Diet for gallstones: basic principles

Gallstone disease is a common problem that many suffer from. And the diet for gallstones is an integral and very important part of treatment. Proper nutrition for such diseases has some features that will be discussed in the article.

Gallstone disease: the main signs and causes

bile duct stone

Before studying what a proper diet should be for stones in the gallbladder, it is worthwhile to find out what leads to such disorders and what are the main symptoms of the disease.

The gall bladder is an important organ in which bile acids and other enzymes synthesized in the liver are collected. In the normal state of the body, bile freely enters the intestinal tract through special ducts. A stone in the gallbladder can form for various reasons. To a similar disease lead:

  • an increase in cholesterol, which is often found with malnutrition, eating excessive amounts of fatty foods, obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders;

  • violation of the outflow of bile, as a result of which the fluid stagnates in the bladder and crystallizes over time. Such a problem can lead to malnutrition, pregnancy, flatulence, biliary dyskinesia, a sedentary lifestyle;

  • infectious diseases of the gallbladder and duct.

The main symptoms of the disease include nausea and a feeling of characteristic bitterness in the mouth. If a stone is located in the bile duct, then the so-called hepatic colic develops, when a person suffers from bouts of acute pain that gives into the right hypochondrium, arm or shoulder. Sometimes there may be increased gas formation in the intestines, as well as fever, especially if the disease is associated with infection.

Diet for gallstones

diet for gallstones

Today, there are many methods of treating gallstone disease, ranging from the safe dissolution of stones using special drugs and ending with the surgical removal of solid formations. However, a proper diet can not only speed up the treatment process, but also prevent the formation of new stones in the future.

The diet for stones in the gallbladder has several main points:

  • Bile is involved in the digestion of fats. And in order to remove the load from the liver and gall bladder with a similar disease, it is necessary to reduce or completely stop taking animal fats.

  • In addition, you need to limit the amount of cholesterol. It is recommended that patients temporarily completely abandon meat, liver and egg yolks.


  • Of great importance is the drinking regime. In case of gallstone disease, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed to at least 2 liters. Give preference to clean, non-carbonated water - it perfectly affects the state of the body, normalizes metabolism and promotes the natural withdrawal of small stones from the body.

  • Specialists recommend fractional nutrition - you need to eat as often as possible, but in small portions. Thus, the digestive system, including the liver and gall bladder, is not overloaded and always remains in good shape.

  • And do not forget about the benefits of fiber. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals, which perfectly satisfy hunger, normalize the digestive system and prevent the formation of new stones.


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