Hello! In this New Year's Eve post, I will remind you about the most important events from the “life” of the
PocketBook company in 2017, remember all the models that it brought to the market over the past 12 months and, so to speak, summarize the final year. The blessing to remember is about what.
The first important point. The PocketBook reader has an adjustable backlight color temperature. This feature is implemented in the new flagship model
PocketBook 631 Plus . The idea here is that the backlight can be given a warmer or colder shade - depending on the situation, time of day, tastes of a particular user, and so on.

The warmer the light, the less tired your eyes are and the faster you want to fall asleep. Warm light relaxes both the body as a whole and the visual apparatus in particular. Unlike white light, which is neutral - it does not relax and does not excite. Therefore, the white light is logical to use during the day when you do not plan to sleep, and yellow / orange - before going to bed.
The second important point. In 2017, absolutely all 6-inch PocketBook models received E Ink Carta screens. Display E Ink Pearl and Pearl HD in the company's readers will no longer be. Screens E Ink Carta - the most recent development of the company of the same name for readers. (Screens for signs, price tags, watches, outdoor advertising, industrial devices and so on do not take into account.) Read more about the advantages of Carta over Pearl
here .
In short, the text on the E Ink Carta screen is clearer and more contrast than on E Ink PearlThe third important point. The release of the water-proof reader
PocketBook 641 Aqua 2. An overview of this model can be found
here , with some arguments on the topic of waterproof readers -
here and
here . And under this
link you can read an article devoted to the analysis of PocketBook 641 Aqua 2 and two competitor readers, which also declared protection against water.

In short: only PocketBook in the PocketBook 641 Aqua 2 model implemented protection of the inside of the readers with the help of a bundle of tuling and a protective gel. As a result, the model turned out to be 100% sealed and not afraid of water, porridge, soup, coffee, soda, and so on. For competitors, everything is much sadder: some actually fear water in general, while others seem not to be afraid, but they are not sealed. As a result, it is impossible to water them with the same soup - it will be poured inside and over time the reader will begin to bloom in violent color. What will never happen to Aqua.
The fourth important point. Music in the reader. There are no players left in the 6-inch models of players supplied to the Russian market - the manufacturers refused this function. Therefore, it is impossible to listen to music and audiobooks on almost all modern readers. Exceptions? Behind them - again to PocketBook:
PocketBook 631 Touch HD and
PocketBook 631 Plus models can play music. These are the only 6-inch models on the market with this option. A
PocketBook 840 Ink Pad 2 - the only 8-inch. This is the position of PocketBook as a market leader: there should be no compromises in flagship models.

Finally - a
list of new models of the PocketBook model of 2017 . Short and tezisno.
• PocketBook 614 Plus, 6 900 rubles (
review /
page on the site ). The most budget reader in the lineup of the company. Screen - E Ink Carta.

• PocketBook 615 Plus, 7 900 rubles (
page on the site ). The most budget poketbuk in the line of the company with backlight. Screen - of course, E Ink Carta.

• PocketBook 641 Aqua 2, 10 990 rubles (
review /
page on the site ). The only one in the Russian market completely, 100% protected from water and dirt reader. Not afraid of any liquids, sand and dust. There is a backlight, a screen - E Ink arta.

• PocketBook 631 Plus, 12 900 rubles (
review /
page on the site ). The new flagship reader of the company with all possible options, including a music player and the ability to adjust the color temperature of the backlight. Screen E Ink Carta ultra-high resolution (1440 x 1072 points).

(I remind you that when buying readers in the online store on the PocketBook website,
an additional year of warranty is given as a gift. If you are given 2 years for any PocketBook reader in a regular store, then if you buy directly from the manufacturer, you will have 3 years - maximum for the market!)
These are the news of 2017. Have something to add, ask, clarify, argue? Welcome to the comments - I will answer all questions!
PS And yes, I almost forgot. In the fall of 2017, the PocketBook company turned 10 years old.
A few numbers:
• since 2013, PocketBook has continuously ranked in the TOP-3 leading manufacturers of readers worldwide;
• since 2011, the main office of the PocketBook company is located in Switzerland;
• The number of PocketBook offices worldwide is 5 (including the Moscow office);
• The number of employees is 230, of which 60 are reader developers;
• Since its inception, more than 40 models of PocketBook readers have been released;
• PocketBook readers are sold in 38 countries of the world;
• The total number of PocketBook readers sold since the company was founded around the world - more than 5,000,000.
PocketBook celebrated its tenth anniversary with the release of the
limited golden version of the PocketBook 626 Plus reader . Its circulation is only 1 000 pieces, the price of this version is the same as the usual versions of the PocketBook 626 Plus, - 9 900 rubles.

I own one of this thousand copies. Looks like a golden version, not afraid of the word, awesome. Yes, and with the functionality of it, as is usually the case with PocketBook, everything is fine. So I recommend to buy if you do not need water protection (for her to PocketBook 641 Aqua 2) and adjust the color temperature of the backlight (for her to PocketBook 631 Plus).
Now everything is exactly!