What Vitamin B Contains - Food for Our Health

What are vitamins? These are special organic low molecular weight compounds that are not synthesized by the human body, but come from food. Vitamins are necessary for the normal course of biological processes in organisms.

Vitamins are formed during biosynthesis in the tissues of plants and animals.

The role of vitamins in the body to enhance the degree of nutrient utilization, to provide basic chemical reactions in the body.

With a lack of vitamins in the diet, the body is threatened with severe disorders. Vitamin deficiency may be invisible externally, but as a result of vitamin deficiency, the adaptive properties of the body fall, working capacity and overall well-being decrease.

Vitamins of group B are vital for the body. Vitamins In the body, it is simply necessary to maintain a normal level of health.

What is vitamin B in?

Vitamin B1 is found in some types of meat (liver, kidneys, lean pork), in rye and whole grain bread, in many cereals (for example, millet, oat, buckwheat), in legumes, and in potatoes. Strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, has a good effect on digestion.

It is necessary for the production of enzymes responsible for the absorption of food. It is necessary for the normal process of protein and fat synthesis.

Vitamin B2 is found in meat offal (liver, kidney), in cheese and cottage cheese, in legumes, cereals, spinach, rye and whole grain bread. Vitamin B2 is a strong antioxidant that inhibits the destructive activity of free radicals.

Provides a normal exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Together with vitamin A, it is involved in ensuring the normal process of vision.

And what is vitamin B in?

Vitamin B 3 (also called niacin, vitamin PP) is found in rye and whole grain bread, many cereals (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal), fish, nuts, vegetables, as well as meat and dried mushrooms. Vitamin B 3 is necessary for the metabolism of proteins in the body. It has an effect on the formation of red blood cells. Improves blood supply processes.

Vitamin B5 can be found in offal (liver and kidneys) and in ordinary meat, in legumes, meat, in poultry and fish, in cauliflower and tomatoes, in egg yolk.

Vitamin B5 is necessary for our body to form coenzyme A, which is involved in many biochemical processes of the body. Coenzyme A allows the body to receive energy from food, and also helps the process of neutralizing toxins in the liver.

Vitamin B6 is found in meat, by-products of the liver and kidneys), in fish, legumes, in cereals, as well as in melon, potatoes, peppers, pomegranates, rye and whole grain bread. Participates in the formation of about one hundred vital enzymes that are involved in the chemical processes of the body.

It is necessary for the production of the hormone of happiness serotonin, which, in turn, controls the normal course of emotions, appetite and sleep.

Serotonin also helps regulate the effects of sex hormones on the human body.

What else does vitamin B contain? Let's continue our list.

Vitamin B9 (known as folic acid) is found in the liver, especially in cod liver, rye and whole grain bread, legumes, greens (parsley, spinach, salad). Folic acid in our body is involved in the hematopoietic processes of the body.

Vitamin B12 - found in meat, cheese and seafood. Participates in protein processes, is necessary for tissue regeneration and ensuring the normal functioning of the nervous system.

What contains vitamin B, in which foods are there a lot of them?

Vitamin in nuts.

Which nuts contain vitamin B?

Walnut contains vitamins B1, B2, B3.

Hazelnuts contain vitamins B1, B2, B3.

Cashew is rich in vitamins B1, B2.

Pine nut contains almost the entire group of B vitamins.

Peanuts contain vitamins B1, B2, B3.

The vitamin in nuts is found in an easily digestible form, which makes nuts an important part of our diet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/44748856148371496/

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