices tend to take an example from the West and, if possible, open platforms in convenient locations, as well as increase their size. Now the optimum area of ​​coworking by Moscow standards starts from 1000 m2. And Workki NEO GEO, for example, offers its residents 2.5 thousand "squares". The second network location, which opened this month, will be quite a bit inferior to the first in size - its area will be about 2,400 m2. At the same time, both co-working arrangements are very well located: Workki NEO GEO is within walking distance from the Kaluzhskaya metro station of the South-Western Okrug, and Workki CITI is located in the Federation Tower of the Moscow City Center Moscow-City.


Continuing the theme of the convenience of coworking, one can not fail to mention the quality and stylish repair, which every serious hybrid office space can boast. Many people think that the owners of "communal" offices save due to the low quality of finishes and furniture, but in reality this is not the case. In modern coworkings, workplaces are equipped with comfortable armchairs, durable tables, functional bedside tables and everything that will make the pastime of residents comfortable and productive here. As for the decoration, it often exceeds the quality of repairs in class A business centers several times. In our practice, for example, there was a case when a company dealing with IT solutions moved from a neighboring room to us. They sold their furniture, which was bought specially for that office, because everything turned out to be much more convenient and profitable in co-working.


Speaking of money. Argued that coworking cost no less expensive than classic offices, and even more expensive. It is possible that the net cost of renting a room in the business center will be comparable in price to the same number of places in coworking, but you should keep in mind that in the first case additional costs will be added to this amount. First, it will require funds for repairs, which will have to be carried out at a new location, and a final decoration of the office (or to overpay a much larger amount for the rental of a “turnkey” room). Secondly, while the arrangement will go, the staff will still need to work somewhere, so the company will have to rent a temporary office, and these are additional costs. In addition, it should be mentioned the cost of office equipment, which coworking is available to residents for free. Do not forget about such costs as fines for early termination of the lease, which happens very often in the case of fast-growing startups that regularly need additional space. In addition, BC tenants pay for office maintenance, cleaning, reception of correspondence, as well as buying water, tea, coffee, sugar, toilet paper, and so on. If you “settle down” in the communal office, then these payments will already be included in the cost of the workplace.


They meet on clothes - this is how you can formulate the idea of ​​many start-up entrepreneurs who are confident that it is impossible to negotiate and make a deal with a serious client or partner in a coworking environment. However, the absolute majority of residents of "utility" offices prefer them precisely because of the special atmosphere. Contrary to popular belief, on the contrary, it helps in concluding transactions, because both parties can relax and speak openly. Quite often there were situations when important contracts and agreements were signed a few days after the joint seminar and informal communication in the common kitchen. And for those who need formality, co-working room has meeting rooms equipped with advanced telecommunications equipment for both personal and remote meetings.


Is it safe to work in coworking? Here is another question that excites almost everyone who is thinking about moving to a common office. First of all, we are talking about data security. It should be noted that now the safety of confidential information is provided at a very high level, not only in the offices of large business centers. When working in coworkings, you can not worry about personal and corporate data, because, in addition to the usual means of protection, the infrastructure allows, for example, you can create your own Wi-Fi network or configure VPN access for an individual resident. Most of the buildings themselves are well guarded and have a pass system, so there is no reason for concern. And from the theft of more material things lockers will save - personal cells under a safe lock. In addition, CCTV operates in coworking, and all residents and guests undergo a mandatory procedure for registering personal data.


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