[Friday] Text console in the cyberpunk world
It is easy to transmit a video signal if you are distant by satellite distance. If you go beyond the solar system, then it may take several hours to transfer an ordinary picture to Earth. But if the signal comes from a galaxy remote for a million light years, then only fragments of symbols reach us. Sometimes they can be decrypted and folded into an animation made from ASCII characters. This story is about a strange world in which technology is intertwined with antiquity. Perhaps this civilization no longer exists, because the signal went a million years.
A total of 15 posts reached. Some names are not taken from the original signal, but changed by scientists for a better understanding.
1. Yesterday I stood up for hours in order to enroll in a space flight school. It was raining with a 56Hz radioactivity coefficient, but I'm not afraid, because I am [inaudible] . And it did not take!
2. I sat around the fire all night trying to understand what I wanted. The road to space I blocked ...
3. In a nearby glade, drones scared phoenix unicorns. Right! There is no need for unicorns to relax and forget how to recover from the ashes!
4. And I remembered how I collected my first drone. I was only three minutes old and I have never been reborn! Maybe my calling is to collect drones?
5. Got a side job - to repair wind turbines. Do you know what is very well seen in the ocean at night? Stars! If the clouds do not hide them ...
6. Once I fell asleep while fishing. The flying drone tested his weapon and scared off all the fish. His monotonous buzz drove me into a meta-dream. And in a dream ... I found a solution!
7. After all, I am reborn [inaudible] , which means I can try to get into the grave of cyborgs. There, according to legend, are untold wealth. They say that you can enter a flight school for a bribe!
8. I went to the cyborg cave with a friend. But we could not pass the first of the ancient. He was not aggressive, like all the ancients, but did not let us go further.
9. Got a cyborg factory to earn coins. And money and skills. Placing the consciousness of the firstborn in the cyborg neural network is not an easy task.
10. Consciousness of the firstborn, mingling with modern scientific data, turns into a substrate, in the DNA of which the program code is sewn up. No one really knows how this happens ...
11. Having earned money, I settled in the raiders. The work is dangerous, but the best raiders are taken to the flight school without competition.
12. Once I almost died. Forcing a lava river on tanks, populated by spirits of molten cyborgs, I lagged behind the main group and was confused. Only the sonorous voice of the sergeant brought me back to the ranks.
13. In martial arts, I also had no equal. I became the best raider of the planet!
14. As the best raider, I was taken to the flight school! On this occasion, I threw a party at which he went over with a neuroplayer. I do not remember exactly what was there, but the records look strange ...
15. My dream came true - I became a pilot! And in my first flight into orbit, I ran into a strange, inexplicable ... [signal disappeared]
Unfortunately, the signal from this distant and mysterious galaxy is gone. Scientists continue to listen carefully to this sector.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/412237/
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