“Music” digital bus with UART interface


Hi, Geektimes! Have you ever wondered how the electric signal “sounds” that passes along the tracks of printed circuit boards between microcircuits, transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors? One of the variants of such a signal in modern electronics is the digital bus, and one of the popular interfaces for exchanging data over the bus is the UART. It is often used in microcontrollers to communicate with a computer or any peripheral. To get sound on the bus, it is not necessary to connect the speaker with an amplifier to a real bus with a UART ohm, because it can be simulated in the program. Are you interested in what sounds you end up with, or do you need a program to experiment yourself? Then I ask for cat.

We listen to files on the bus with UART

What is the sound, if you transfer files through the UART ? Here are some examples obtained with the following UART parameters:

The sound of the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl (file XR_3DA.exe, at the very end of the track, starting at 2:36, there is a melody).

The sound of the text and code of the article about speech synthesizer (the article itself is here ).

How does the photo "Lena"?


It was just a noise .

The sound of the book "Entropy and Forecast of Time Series in the Theory of Dynamic Systems" in pdf format.

The sound of the firmware of the Atmega series microcontroller for the wav player.

What can it be used for?

Theoretically, such information may be in the form of text, or pictures, or video, or in the form of a program that will have not only functional meaning or aesthetic significance, but also the “beautiful” sound of a digital bus, then it turns out some “digital” poetry . You can also diversify samples for dubstep. In general, in my opinion, listening to the sound of a digital bus is about as interesting as listening to the sound of radio waves on short waves, in general, to an amateur.

How does it work or a little about UART

What is a UART can be read on Wikipedia . UART is very easy to simulate in the program. In essence, it is only necessary to be able to create a signal drop from 0 to 1 and back (in the case of a WAV file with a 16-bit width, these are values ​​from - A to + A , where A is the signal amplitude) and record it into an audio file. The UART interface functions like this: after the start bit, which is equal to a logical "zero", you need to set the level depending on the data provided, from the low-order bit to the high-order one. Next comes the parity bit, which you can not use. At the end of the message put a stop bit (logical "one"), the length of which may be different. Sample code can be viewed in the source code, which is at the end of the article. More information about the UART can be viewed online, a lot of material. UART can be used for other purposes, for example, as PWM, and in our case it means that theoretically you can even transfer a full-fledged sound signal directly to the speaker, as is done in wav players on the microcontroller. However, I rather suggest using it as a meander generator. In this case, the tone frequency and signal phase can be represented as data bits, for example, 00001111 will create a square wave, the period of which will be equal to 10 periods of transmission of one bit (since in this case there is also a start bit equal to 0 and a stop bit equal to one). Because of the start and stop bits, not all periods of the meanders will turn out to be transmitted, for example, in this case, 01100110 , since in fact we will listen to such a sequence on the bus 0011001101 . If you use a high data rate, for example, 115200 baud, it makes sense to create audible sound frequencies, stretching the meadra periods by several bytes.


At this link you can download the program to convert the file to the sound of the UART bus. There is also a version using OpenAL to play the sound while the program is running, here is the link .

The source code of the program is provided below:

Header file SoundsDigitalBus.h
#ifndef SOUNDS_DIGITAL_BUS_H_INCLUDED #define SOUNDS_DIGITAL_BUS_H_INCLUDED #define SDB_WAV_FILE_NAME "sdb_output.wav" #define SDB_UART_BIT 8 #define SDB_UART_PARITY 0 #define SDB_UART_STOP_BIT 1 #define SDB_UART_BAUDRATE 9600 #define SDB_UART_BAUDRATE_MAX 921600 ///   ()   #define SDB_MAX_DATA 30000 ///    #define SDB_CANNEL 1 /// -  ()  #define SDB_BIT 16 ///    #define SDB_FREQUENCY 96000 ///     OpenAL #define OPENAL_NUM_OF_DYNBUF 32 ///  OpenAL #define SDB_OPENAL_BIT SDB_BIT #define SDB_OPENAL_CANNEL SDB_CANNEL #define SDB_OPENAL_FREQUENCY SDB_FREQUENCY #define SDB_OPENAL_FORMAT AL_FORMAT_MONO16 ///     #define SDB_BUFFER_MAX 4800 ///  OpenAL    ( ,   1) #define SDB_WITH_OPENAL 1 ///   ( ,   1) #define SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE 0 #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 //   OpenAL    #include <openal/al.h> #include <openal/alc.h> #endif #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 //    #include <stdio.h> #include <locale.h> #endif //    #include <stdio.h> //    #include <string.h> class sdb { private: #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 //   openAl    //   speesy ALCdevice* openAlDevice; ALCcontext* openAlContext; ALuint openAlSource; signed char openAlnBuf; //  #endif // ---------------------------------------- //    WAV  FILE *fpSave; unsigned short wavBlockAlign; unsigned long wavSubchunk2Size; unsigned long wavChunkSize; unsigned char wavLenDataType; // ---------------------------------------- //      double dTime; //    ,  . double allTime; //    short busState; //   ( ) short busDataOne[SDB_BUFFER_MAX]; // ,   wav short busDataTwo[SDB_BUFFER_MAX]; unsigned char switchBuffer; //    unsigned int posBufferOne, posBufferTwo; //    unsigned int posAllBuffer; //   char wavFileName[512]; //  wav  char isCreateWavFileFlag; // ,  wav    char isBufferOneFlag; // ,     char isBufferTwoFlag; unsigned int uartBaudrate; //  UART   unsigned int uartT; unsigned char uartBit; //   unsigned char uartStopBit; //    unsigned char uartParityBit; unsigned char isAudioOutput; unsigned char isWavFileOutput; #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 ALboolean CheckALCError(void); ALboolean CheckALError(void); char initOpenAL(void); void destroyOpenAL(void); void playOpenAlSound(void); void stopOpenAlSound(void); void closeOpenAlSound(void); int getBufferStatusOpenAl(void); void setBufferOpenAl(signed short *buf,unsigned long siz); char updateOpenAl(void); #endif char createWavFile(char * filename,unsigned long sampleRate,unsigned short bitsPerSample, unsigned short numChannels); void writeSampleWavFile(void *data); void writeDataBlockWavFile(void *data,unsigned long len); void closeWavFile(void); void busDelay(unsigned short us); public: sdb(void); ~sdb(void); /** @brief       1-wire @param[in] data     1-wire */ void oneWireSendByte(unsigned char data); /** @brief     1-wire */ void oneWireReset(void); /** @brief    1- wire */ void oneWireStop(void); /** @brief      UART @param[in] data    UART */ void uartSendByte(unsigned char data); /** @brief     UART @param[in] data    UART */ void uartSend(unsigned long data); /** @brief   UART @param[in] baudrate   UART */ void uartSetBaudrate(unsigned long baudrate); /** @brief     @param[in] bit  ,   UART    */ void uartSetBit(unsigned char bit); /** @brief          .     1. @param[in] bit    */ void uartSetStopBit(unsigned char bit); /** @brief          UART  .   1,     ,   0,     UART     . @param[in] state ,   . */ void uartSetParityBit(unsigned char state); /** @brief    UART     UART,     .         . */ void uartStop(void); /** @brief    wav  @param[in] filename  wav  */ void setWavFileName(char* filename); /** @brief     OpenAL */ void playAudioOn(void); /** @brief     OpenAL */ void playAudioOff(void); /** @brief     wav  */ void recordOn(void); /** @brief     wav  */ void recordOff(void); }; #endif // MUSICDIGITALBUS_H_INCLUDED 

SoundsDigitalBus.cpp source code
 #include "SoundsDigitalBus.h" #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 //   ALboolean sdb::CheckALCError(void) { ALenum ErrCode; ErrCode = alcGetError(openAlDevice); if (ErrCode != ALC_NO_ERROR) { return AL_FALSE; } return AL_TRUE; } ALboolean sdb::CheckALError(void) { ALenum ErrCode; if ((ErrCode = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) { return AL_FALSE; } return AL_TRUE; } //  OpenAL char sdb::initOpenAL(void) { ALfloat SourcePos[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; ALfloat SourceVel[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; //  . ALfloat ListenerPos[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; //  . ALfloat ListenerVel[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; //  . ( 3  –  «»,  3 – «») ALfloat ListenerOri[] = { 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("alcOpenDevice\n"); #endif openAlDevice = alcOpenDevice(0); // open default device if (openAlDevice != 0) { openAlContext = alcCreateContext(openAlDevice,0); // create context if (openAlContext != 0) { #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("alcMakeContextCurrent\n"); #endif alcMakeContextCurrent(openAlContext); // set active context } else { #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("Error context\n"); #endif return 0; } } else { #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("Error Open Device\n"); #endif return 0; } //  alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, ListenerPos); //  alListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, ListenerVel); //  alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, ListenerOri); alGenSources(1, &openAlSource); if (!CheckALError()) return false; alSourcef (openAlSource, AL_PITCH, 1.0f); alSourcef (openAlSource, AL_GAIN, 1.0f); alSourcefv(openAlSource, AL_POSITION, SourcePos); alSourcefv(openAlSource, AL_VELOCITY, SourceVel); alSourcei (openAlSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE); alSourcei(openAlSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE); openAlnBuf = 0; return 1; } void sdb::destroyOpenAL(void) { alSourceStop(openAlSource); //    alcMakeContextCurrent(0); //   alcDestroyContext(openAlContext); //    alcCloseDevice(openAlDevice); } void sdb::playOpenAlSound(void) { alSourcePlay(openAlSource); } void sdb::stopOpenAlSound(void) { alSourceStop(openAlSource); } void sdb::closeOpenAlSound(void) { alSourceStop(openAlSource); if (alIsSource(openAlSource)) alDeleteSources(1, &openAlSource); } int sdb::getBufferStatusOpenAl(void) { int processed = 0; if (openAlnBuf == 0) return 1; alGetSourcei(openAlSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); CheckALError(); #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("getBufferStatus: %d\n",processed); #endif if (processed != 0) { return processed; } return 0; } void sdb::setBufferOpenAl(signed short* buf, unsigned long siz) { int processed = 0; ALuint BufID = 0; #if _OPENAL_FORMAT == AL_FORMAT_MONO16 siz = siz*2; #endif // _OPENAL_FORMAT #if _OPENAL_FORMAT == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 siz = siz*4; #endif // _OPENAL_FORMAT #if _OPENAL_FORMAT == AL_FORMAT_STEREO8 siz = siz*2; #endif // _OPENAL_FORMAT //     alGetSourcei(openAlSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); CheckALError(); //   ,          if ((processed == 0) && (openAlnBuf < OPENAL_NUM_OF_DYNBUF)) { openAlnBuf++; //   alGenBuffers(1, &BufID); //   alBufferData(BufID,SDB_OPENAL_FORMAT,buf,siz,SDB_OPENAL_FREQUENCY); //     alSourceQueueBuffers(openAlSource, 1, &BufID); //    if (openAlnBuf == 1) alSourcePlay(openAlSource); } else { #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("processed: %d openAlnBuf: %d\n",processed,openAlnBuf); #endif // ,        while (getBufferStatusOpenAl() == 0); //     alSourceUnqueueBuffers(openAlSource, 1, &BufID); CheckALError(); //    alBufferData(BufID,SDB_OPENAL_FORMAT,buf,siz,SDB_OPENAL_FREQUENCY); CheckALError(); alSourceQueueBuffers(openAlSource, 1, &BufID); CheckALError(); } } //        ,    //  1       char sdb::updateOpenAl(void) { int processed = 0; ALuint BufID; //     alGetSourcei(openAlSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("updateOpenAl: %d\n",processed); #endif //     if (openAlnBuf == processed) { //     while (processed--) { //     alSourceUnqueueBuffers(openAlSource, 1, &BufID); if (!CheckALError()) return 0; alDeleteBuffers(1, &BufID); openAlnBuf--; } alSourceStop(openAlSource); #if SDB_WITH_DEBUG_MODE == 1 printf("alSourceStop: %d\n",openAlnBuf); #endif return 0; } return 1; } #endif //    .    void sdb::busDelay(unsigned short us) { double Time = (double)us/1000000.0; double locTime = allTime; char isFlag = 0; //  wav ,       if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) { isFlag = createWavFile(wavFileName,SDB_FREQUENCY,SDB_BIT,SDB_CANNEL); //     ,    if (isFlag == 1) isCreateWavFileFlag = 1; } if (isAudioOutput == 1) { initOpenAL(); if (isWavFileOutput == 0) isCreateWavFileFlag = 1; } } allTime = allTime + Time; //     if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 1) //     while(locTime < allTime) { if (switchBuffer == 0) { if (posBufferOne >= SDB_BUFFER_MAX) { posBufferOne = 0; posBufferTwo = 0; busDataTwo[posBufferTwo++] = busState; isBufferOneFlag = 1; switchBuffer = 1; if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataOne,SDB_BUFFER_MAX); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataOne,SDB_BUFFER_MAX); #endif } else { busDataOne[posBufferOne++] = busState; } } else if (switchBuffer == 1) { if (posBufferTwo >= SDB_BUFFER_MAX) { posBufferOne = 0; posBufferTwo = 0; busDataOne[posBufferOne++] = busState; isBufferTwoFlag = 1; switchBuffer = 0; if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataTwo,SDB_BUFFER_MAX); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataTwo,SDB_BUFFER_MAX); #endif } else { busDataTwo[posBufferTwo++] = busState; } } posAllBuffer++; locTime = locTime + dTime; } } char sdb::createWavFile(char * filename,unsigned long sampleRate,unsigned short bitsPerSample, unsigned short numChannels) { char type[4]; const unsigned long subchunk1Size = 16; unsigned long byteRate; const unsigned short audioFormat = 1; unsigned short len_str = 0; char str_filename[512] = {0}; unsigned short i; //        wavLenDataType = bitsPerSample/8; wavSubchunk2Size = 0; wavChunkSize = wavSubchunk2Size + 44 - 8; //      wavBlockAlign = bitsPerSample / (8 * numChannels); // ,    . byteRate = sampleRate * wavBlockAlign; strcpy(str_filename,filename); len_str = strlen(str_filename); if (len_str < 4) return 0; //       .wav i = 0; while(i < len_str) { if (filename[i] == '.' && (i + 3) < len_str) { if (((filename[i + 1] == 'w') && (filename[i + 2] == 'a') && (filename[i + 3] == 'v')) || ((filename[i + 1] == 'W') && (filename[i + 2] == 'A') && (filename[i + 3] == 'V'))) { //     wav break; } else { if ((i + 3) >= 512) return 0; filename[i + 1] = 'w'; filename[i + 2] = 'a'; filename[i + 3] = 'v'; len_str = i + 4; break; } } else if ((i + 1) == len_str) { if ((i + 3) >= 512) return 0; filename[i + 1] = '.'; filename[i + 2] = 'w'; filename[i + 3] = 'a'; filename[i + 4] = 'v'; len_str = i + 5; break; } i++; } type[0] = filename[len_str - 4]; type[1] = filename[len_str - 3]; type[2] = filename[len_str - 2]; type[3] = filename[len_str - 1]; if (type[0]!='.'||type[1]!='w'||type[2]!='a'||type[3]!='v') { if (type[0]!='.'||type[1]!='W'||type[2]!='A'||type[3]!='V') { return 0; } } fpSave=fopen(str_filename,"wb"); type[0]='R'; type[1]='I'; type[2]='F'; type[3]='F'; fwrite(&type,sizeof(char),4,fpSave); fwrite(&wavChunkSize,sizeof(unsigned long),1,fpSave); type[0]='W'; type[1]='A'; type[2]='V'; type[3]='E'; fwrite(&type,sizeof(char),4,fpSave); type[0]='f'; type[1]='m'; type[2]='t'; type[3]=' '; fwrite(&type,sizeof(char),4,fpSave); fwrite(&subchunk1Size,sizeof(unsigned long),1,fpSave); fwrite(&audioFormat,sizeof(unsigned short),1,fpSave); fwrite(&numChannels,sizeof(unsigned short),1,fpSave); fwrite(&sampleRate,sizeof(unsigned long),1,fpSave); fwrite(&byteRate,sizeof(unsigned long),1,fpSave); fwrite(&wavBlockAlign,sizeof(unsigned short),1,fpSave); //    .   “”   . 8 , 16   .. fwrite(&bitsPerSample,sizeof(unsigned short),1,fpSave); type[0]='d'; type[1]='a'; type[2]='t'; type[3]='a'; // subchunk2Id //   “data” (0x64617461  big-endian ) fwrite(&type, sizeof(char), 4,fpSave); wavSubchunk2Size = 0; //    . fwrite(&wavSubchunk2Size, sizeof(unsigned long), 1,fpSave); return 1; } void sdb::writeSampleWavFile(void* data) { fwrite(data, wavLenDataType, wavBlockAlign, fpSave); wavSubchunk2Size = wavSubchunk2Size + wavLenDataType*wavBlockAlign; } void sdb::writeDataBlockWavFile(void* data, unsigned long len) { fwrite(data, wavLenDataType, len, fpSave); wavSubchunk2Size = wavSubchunk2Size + len*wavLenDataType; } //         . void sdb::closeWavFile(void) { wavChunkSize = wavSubchunk2Size + 44 - 8; fseek(fpSave,4,SEEK_SET); fwrite(&wavChunkSize,4,1,fpSave); fseek(fpSave,40,SEEK_SET); fwrite(&wavSubchunk2Size,4,1,fpSave); fclose(fpSave); } //  sdb::sdb(void) { openAlnBuf = 0; wavBlockAlign = 0; wavSubchunk2Size = 0; wavChunkSize = 0; wavLenDataType = 0; fpSave = NULL; strcat(wavFileName,SDB_WAV_FILE_NAME); dTime = 1.0/(double)SDB_OPENAL_FREQUENCY; allTime = 0.0; //      switchBuffer = 0; //    () posAllBuffer = 0; //     posBufferOne = 0; posBufferTwo = 0; isBufferOneFlag = 0; isBufferTwoFlag = 0; isCreateWavFileFlag = 0; busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; uartSetBaudrate(SDB_UART_BAUDRATE); uartSetBit(SDB_UART_BIT); uartSetStopBit(SDB_UART_STOP_BIT); uartSetParityBit(SDB_UART_PARITY); recordOn(); playAudioOn(); } //  sdb::~sdb() { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 1) { if (posBufferOne > 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataOne,posBufferOne); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataOne,posBufferTwo); #endif } else if (posBufferTwo > 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataTwo,posBufferTwo); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataTwo,posBufferTwo); #endif } if (isWavFileOutput == 1) closeWavFile(); isCreateWavFileFlag = 0; #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) { while (1) { // ,      if (updateOpenAl() == 0) break; } closeOpenAlSound(); destroyOpenAL(); } #endif } } //      one wire void sdb::oneWireSendByte(unsigned char data) { for (register unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if((data & (1 << i)) == 1 << i) { busState = 0; busDelay(12); busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(65); } else { busState = 0; busDelay(65); busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(12); } } busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; } //       uart void sdb::uartSendByte(unsigned char data) { unsigned short pBit = 0; //     //   busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; //  for (register unsigned char i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if((data & (1<<i)) == 1<<i) { busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; pBit++; } else { busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } } //   if (uartParityBit != 0) { if ((pBit & 0x0001) == 0) { busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } else { busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } } //   busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; for (register unsigned char i = 0; i < uartStopBit; i++) busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } //      uart void sdb::uartSend(unsigned long data) { unsigned short pBit = 0; //     //   busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; //  for (register unsigned char i = 0; i < uartBit; i++) { if((data & (1<<i)) == 1<<i) { busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } else { busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } } //   if (uartParityBit != 0) { if ((pBit & 0x0001) == 0) { busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } else { busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } } //   busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; for (register unsigned char i = 0; i < uartStopBit; i++) busDelay(uartT); busState = -SDB_MAX_DATA; } //    UART void sdb::uartSetBaudrate(unsigned long baudrate) { if (baudrate > SDB_UART_BAUDRATE_MAX) baudrate = SDB_UART_BAUDRATE_MAX; uartBaudrate = baudrate; uartT = 1000000 / baudrate; } void sdb::uartSetBit(unsigned char bit) { if (bit > 32) bit = 32; if (bit == 0) bit = 1; if (bit < 8) bit = 8; uartBit = bit; } void sdb::uartSetStopBit(unsigned char bit) { if (bit == 0) bit = 1; uartStopBit = bit; } void sdb::uartSetParityBit(unsigned char state) { if (state > 1) state = 1; uartParityBit = state; } //       void sdb::oneWireReset(void) { busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(100); busState = 0;// "0" busDelay(485);//  480 busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(65);//  60      busState = 0;// "0" busDelay(400); busState = SDB_MAX_DATA; busDelay(100); } //    1-wire void sdb::oneWireStop(void) { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 1) { if (posBufferOne > 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataOne,posBufferOne); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataOne,posBufferOne); #endif } else if (posBufferTwo > 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataTwo,posBufferTwo); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataTwo,posBufferTwo); #endif } #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 while (1) { // ,      if (updateOpenAl() == 0) break; } closeOpenAlSound(); destroyOpenAL(); #endif if (isWavFileOutput == 1) closeWavFile(); isCreateWavFileFlag = 0; } } void sdb::uartStop(void) { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 1) { if (posBufferOne > 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataOne,posBufferOne); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataOne,posBufferOne); #endif } else if (posBufferTwo > 0) { if (isWavFileOutput == 1) writeDataBlockWavFile(busDataTwo,posBufferTwo); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) setBufferOpenAl(busDataTwo,posBufferTwo); #endif } #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 if (isAudioOutput == 1) { while (1) { // ,      if (updateOpenAl() == 0) break; } closeOpenAlSound(); destroyOpenAL(); } #endif if (isWavFileOutput == 1) closeWavFile(); isCreateWavFileFlag = 0; } } void sdb::setWavFileName(char* filename) { strcat(wavFileName,filename); } void sdb::playAudioOn(void) { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 0) isAudioOutput = 1; } void sdb::playAudioOff(void) { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 0) isAudioOutput = 0; } void sdb::recordOn(void) { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 0) isWavFileOutput = 1; } void sdb::recordOff(void) { if (isCreateWavFileFlag == 0) { if (isAudioOutput == 1) isWavFileOutput = 0; else isWavFileOutput = 1; } } 

Main.h file
 #ifndef MAIN_H_INCLUDED #define MAIN_H_INCLUDED #define LINUX 0x00 #define WINDOWS 0x01 #define RU 0x00 #define EN 0x01 ///    #define TYPE_OS WINDOWS ///   #define LANGUAGE_PROGRAM RU #define UART_BUS 0x01 #define ONE_WIRE_BUS 0x02 #include <iostream> #include "SoundsDigitalBus.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include <stdio.h> #endif // MAIN_H_INCLUDED 

Main.cpp file
 #include "main.h" sdb soundsDigitalBus; int main() { static FILE *fp = NULL; //    char strData[512]; //    char strChar = 0; //  unsigned char busType; //    int strPos = 0; //    int uartBaudrate = 0; //  UART int uartBit = 8; int uartStopBit = 0; //int uartParityBit = 0; #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS and LANGUAGE_PROGRAM==RU setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian"); printf("  UART  ,   0,   1-wire.\n"); #else printf("Enter the UART baud rate, or specify 0 if you want 1-wire.\n"); #endif printf("UART Baudrate: "); memset(strData,0,512); while(1) { strChar = getchar(); if ((strChar >= '0') && (strChar <= '9')) { strData[strPos++] = strChar; } else break; } uartBaudrate = atoi(strData); if (uartBaudrate == 0) { busType = ONE_WIRE_BUS; } else { busType = UART_BUS; soundsDigitalBus.uartSetBaudrate(uartBaudrate); } printf("\n"); if (busType == UART_BUS) { #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS and LANGUAGE_PROGRAM==RU printf("   UART\n"); #else printf("Enter the number of bits UART.\n"); #endif printf("UART bit: "); memset(strData,0,512); while(1) { strChar = getchar(); if ((strChar >= '0') && (strChar <= '9')) { strData[strPos++] = strChar; } else break; } uartBit = atoi(strData); soundsDigitalBus.uartSetBit(uartBit); printf("\n"); #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS and LANGUAGE_PROGRAM==RU printf("    UART\n"); #else printf("Enter the number of stop bits UART.\n"); #endif printf("UART stop bit: "); memset(strData,0,512); while(1) { strChar = getchar(); if ((strChar >= '0') && (strChar <= '9')) { strData[strPos++] = strChar; } else break; } uartStopBit = atoi(strData); soundsDigitalBus.uartSetStopBit(uartStopBit); printf("\n"); #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS and LANGUAGE_PROGRAM==RU printf("    UART? (Y/n)\n"); #else printf("Use the parity bit in the UART? (Y/n)\n"); #endif strChar = getchar(); if ((strChar == 'n') || (strChar == 'N') || (strChar == '') || (strChar == '')) { soundsDigitalBus.uartSetParityBit(0); printf("not used\n"); } else { soundsDigitalBus.uartSetParityBit(1); printf("Yes, use\n"); } getchar(); printf("\n"); } FILE_M: printf("\n"); #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS printf("        .\n"); printf(": D: \\ Games \\ SR2 \\ Rangers.txt\n"); printf(": "); #else printf("Specify the file to convert it to record digital bus.\n"); printf("For example: D: \\ Games \\ SR2 \\ Rangers.txt\n"); printf("File: "); #endif memset(strData,0,512); strPos = 0; while(1) { strChar = getchar(); if (strChar != '\n') { strData[strPos++] = strChar; } else break; } fp = fopen(strData,"rb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("\n"); #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS printf("!  %s  !\n",strData); printf("     .\n"); printf("...\n"); #else printf("Error! File %s not found!\n",strData); printf("Try to correctly specify the path to the file.\n"); printf("...\n"); #endif getchar(); goto FILE_M; } //soundsDigitalBus.setWavFileName(strData); printf("\n"); #if SDB_WITH_OPENAL == 1 #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS printf("      ? (Y/n)\n"); #else printf("Play audio while working digital bus? (Y/n)\n"); #endif strChar = getchar(); if ((strChar == 'n') || (strChar == 'N') || (strChar == '') || (strChar == '')) { soundsDigitalBus.playAudioOff(); printf("not used\n"); } else { soundsDigitalBus.playAudioOn(); printf("Yes, use\n"); } getchar(); printf("\n"); #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS printf("      ? (Y/n)\n"); #else printf("Record audio while working digital bus? (Y/n)\n"); #endif strChar = getchar(); if ((strChar == 'n') || (strChar == 'N') || (strChar == '') || (strChar == '')) { soundsDigitalBus.recordOff(); printf("not used\n"); } else { soundsDigitalBus.recordOn(); printf("Yes, use\n"); } getchar(); #else soundsDigitalBus.recordOn(); #endif printf("\n"); #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS printf(" .\n"); #else printf("The transformation started.\n"); #endif unsigned char uartData[8]; if (busType == ONE_WIRE_BUS) { soundsDigitalBus.oneWireReset(); } while(1) { if (fread(uartData,sizeof(unsigned char),1,fp) > 0) { if (busType == UART_BUS) { if (uartBit == 8) { soundsDigitalBus.uartSendByte(uartData[0]); } else { soundsDigitalBus.uartSend(uartData[0]); } } else if (busType == ONE_WIRE_BUS) { soundsDigitalBus.oneWireSendByte(uartData[0]); } } else break; } fclose(fp); if (busType == ONE_WIRE_BUS) { soundsDigitalBus.oneWireStop(); } else if (busType == UART_BUS) { soundsDigitalBus.uartStop(); } #if TYPE_OS==WINDOWS printf(" .\n"); #else printf("Conversion completed.\n"); #endif return 0; //soundsDigitalBus.oneWireReset(); soundsDigitalBus.uartSetBaudrate(1200); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i ++) { for (int len = 0; len < 8; len++) { soundsDigitalBus.uartSendByte(i); } printf("%d\n",i); } soundsDigitalBus.oneWireStop(); return 0; } 

PS I noticed an error that in the source code, the start bit is logical 1, not 0, and the stop bit is 0, not 1. Who needs the fundamental correspondence of the reality sound signal can correct the error itself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/408485/

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