Tesla Semi and Tesla Roadster 2

The presentation of two new products from Tesla has just taken place. Tesla Semi and Tesla Roadster 2.

Earlier, Ilon Musk tweeted:

“Blow your mind clear out of your skull and into an alternate dimension”
“It will be taking the brain to another dimension” :)

Tesla, traditionally, was late - “Ceremonies” was delayed for almost an hour, during which guests listened to the same melody.

But after the brief introduction of Mask, two almost identical towers immediately rolled out onto the stage:

Key features and features:

Tesla Roadster 2

Basic configuration

Tesla Roadster 2 is not just a render. She was on the stage and guests could sit in it:

If everything goes according to the plans of Ilona Mask, then another revolution awaits us - this time in the field of cargo transportation.


Test Drive Tesla Roadster 2:

Acceleration Tesla Semi:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/408351/

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