We use magnesium in health products

This article is devoted to such an important trace element as magnesium. But before starting to find out whether magnesium is contained in foods and in which, let us recall what role it plays in our body, is it so necessary and important for health.

It should immediately be noted that in many ways magnesium is even more important than the well-known and useful calcium. Without the presence of magnesium, calcium, in principle, cannot be absorbed, even if it is abundant in the body. Magnesium helps balance calcium intake and inhibits its excretion. He is also among the first four minerals that are especially necessary for the functioning of our organs and systems (the other three minerals are potassium, calcium, sodium). Magnesium is very important for bone tissue. The main part of its total content in the human body falls precisely on the teeth and bones.

Magnesium is one of the main energetics of the cell. It organizes "protection" of the nervous system from stress and tension. Magnesium helps maintain immunity both inside the cell and in body fluids, and has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Its presence significantly speeds up the metabolism. It effectively lowers blood pressure, prevents stone formation.

As you can see, this trace element is simply vital for us. Especially now, when there are even more reasons for its deficiency in the body. Therefore, you need to know where magnesium is contained in order to replenish it with the help of natural sources. Magnesium deficiency in the body is caused by:

  • Refined Food, Fast Food;
  • Sweets, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Foods with a high content of caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate, cola, etc.);
  • Low soil intensive agriculture;
  • Soil polluting agents (various fertilizers, heavy metals, industrial waste, pesticides, etc.);
  • Increased body need for magnesium (with mental and physical stress, psycho-emotional stress, stress);
  • Impaired absorption due to diarrhea, constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, abuse of laxatives;
  • Excessive excretion of magnesium by the kidneys (diabetes, renal acidosis, alcohol, diuretics) ;
  • The use of certain drugs, for example, cardiac glycosides, birth control pills, beta-blockers, estrogen, ACE inhibitors, antibiotics, anti-TB drugs, cytostatics;
  • Excessive enthusiasm for various diets, especially protein diets, in which the consumption of animal protein sharply increases.

So, let's try to use magnesium in products for the prevention of all kinds of consequences of a lack of it in the body. Magnesium can enter the body with salt and water, however, its richer source is food.

Products with magnesium (in the first places those that contain the highest concentration of this useful trace mineral) :

- Cocoa;

- Hazelnuts;

- Soya;

- Beans and seeds of other siliculose;

- Seeds of some plants, for example, poppy;

- Nuts (except forest);

- Greenery;

- molasses;

- Raw cereals;

- Figs;

- Dark green vegetables, cabbage, beets (if necessary, it is important to cook very quickly so that magnesium is not washed);

- Bananas;

- Sprouted wheat ;

- bran;

- the liver;

- yeast;

- Cheese;

- Egg yolk;

- potatoes;

- Fish;

- Cottage cheese, sour milk, sour cream.

With a balanced healthy diet, a person is able to get up to 300 mg of magnesium per day. However, the need for this trace element in most people is much higher (sometimes 600 mg is not enough). Therefore, magnesium in food is wonderful, but periodically it will not hinder the course of taking it in medicines.

Let magnesium in food never disappear from your table, giving health, vitality and good mood!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/44555473800365664/

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