$ 59,000 to buy an electric truck

After Tesla opened the opportunity to reserve your new electric truck, unexpectedly a lot before. orders came from canada. Now it became known that Ontario - the largest province of Canada, announced a new program that will encourage the purchase of such trucks.

This program will cover up to 60% (or up to $ 75,000 CAD = $ 59,000 USD) price differences between diesel and electric trucks. Ontario already has a $ 14,000 CAD discount for passenger electric cars. The new program includes electric trucks as well.

The news was announced immediately after BYD announced the construction of its electric truck assembly plant in Ontario. Of course, this program will be very beneficial for both this manufacturer and Tesla.

Trading network Loblaws from Ontario has already done before. order for 25 Tesla Semi, also your pre. an order for 15 trucks (10 of which will be operated in Canada) was made by Walmart.

Tesla Semi is more expensive than a conventional diesel tractor and much cheaper to operate and maintain. However, with this program its price equals the price of a regular diesel engine, which costs about $ 120,000. Tesla cost starts at $ 150,000 and comes to $ 180,000. 60% will cover this price difference.

Of course, Tesla Semi is not only interested in Canada. Prev Order already done:

Anheuser Busch - 40 trucks
PepsiCo - 100
Sysco - 50
JB Hunt - 40
Meijer - 4
JK Moving - 4
DHL Supply Chain - 10


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/408889/

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