English for beginners: texts and books to improve your reading skills.
We have already posted a list of must have books for English learners. But there were so many wishes in the comments that we decided to make a more extensive selection of books and texts for those who had just started learning English.Books
Value:- adapted mini-books;
- voice acting;
- breakdown by levels and themes.
Penguin Readers Easystart
Value:- adapted stories to learn to work with the texts;
- short stories;
- available illustrations;
- tasks for working with texts;
- Books are available for other levels.
Books on the method of Ilya Frank
Value:- breakdown of texts into fragments with translation into Russian;
- lexical comments to make the texts clearer;
- various subjects of texts (these are fairy tales, novels, poems and many masterpieces of world literature).
Story by Story Phonics Lessons
Value :
- all texts are aimed at mastering phonetics;
- voice acting and pictures;
- breakdown by topic.
Value:- very short and simple texts;
- breakdown by grammatical tenses and topics;
- the ability to listen to the read.
ESL Fast Small Talk
Value:- simple and short dialogues;
- have the opportunity to listen to audio recordings;
- There are options for higher levels.
Easy reading
Value:- simplified texts for beginners;
- the ability to listen to the text;
- various subjects of texts.
Reading Skills Stories from Marshall Adult Education
Value:- all texts are as simple as possible and designed for adults;
- Mandatory sequence of work with texts (preliminary task - 3 reading cycles and task after text);
- instructions and tips for working with texts;
- breakdown by difficulty levels.
Tar Heel Reader
Value:- very simple texts, supported by pictures;
- a breakdown by topic, level of difficulty, and even censorship;
- ability to choose other languages.
ESL Lounge
Value:- adapted and simple texts;
- tasks after reading;
- There are tasks for higher levels.
News in levels
Value:- selection of adapted news;
- video accompaniment to the text;
- different levels of difficulty;
- explanations of the new vocabulary.
Breaking News English
Value:- also a selection of adapted news;
- tasks for work after the text;
- different levels of difficulty.
We hope that this compilation will help you improve your reading skills in English and expand your passive vocabulary. We will be very pleased with your additions in the comments and wish you success in learning the language!Reader Bonuses

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/408387/
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