Decentralized economy as a strategy. Let's talk about tactics

In the beginning there was a word and this word was dispersed in space and in time. No, we are not talking about the creation of the world in the biblical understanding of the issue, we are talking about the Internet and about the fact that it is a tool of communication is, at the moment, the “One Word”, in a purely philosophical interpretation, which can be designated as a foundation for the birth of a new era. The essence of this generalization is that we are talking about the infrastructure that provides the generation and consumption of information. If before the infrastructure was managed by state and transnational monopolies, today any “nail in the wall” can generate information, if it is, of course, at the disposal of skilled hands. Moreover, the flow of the old information was linear, that is, the generation of this flow was formed as necessary and when solving the problems of managing social processes. Today, it is dispersed in space and in time, that is, when creating this or that content, we all understand that it will almost always be on the Internet in the search query area. This forms a special logic of behavior, when the society owning information acquires an incredible level of freedom in self-expression, which entails obvious consequences.

In the form of a retreat, we note: if someone says that the very essence of the design of the USSR was a contradiction of transnational corporations seeking to monopolize everything and everything, then this is far from being the case, since this structure served in different measure and depending on "eras" - interests state bureaucracy and speaking of the dispersal of information in space and time, that is, a decentralized infrastructure, there can be no talk of such a consideration. As for infrastructure projects, they even more so lie in the mainstream of monopolized sectors of the economy.

We continue to build logic based on the above analogy. In order to understand what the global economy is moving towards in understanding the sociodynamics of society, which is built on the basis of the current infrastructure of the “One Word”, you can build a number of consequences, some of which have trends towards development today. Accordingly, identifying them, for objective reasons, a new global economic model will crystallize in us, i.e., the revealed series of consequences will be a combination of tactical actions.

Monopolies require their own maintenance and it is necessary to spend, first of all, human resources, on the basis of the functioning algorithm of which the entire socio-economic and technological reality is built. If it is quite obvious that social dynamics are following in the direction of decentralization, it is possible to build a set of investigative connections that follow each other as they disperse relatively human factors into the area of ​​the formation of the external, in relation to society, infrastructure. Where the first points, the most susceptible to dependence on the decentralized distribution of information, will, to date, have a greater crystallization rate, decreasing in the process of following to the points of an infrastructural nature. Now the points, all of which, we will try to describe in more detail.

  1. Decentralized education system;
  2. Decentralized systems of self-organization of society;
  3. Decentralized science;
  4. Decentralized energy;
  5. Decentralized communications system;
  6. Decentralized distribution of surplus value and surplus product;
  7. The absence of any kind of power, as a phenomenon in society;

If in each of these points, except the last one, the term “decentralized” is replaced with the term “centralized”, then we will get a combination of factors constituting the backbone of the previous and the last points - the current industrial age. The last point is an exception not only due to the absence in it of the corresponding concept, but also for other reasons, which will be discussed below. We give only a brief tip. All the described steps can be solved solely by the people themselves and bypassing the bureaucracy, since all the tools for solving these tasks are available to the people and to the full. Now we will touch on each of the points in more detail.

Decentralized education

No matter how each of us tries to be proud of the accumulated knowledge in “those” times, in which education was much more “qualitative”, or in “these”, when the brains are not overloaded, it is all the same as soon as each of us received a diploma on narrow specialization and did not continue to expand the field of knowledge, he immediately loses touch with reality and will not pass even 5 years, as a set of his knowledge will not correspond to the real state of things and requirements in the market.

We are talking about the economy of a decentralized nature, as a task of strategic importance, when each element of the system will be the king and god to himself and not looking at dogmas to follow the logic of self-education.

As we wrote above, this is the moment that is already being implemented to a varying degree today. Information, due to the tools provided by the Internet, is located in the zone of forming a search query, i.e., practically at any point in space, if it comes to access to information by the person. Information is different, constructive and counterproductive. Predisposed to self-education and no. However, the matter is not even in this, but in the system of authorities formed due to one or another educational system, since it affects the perception of this or that information by a person.

An excellent example is the actively flowing modern dispute about the shape of the surface on which we live, that is, whether the Earth is “flat” or spherical. After all, the point here is not even that some are trying to convince others, but how this process proceeds in terms of perception of information from both sides. Immediately, I’ll make a reservation that we will not try to take anyone’s position; we will try to describe the question we are considering about the decentralized education system.

The basis of these disputes is the system of authorities, within which there are two opposing positions, on the one hand, it is possible to reveal the denial of the system of authorities of opponents, and on the other, the denial of the general ability to think in this way. Although it is quite obvious that the overwhelming mass of people taking part in disputes will hardly ever fly to the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere in order to take a personal look at the very subject of disputes from the outside. The entire “holivar” takes place in the mode of discussion of those arguments that are full of statements from supporters of the Earth “flat” on the one hand, and those pictures of NASA and Roscosmos on the other (as well as the globe, cartographic data, etc.). Some see bloopers trying to prove that this is the proof, while others in every way deny such a possibility, since this can not be, because there can never be.

Now let's take a look at the subject of disputes from the point of view of a decentralized education system, when any system of authorities is denied, and understanding is gained by personal experience, personal research and joint creativity, when efforts are combined to come to a common denominator. With this approach, you can immediately put a question, like: “it is possible and so, but how can we prove if we don’t believe all that we are shown?” And from this point on you can start building a new economy consistently and using the points described above.

That is, if each person owning this or that knowledge does not cast doubt on the stereotypes system formed in him, formed by the education system, as far as interacting with various information sources, understanding that this education system was aimed at serving monopolies, then talk about building a decentralized economy is not already at this stage, since the points following it require solving non-standard tasks.

This is a fundamental question. It is enough to consider Henry Ford’s book Today and Tomorrow on this issue, which tells how he, being a man of decisive strategic tasks of the industrial economy, has struggled with traditions throughout the centuries in industries that need to be optimized to reduce the cost of the final product. consumption. To solve this problem, the manager put people "from the street", i.e., those who were not burdened with well-established production norms in the industry. This is when it comes to the engineering industry, what to say about building an economy without borders and patterns ...

To solve the problem of dismantling an established system of authorities, it is necessary to take the “heights” of revising the fundamental concepts of the world, where humanity would be considered not as dust in the ocean of the Universe, but as a carrier and implementer of the Concept that must be followed as it develops and within the framework of the evolutionary process. Only then it will be quite logical and the whole picture of the world, which does not correspond to the principles of the industrial economy, will line up when the GULAG was built and the matter is in the bag, for the state is above all, and human life is like that ... The women still give birth.

If it is even simpler, then if there is no joy from the prospects that open up, thanks to the revision of the fundamental ideas about the world, which, in many respects, are templates and dogmas taken for granted, then there can be no talk about progress.

Is it possible to consider the question of certification in a decentralized education system? Can. However, due to the fact that the system of our stereotypes is not able to take into account the moment about the thirst for knowledge that is embedded in a person by default, then speaking about this issue in the context of the “Damocles sword” above the student’s head will be completely out of place. The attestation system should be a completely different form, where the dialectic following of thought, the orientation skill in the information space and the analysis of social processes will be tested, when the observer will not destroy the student with evaluations, but give food for thought. This will be in the form of an exception, as in a healthy society, people will want to learn themselves if the information at the very early stage corresponds to their internal vibrations. This is by the way that not every child is able to memorize foolishness from the school curriculum, but is predisposed to more objective information and with a more professional approach on the part of the teacher.

Decentralized systems of self-organization of society

This is the next question, which, among other things, is capable of being limited only to the system of authorities inscribed in the system of stereotypes of each individual. We are all accustomed to, that someone should come for us and do everything, or an authoritative leader to bring someone to do it. This approach is a relic of the past and, if you think about it, if you deal with these two issues, the issue of education and the issue of self-organization systems, all the following questions will be solved by leaps and bounds. If you wait for the next “prestige” that comes, says and everything begins to follow him at a glance, then you should forget about building a decentralized economy again, because every “similar” is mortal and if you have not developed a culture of self-government in society, then talk about a thriving society not worth it.

This issue is key to building a decentralized economy in general and describing intersectoral balance in particular. It follows from the previous one and cannot be solved without the willingness to revise the established system of stereotypes.

For a start, let's fantasize a bit and imagine what is a decentralized economy. This is when there is enough money for everything that is necessary, the total cash desk is full of funds that are distributed by the voting system and in which there are no frauds, and it’s easy for anyone to track the status of the total account. Science develops without bureaucratic restrictions, all bureaucratic processes are automated, and the funds previously used for the development of bureaucracy and the army go to infrastructure, science, the development of decentralized energy and means of communication. And all this works within the framework of self-organizing systems built on the newest principles and using the latest technologies, where each person is a developer of new systems and at the same time their user.

How to implement it today? It’s not very simple, if we talk about a complete system, but fragmentary - it is quite possible, for this we have been given the Blockchain technology. There is no cryptocurrency, or Bitcoin, namely Blockchain, since it is a comprehensive technology around cryptocurrencies, which is a special case, but not unimportant. Due to this technology, it is possible to solve the combination of fantasies described above by eliminating the “lining” in the form of bureaucracy from the system as a factor.

The only difference will be that from the economy, which is in the realm of our fantasies, the systems of self-organization will be based on investments from the outside, and not on the general box office, the funds from which will be allocated to projects of universal significance.

If we talk about realities, then we can talk about two types of attracted investments:

  1. Investments at no charge;
  2. Investment based on giving something in return;

Considering that investments need to somehow attract the first type of investment from the realm of fiction, since solving a set of fundamental issues, few will agree to pour a couple of hundred million dollars on a “contract” for free, it can only be considered if there is some a big idea that does not go against the ideas of those who possess similar amounts.

The second option is no less complex, but more close to the realities of today's life, if we consider such a mechanism as ICO. The question is only in the built infrastructure over the tokens generated by the self-organization system. That is, it is not enough to sell tokens in exchange for the fundamental cryptocurrency of one or another implementation of Blockchain, it is necessary to create a system in which tokens would start to have value in the market. What happens if the system of self-organization of various participants solves the task of building, for example, a decentralized Academy of Sciences, within which it is not laid into the foundation for the production of an end-use product that could be integrated into the system of generating tokens, either on the principles of system management, or on the principles of exchange goods on them, or on the principles of removing the "cream" of the company's profits?

The question can be solved by considering the problem not in the plane, but in the volume and in time. How can you try to do this? Supplement the model with the concept of mutually placed systems, when the basic superstructure will be the basis for the formation of self-organizations of a more particular order, within which end-use products will be created and generated tokens will rotate on the market at several levels of the system. Thus, the first investors will count on the fact that the real time will come out, which can be implemented into life, on the basis of which it will be possible to build a second-level self-organization system with first-level tokens circulating on it.

If it comes to self-organization that does not require large infusions at the stage of launching the system, it is enough for the participants to have consensus when the injections will be at the expense of the membership fee for the contract, which will form a general cash register, the funds of which will be used for the common benefit of the organization’s members included in the "contract" algorithm.

Thanks to this technology, it is possible to build the most complex highly organized communities aimed at the implementation of specific tasks, the solutions of which will be the property of all mankind. The more fundamental tasks are solved, the greater the chances of developing the community to an impressive scale in terms of self-organization, which will influence the revision of the principles of self-organization of people in the broad sense of the word and entail solving the problem of decentralized education and following tactical tasks in building a decentralized economy .

Decentralized science

If someone thinks that science is one and the other science cannot be, then he is very wrong, because there are many directions in the world that are not recognized by orthodox science. And again we come back to the question of the system of authorities, which, when building a new economy, must be solved once and for all.

From our position there are no authorities, there are people with this or that baggage of meaningful experience who are the bearer of this or that understanding about the processes in the Universe. Each of them may be useful in the general system of decentralized self-organization.

If we take into account that the basis of every representative of orthodox science was basic education aimed at serving monopolies, in addition to everything, each of them is a hostage of the bureaucracy prevailing in the dungeons of academies, where behind each research is a supervisory, bureaucratic body, then what science can there be a speech when the head of a scientist is engaged in pleasing one or another higher authority? There can be no talk of any science.

Science is science only when there are no boundaries, but only the thirst for knowledge, creativity and discovery. In the science of decentralized character, each person will be a pioneer scientist who will have no need to acquire knowledge, since he will be content with the extraction of knowledge and personal discoveries that will be freely transferred into the possession of all humanity. All the rest is bureaucratic crap.

If the principle of self-organization is to be wrapped around the research process of various free representatives of science, then you can streamline the latest developments that will allow you to go to the next level of tactical importance - this is building the latest infrastructure.

Decentralized energy

We have come to the question which is a headache for many patriots, whether the bowels should be nationalized or not. Nationalized by whom? Bureaucracy? They are nationalized by the bureaucracy that you don’t like? Clearly and for Feng Shui nationalized. If we talk about this issue in statics, it does not have an objective basis, as the economy and social dynamics are moving in a completely obvious direction. The question of nationalization can only be considered within the framework of a transitional period, since as the decentralized energy develops, the lion’s share of the energy sector will disappear as unnecessary.

Centralized energy is a monopoly, which must be excluded not on a legislative basis, but at the level of decentralized science. The essence of this approach is that each monopoly requires the attention of a huge number of people who need to spend personal time on servicing monopolies. With decentralized systems of access to energy, the task of renewing it should be solved within the framework of private and narrowly self-governing - by district, street, house, i.e. without attracting additional, external forces. If this energy is based on the consumption of consumables, then this is the same monopoly, but of a more detrimental nature, since resources are spent on packaging and recycling within each private business entity.

Everything should be the most flexible, so that every private house has the opportunity to move to a new place with the whole economy without all the associated problems with connecting to communications.

Decentralized energy should solve the problem of cities with high-rise buildings scattered around the territory, so that within the housing association there is a substation serving the house, street, etc.

Decentralized communications system

This question is related to the previous one. Industrialization entailed the construction of urban heaps, which are serviced by centralized heating systems, water supply, etc. This question must be solved by cheapening, when within a multi-storey or private house, thanks to decentralized science, it is possible to solve the problem of supplying locally and without unnecessary gestures. The solution can also be directed to circular systems, when the waste would not be merged into rivers and lakes, but parks and botanical gardens adjacent to the regions would be fertilized and irrigated.

Taking into account the many kilometers of pipelines laid, it’s silly at least to talk about the effectiveness of such systems, there is an unimaginable amount of heat and energy losses, the generation of which takes the real work of every city resident.

In the form of deviations from the general theme, let us say that we deliberately lose sight of those industries that serve the mining industry, manufacturing industry, etc., since a certain stratum of beliefs is formed in the stereotype system that mining and production should be built precisely according to our usual templates, when used tons of metal, fuel and a huge amount of human energy for the extraction of ore and production in mechanical engineering. The whole layer of technological solutions is not as efficient as possible in terms of saving resources, because even if you take a typical car, it clearly does not meet the needs of a decentralized, flexible economy, since the car is big, heavy, iron, rust, consumes oil, gasoline, breaks down and requires yourself a lot of attention.

If we say that the decentralized education system and decentralized science will be the foundation for the decentralized infrastructure, we can only imagine what technological fruits it can provide to us in the future, so at this stage we should miss the moments of mining and production out of sight and fix the moment about their total inefficiency in the new informational conditions, especially when it comes to self-organizing built according to the newest principles.

Decentralized distribution of surplus value and surplus product

Only by implementing all the previous tactical tasks can we begin to talk about automating the inter-sectoral balance of product exchange, when the model will include the main sectors of the economy, from the streamlined processes in which people's lives depend on decentralization. Without the implementation of all the previous stages due to the Blockchain technology, it will turn out to establish a digital concentration camp and no more.

This is the stage at which they begin, with a share of about 100%, to operate self-organization systems connected to the state information highway, through which all statistical data of the economic system passes. That is, it is a docking stage of the self-organization systems of higher-order levels solving tactical tasks. It is at this stage that the bureaucracy disappears, as the class completely loses its effectiveness in the process of resource allocation, and therefore the entire established credit and financial system, as a kind of global bureaucracy.

If we figuratively describe the structure of such an economy, then it is necessary to provide a conditional, information highway with a single reservoir, where the percentage of the surplus value extracted in the framework of self-organization flows. The budget is distributed by decentralized voting. Roads and infrastructure are built on a competitive basis, or as part of publicly available technology, when human time is maximally released due to automation of processes in the economy and everyone can do everything that is interesting to him at the moment, getting free access to the means of production.

Private farms serve not only themselves, but also their neighbors, nearby territories, simultaneously doing packing, transport, etc.

Educational institutions are high-tech workshops, within which you can produce anything. People teach each other, without “parrots” in the form of certified teachers, etc.

Within this level, the predominant share of active participants in the economy solves problems of strategic and tactical importance, realizing that they are the complete master, since there is practically no one to curse, since there is no longer any power as such.

The absence of any kind of power as a phenomenon in society

We have designated this moment as an exception and it can be, at the same time, the last one in terms of implementation, since it is most of all characterized by a system of stereotypes in a society in which either the factor external to it is included or the person is free Will and autocratic in all respects. This moment is especially special because without the development of freedom of will in yourself it is impossible to solve any of the higher stages, because a person will always wait at the sea for the weather when he is presented with the heavenly world he has always dreamed of, and if he does not his preferences, he will continue to complain endlessly.

In the opposite understanding of the issue, all stages in the development of a strategy can be realized without a focus on power, when society is able to develop to such a level of self-organization that budget funds have nothing to decentralized budget. That is, this work is not about the seizure of power in the framework of electoral, democratic procedures, or in a revolution, but we are talking about creating a parallel economy, which over time will replace the current one. This is a consensus of all levels of the state system, when some do not interfere with others, while others do and develop. Moreover, having come to power, one can either move these processes at the level of freedom in self-expression, or not. Therefore, having come to power, little will change,when it comes to the state of society as a whole, living without a king and god in his head and seeking them in outer space.

This moment can be divided into two camps of supporters of one or another approach to the management of society. A typical example is the EU and all those who say that old Europe has degenerated. The European bureaucracy unconsciously implements the algorithmic function of the distribution of public resources and does not go into the affairs of society as long as these or other elements do not make illegal stupidities. That is, she realized her destiny and played enough with kings and servants, giving people the right to develop as they please. And as strange as it may seem, the easiest way for Europe is to take steps towards a decentralized economy, rather than waiting for a king and god. For the people here are the value, not the value of conditional territories, which will be dispersed under the influence of the global course aimed at the formation of self-organizing systems.

If in a more general sense to describe the moment with the lack of power, then it can be represented as follows. There is a single infrastructure within which users and developers function. Where each developer is a user and each user can, with an effort, become a developer. A developer in the broad sense of the word, since the education system will not limit a person in a narrow specialization. A decentralized education system is when there is a universal information field with all the information in which every person is immersed, there are no authorities, but only a thirst for knowledge of this world and no boundaries in this endless process. Do not we live in a world like this without boundariesWhere is access to everything so far only at the level of information? For in the beginning was the word and the word was dispersed in space and in time.


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