Discussion of possible devices for protection against dust, bacteria and viruses
(warning, there are errors in the text).

Dust is the smallest solid (organic or inorganic) particles that can be suspended in air for a long time. Airborne solid particles are a dispersed system, in which the dispersed phase is solid particles and the dispersed medium is air. A dispersed system of suspended solids in the air, i.e. dust is called an aerosol.
Currently, there are no modern ways to protect the respiratory organs, something that was created earlier is already morally obsolete and does not always meet modern requirements, differing only in design, these include:
- cotton-gauze bandage;
- dust masks for dust protection;
- filter masks.
Why do not create anything modern for these purposes? - something more compact, convenient, practical and effective.
From personal experience, the other day I worked in a workshop with plywood and breathed in this dust, which is just a passion, I didn’t put on a mask, because under it my face becomes wet in the first minutes of work, and working for 6-8 hours is torture, especially shaved on this day irritation will Mom do not grieve.
As is well known, the dust of hard wood is dangerous because it causes cancer, and even Father said that those who worked at the plant in the breadboard workshop had already died for a long time, which is a cause for concern.
So, from the fact that there is nothing that does not fit, you need something local that will filter the air entering the nose and at the same time should not cover the floor of the person creating discomfort and inconvenience when working.
This is the solution that came to mind, since at that time, with the guys at one of the centers of additional education in Voronezh (in parallel with the main work), we developed a device under the working title “ZiNa”, I will tell about it a little later.
By simplifying it, removing all unnecessary and applying special quick-change cartridges with chemical fibers with a high ability to trap dust, the following model was developed.

Explanations on the work I think will be superfluous, I am interested in your opinion on this device!
And now about the device "ZiNa".
The concept of the future device "ZiNa" - protection of the respiratory organs from infectious penetration ("ZiNa" - Protective Individual NOSADA)
And so, how did it all start ?! - not once faced with such a problem that, at present, a modern person is completely defenseless from various infectious diseases that carry airborne droplets, for example, if you go on a bus and someone is sick and coughing next time, then the probability of infection increases every minute infectious and dangerous situation (no matter how strong the immune system is, it is not able to withstand the infectious pressure that surrounds us at the moment).
What to do, how to resist it?
Began to sort out the protection options, what effective and affordable remedies now exist? In most cases, they try to use medical masks that are absolutely useless when staying close to a sick person, creating a false security effect, so to speak, and only aggravating the situation.
And probably everything (from known common protective devices) is less effective in this situation, the mask with filter cartridges, which are used, for example, when painting cars, but they are rather cumbersome, not practical and do not look aesthetically pleasing.
There are still all possible drugs (warning), which are aimed mainly at activating the body, warning him in advance about a possible infection, speeding up the response in advance, while the probability of illness remains, but the recovery period is faster, without dangerous complications. True, the effectiveness of these drugs is not always justified by the possibility of timely use.
Hi, ZiNa ...
After analyzing all possible options, I began to think and reflect on the possibility of protection. How and with the help of what can you protect a person from easily spread infections? How to protect the respiratory system, providing filtering or disinfection of inhaled air? As a result, he came to the conclusion that it was necessary to do so, say a filter nozzle, which would disinfect the air that is inhaled.

Next, sketches of the future apparatus were drawn, after which a two-dimensional model of the future apparatus with the placement of ready-made modules was drawn in AutoCAD. Next was the fitting of the received sketch, its adjustment and preparation of the drawing to create a three-dimensional model.
The future design will consist of two blocks that are easily assembled before use into a single unit.
And so, the first block is a block consisting of an irradiator and a battery, and the second part is a silicone block with a system of channels and valves in which the main process takes place - bacterial disinfection of inhaled air.
Principle of operation:
The device consists of two separate units:
- Silicone block nozzles, is a frame-forming part with a system for separating flows (respirable and exhaled by means of valves and separate channels) and a bactericidal disinfection zone;
- a bactericidal feed unit consisting of a battery connector, a bactericidal radiation element and the battery itself, in this case CR2032, which is inserted immediately before the device is activated.
Working process:
The device is activated by connecting a CR2032 battery to it, after which it begins to function, irradiating and disinfecting the air passing through the bacterial disinfection chamber through translational respiratory oscillations, previously disinfected before entering the body.
Inhaled and exhaled air moves through different channels, which eliminates the formation of condensate in the disinfection chamber (exhaled air passes through a short channel, thereby accelerating the natural process).
It is worth noting that the charge of the CR2032 battery lasts on average up to 10 hours of continuous work, this is quite enough to use this device for a long time, without burdening itself with constant concern about changing the batteries.
Scientific rationale:
Ultraviolet radiation covers the wavelength range from 100 to 400 nm of the optical spectrum of electromagnetic waves. According to the most characteristic reactions arising from the interaction of ultraviolet radiation with biological receivers, this range is conventionally divided into three sub-ranges: UV-A (315 - 400 nm), UV-B (280 - 315 nm), UV-C (100 - 280 nm ).
Ultraviolet radiation belongs to the type of low-ionizing radiation, with the formation of ozone in safe, very low concentrations.
3O2 + UV = 2O3 (ozone)
Small concentrations of ozone in the air create a feeling of freshness, inhalation of air with an ozone concentration of 0.002-0.02 mg / l (in large concentrations, ozone is poisonous and causes irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue).
In ultraviolet bactericidal emitters, which are used for disinfecting air in medical institutions (according to the guidelines of sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation), it is believed that ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength range of 205 - 315 nm has a bactericidal effect, which manifests itself in destructively modifying photochemical damage of cellular DNA the nucleus of the microorganism, which leads to the death of the microbial cell in the first or subsequent generation.
The response of a living microbial cell to ultraviolet radiation is not the same for different wavelengths. The dependence of bactericidal efficacy on the wavelength of the radiation is sometimes called the spectrum of action.
It has been established that the course of the relative spectral bactericidal efficiency curve for different types of microorganisms is almost the same.
Viruses and bacteria in a vegetative form (sticks, cocci) are more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Fungi and protozoa are less sensitive. The most resistant have spore forms of bacteria.
Considering the fact that our apparatus is of local application, providing direct contact with human skin, and also due to the fact that the irradiated volume is relatively insignificant, to solve our goals it will be sufficient to significantly reduce the ultraviolet irradiation to the minimum possible, using a "soft" ultraviolet subrange : UVA
Thus, an emitter from the subgroup near ultraviolet, UV-A rays (UVA, 315–400 nm), energy per photon, 3.10–3.94 eV was adopted for testing.
In conclusion, it should be said that the proposed respiratory protection apparatus against infectious penetration called “ZiNa” now looks unusual, where it is ridiculous and not serious, but perhaps in the future this futuristic concept will also be commonplace and common as, for example, a cell phone.