Test table of photopolymers from different manufacturers with 3D-printers Formlabs

Hello! We present you a test table of photopolymer materials from different manufacturers with Formlabs 3D printers - Form 1+ and Form 2 .

The table is compiled by users of the Formlabs client forum, who constantly try to print on Form printers with all possible polymers and add results to it.

You can familiarize yourself with the original updated English version here .

The table can be useful not only to users of Formlabs 3D printers - looking at the results, you can draw general conclusions about the behavior of different types of stereolithographic resins during polymerization.

We translated the existing records and reduced the table to one sheet for readability. Read the Russian version of the table here .

To date, the table mentioned:

Photocentric3D Hard UV

Photocentric3D Hard Daylight

Photocentric3D Firm UV

Photocentric3D Firm Daylight

Photocentric3D Flexible UV

Photocentric3D Flexible Daylight

Photocentric3D Castable

Autodesk - Autodesk company stopped producing photopolymers, having transferred production to Colorado Photopolymers Solutions. The properties of the tested resins may not fully correspond to the analogues produced under the new brand.

Autodesk Prototyping Resin, aka CPS PR57

Autodesk Investment Casting, aka CPS IC

FunToDo CB (Casting Blend)

FunToDo DB (Deep Black)

FunToDo F1 +

FunToDo IB (Industrial Blend)

FunToDo SW (Snow White)

NextDent Base

NextDent SG

NextDent C & B

NextDent C & B MFH

NextDent Ortho Clear

NextDent Ortho IBT

NextDent Ortho Rigid

NextDent Model

NextDent Model Ortho

NextDent Tray

NextDent Gingiva Mask

NextDent Cast

Bucktown Polymers ZVE200-V420

Bucktown Polymers ZVE500-V420

MakerJuice SF

MakerJuice WaxCast

This is not a complete list - the original table is open and users add test results for new polymers as they are completed.

Any photopolymers and other materials for 3D printing can always be found on the Top 3D Shop website. Our experts are always happy to help you choose a 3D printer and materials for 3D printing for any purpose.

We also remind you: when buying a 3D printer in Top 3D Shop, the buyer gets a discount on consumables of 20% . Forever and ever.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/408171/

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