We have already written about the latest sensational investigation of the Internet . Reddit users found that absolutely identical smartphones, differing only in service life, have a different processor clock frequency. So, after the scandal flared up yesterday, Apple recognized the presence in new versions of iOS of an algorithm that slows down the speed of the device, depending on the state of its battery. It turned out It takes into account not only the charge / voltage of the battery, but also the ambient temperature. The colder, the more Apple slows the iPhone. This is done in order to avoid inadvertently turning off the device.
The company reported that its update for iOS, released about a year ago, slows down the smartphone to solve problems with lithium-ion batteries. The older they are, the worse they hold a charge, especially in the cold. And if the processor in the device still wants to work at high speeds, the batteries can not meet its demand, and the smartphone is "cut down". After users started complaining about the sudden shutdown of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S in 2016, the company decided to slow down their processors to fix this problem.
As users suspected, the algorithm began to work with the iOS 10.2.1 update, released in January 2017. In justification, Apple said:
Our goal is to give customers the best experience. This includes both the overall performance and the longevity of their devices as long as possible. Lithium-ion batteries cannot meet peak current needs if they are in cold conditions, have a low charge, or are obsolete. This may cause the device to urgently disconnect to protect its electronic components.
Earlier, we released an update for iPhone 6, iPhone 6S and iPhone SE, smoothing out sharp peaks and eliminating the problem of spontaneous disconnection. Now we are introducing this feature in iPhone 7 with iOS 11.2, and in the future we intend to do the same for other products.
According to Apple, the technology of slowing down devices works in the iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7 and iPhone SE (reddit geeks also suspected the "five"). The only solution is to replace the battery. This can speed up the work of the smartphone and its statistics in the benchmarks about two times. For replacing the battery beyond the warranty period in the US, Apple asks for $ 79.
So far, smart phones are not telling you that your battery has been “blown away”. Apparently, the companies expect that you will still replace your device in a year and a half, and you will not encounter a similar problem. They also fear that if they are the first to report a deterioration in battery performance in the device, they will gain the reputation of “that manufacturer with bad batteries.” But this is a chemical inevitability: a lithium-ion battery with daily use wears out quickly enough. To avoid accusations that have spilled on Apple this week, as journalists say , it was enough for a corporation to honestly tell the situation to customers (for example, via a message in the settings of a particular iPhone's battery, telling that it is outdated and recommended for replacement).
According to the chief editor of TechCrunch, Apple is trying to "maintain the economic balance." If you inform in advance about the need to replace the battery, users can begin to complain that the company "sucks" of them money. Therefore, the company delays as much as possible the moment of battery replacement in their devices. And the drop in iPhone performance is a necessary measure.
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