Conferences. Interim results for the first half of 2019

When the year 2018 ended, full and full of new experience, we all exhaled (“PVS-Studio. Thank you for being alive”) and thought that now everything was behind us. But it was not there. The first half of 2019 turned out to be oh oh oh how saturated. On some warm May days, our already spacious office literally died out, because the time of conferences continues.

For those who have not yet read or want to refresh in our memory how the year 2018 went by, I ask you to follow here . But fewer letters and more numbers. From February to June, we attended 19 conferences (19 for half a year, against 23 for a year in 2018, Karl!) And took part in 1 online conference remotely. You can say that effortlessly broke the record of last year. At 11 attended with a stand. They made 18 reports at 16 conferences (that is, at some even twice)!

What can I say? We are well done. Now let's briefly go through all these conferences and remember how it was.

C ++ Siberia Novosibirsk February 15-16

We opened the season in February, and even in Siberia. The world of C ++ is our long-time friend and welcoming home. Here we feel especially confident, because with C ++ our story began.

But now is not about that. We not only represented the company with the booth, but also our CEO Evgeny Ryzhkov made a report “Modern technologies of static code analysis”

At this conference, we met cool colleagues in the workshop: Anton Polukhin , Pavel Filonov , Alexei Kutumov and many others. Hi guys, the reports were very cool!

It’s a pity that besides us this time there were no more sponsors, because we love to communicate with neighbors and exchange not only razdatkoy, but also experience :)

Team Lead Conf Moscow February 25 - 26

This is our second time at Team Lead. And we'll come again!

What is common between static analysis and team leads? We believe that the desire to develop a cool quality product, and reduce complexity and stocks. That is a lot :)

We love Ontico conferences for their magnitude, for cool speakers, for interesting and diverse reports. Sometimes we manage to charm the program committee with the topic of static analysis, sometimes (like, for example, this time) - no. But we never lose heart and ... put up a stand.

Special mention should be made of prepati for speakers and sponsors: here, face-to-face, one can meet burning verbs of not only hearts, but also the minds of the public. Among the speakers, we often meet representatives of client companies and never miss an opportunity to ask how things are going.

Often it is such a face-to-face communication that allows us to increase user loyalty, to identify its real needs. We also love criticism - this is precisely the important component of the driving force of our development. Yes Yes! And of course, at the prep, there is an opportunity to discuss with the representatives of the program committee what topics are relevant for the audience, how to make a really interesting report that will “go” to the audience.

Our advice: do not miss the prep! Well, do not miss the beer party at the end of the first day of the conference. And not even because of the beer. In fact, quite a few pleasant and useful conversations at our booth happened precisely against the background of foam caps and to the accompaniment of the muffled clinking of clinking glasses.

Agile Days Moscow March 21-22

For the first time, we were at an Agile conference. Impressions brought a lot. Like new fashionable terms. It’s easy now to turn scrum, agile, kanban into the conversation and that’s all. But we did not come empty-handed, as they say.

They gave an hour and a half of hardcore with the master class “Improving the quality of software using SonarQube: from installation to analyzing the source code” in the Engineering Culture section.

And for those who can’t do hardcore, or just don’t feel like it, in the same section Evgeny Ryzhkov briefly said “What should DevOps know about static code analysis?” So that everyone understands that static code analysis is a process, methodology and philosophy , not just tools.

But what are we all about us, but about us, let's talk about the conference again! It was pleasant to meet the sponsors of the event with representatives of the banking sector (Raiffeisen, Home Credit), the largest HR portals (, Superjob), there were countless information partners:, Finam, Interfax and many, many others.

The audience of the conference was not only numerous, but also fertile: everything was like mature specialists who clearly knew why they had come (to increase efficiency, of course!), And here we are: we see their request through time and space, we are ready to facilitate the code pain…

Another interesting and detailed review of the conference here.

CodeFest Novosibirsk March 30 - 31

This is just as wonderful as C ++ Siberia, only for 2898 people! We spent an excellent 2 days at the PVS-Studio stand side by side with cool programmers, answered a bunch of questions, dispelled a thousand and one doubts.

Here we are faced with the fact that our tasks are over. Well, that is, they all disassembled, completely, to one. This is an indicator of activity! And to bring empty suitcases with you is a special buzz. How do you like that, Elon Musk?

Pss, man! Would you like some jubilee CodeFest?

10 parallel tracks, plus spontaneous “apartment blocks” - the coverage on topics is colossal. How the listeners managed not to get confused and not to get confused in such an abundance, we do not understand)

I’m not afraid of this word - the largest Siberian IT event.

Our sympathy prize was given to Dylan Beattie - CTO Skills Matter, London. He not only read the coolest report in the Backend section, but also performed several songs about weekdays and the life of programmers on the afterparty at the end of the first day!

The audience rejoiced, see for yourself:

There were many great stands at the conference venue, but we were most impressed with the following couple:

1. Pool with balls from VK

The bottom line was finding happy balls with prizes. My colleague Ekaterina Matveeva dived, dived, but alas! However, relieving stress is excellent!

2. Bicycle from Tinkoff

And sports, and attentiveness, and coordination ... and a cocktail for points at the end of the track :)

Here it was necessary to pedal the bicycle on the podium, and in sync with the wheels, the Instagram-type tape was spinning. It was necessary to ring the bell when there was a like under the photo and not be mistaken if dislike. For a call out of place, the points were burned out or halved, or something like that.

At the end of the allotted time, the operator of the "attraction" issued a ticket with the number of points earned, which could be exchanged for a non-alcoholic cocktail in the bar.

There were many other cool activities at the conference. We decided that when we grow a staff like Tinkoff, we also immediately install something epic :)

TestCon Moscow April 2 - 4

At this conference, as, indeed, at many others, we attended for the first time. Two days of selected reports in Russian and English in three streams on the site of the Red October - cool!

Not only reports, but also a little rock

And our acquaintance this time began with a report by Sergei Khrenov “Static analysis as an additional barrier to error”.

We believe that the profile of the conference is quite in tune with our mission to improve the quality of the software product, and the report was useful for quality engineers, developers and everyone for whom it is important to contribute to the development of a smooth development cycle and software quality assurance.

- Look, they are again talking about static analysis! :)

We were very pleasantly surprised that a lot of people came to our report, and, judging by the issues, the report “stopped by”. Separately, Sergey Khrenov noted the ease of use by the organizers of the system, thanks to which the audience could connect to the conference event and ask questions immediately during the report, and the speaker then saw the questions at once and answered. Thanks to this system, we were able to double the number of answers in the same time. Super!

InoThings Moscow April 4

New conference from Ontico. Philip Handelyants spoke from us with the report “Static Analysis and Writing Quality C / C ++ Code for Embedded Systems”.

There were quite a few listeners in the hall, someone even recorded.

A lot of experts came to the report. It was nice to realize that the issue of code quality is very relevant for large and small companies in a wide variety of areas.

- They say that static analysis is expensive and useless.

- You just didn’t have a normal analyzer :)

A detailed note for those who are interested in the event.

JPoint Moscow April 5 - 6

On April 5-6, 2019, the seventh JPoint was held in Moscow. Every year the conference grows, becomes even bigger, more interesting and hardcore, gathering more than a thousand participants on the site. And to be precise, 1600 this year. Wow! Our opinion is the most vigorous conference in the first half of the year: 2 days at the stand were very intense.

Still fresh, smiling ...

And on the second day we got used to relax a little, but it wasn’t there. An endless stream of people ... A rare case, but ALL leaflets with puzzles have been dismantled from us. And the great thing is that all these people are our target audience.

Business cards poured by the river

We have been to large festivals many times, including different directions, such as, for example, RIT ++. Such a whirlpool of a wide variety of specialists and topics, but, alas, "their" from such a dense stream is difficult to identify. And it’s a completely different matter when you just released the Java analyzer and immediately got into the very heart of the Java community.

At this conference, Evgeny Ryzhkov talked a little about our analyzer and why developers need it. Not a full report, but still nice.

At the conference, they knew almost nothing about us, but we look at the world optimistically and are glad that we have such a huge field ahead for activity and promotion! This is a great start, seriously. Visitors very actively communicated, asked us questions about the product itself, about its difference from SonarQube and IntelliJ IDEA, about integration and much more.

We all love this :) And, of course, after such a fruitful visit to the conference, a certain vision of the further development of our analyzer invariably appears.

Faces of static analysis assembly

Saint-Highload ++ Saint Petersburg April 8 - 9

After the mega-saturated JPoint, we went home to St. Petersburg on HighLoad without stopping by.

The impression of the trip was twofold: there were a lot of pleasant and useful conversations at the stand, but at the same time, quite a few conference participants with whom we were able to talk use languages ​​that we don’t support yet (php, js, etc .).

Yes, and one team, obviously, is difficult to participate in two conferences in a row. We admit - we were very lucky that at Highload we were able to exhale a little and relax.

In addition to the booth, we also had a master class conducted by Sergey Khrenov and Philip Handelyants.

According to the audience’s reaction, in terms of the number and essence of the questions asked, it is becoming increasingly obvious that among developers more intensively the request for devops went in general, and on our topic, concern for the quality of the code for their product. This cannot but rejoice and not stimulate us to continue our mission.

We are glad that static analysis is interesting for people.

Product Sense Moscow April 15 - 16

So we crossed the equator, after which happiness awaited us the first disappointment of the season. Not all cats are Pancake week after all. The abundance of diverse areas and topics (read, targets) in IT leads to the fact that even Clint Eastwood sometimes misses.

At Product Sense, we expected to see, first of all, product managers, technical and savvy (for example, in development), who knew what the product was lacking and what could be improved in it, how to optimize its creation and promotion.

Well. We were wrong. The audience of the conference mainly consisted of product managers who were not knowledgeable in development, or managers of small projects, mobile development. Therefore, here, alas, we could not find a common language with anyone, and there were very few useful communications. It even seemed to us that our rollup with the code and the tasks “find a mistake in the code” scare away the already frightened products. :(

C ++ Russia Moscow April 19 - 20

And again we are in our native positive environment.

Here the booth is in full swing: everyone knows about us, everyone wants to talk for life \ for death \ for PVS-Studio, and also Andrey Karpov made a report “What you need to pay attention to when reviewing the code of the library under development”.

Yes, this is truly our event! We are not waiting for the autumn C ++ Russia in St. Petersburg!

We know that C ++ programmers love harder, so we drove tasks. But so tough that in one day, to distribute everything? We did not even expect this!

It’s good that they brought us another magic suitcase later.

We suspected, but certainly were not sure, that there are people who know about us, but have not yet tried our analyzer. Well! We met those who read us on Habré for 10 years, but somehow their hands did not reach to try on their project. Corrected this annoying misunderstanding, gave a free license.

For a long time we watched the neighboring stands at various conferences, how companies hold contests with raffle of valuable prizes. This time we decided to do something similar ourselves.

Here's what we got:

So far, we find it difficult to assess the effectiveness of the competition, but at least we have gained experience and will comprehend it.

And here are some more photos of happy people in caps from PVS-Studio:

SECON Penza April 19 - 20

I went to Penza with a report: “Around Java in 60 minutes,” our Maxim Stefanov.

There are a lot of visitors for the regional conference (about 1,500 people, and this is not in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Novosib, this is in Penza!), About 60 people gathered for one of our reports. And this despite the fact that 11 (!) Threads were running in parallel.

The coverage of topics is colossal. We are calm for Penza IT, even a little envy. We have no such thing in Tula. And Maxim was also given the cool Szekon for a memory report.

Now he lives at our place. :)

DevOpsForum Moscow April 20

Here our team was represented by Yuri Minaev with the report “Static code analyzers as DevSecOps solution”.

At this event, Yuri was our eyes and ears, and this is what he told us on arrival: “The conference was quite small, there were only two rooms that worked in parallel. Plus there were several stands packed in a small room. I personally did not like at all that there were no pauses between the reports. As soon as one ended, the next immediately began, and so on in conveyor mode. In general, everything went well, although there was a feeling that many did not understand where they were. My report seems to have come out too technical. The audience for the most part there was still not developers. The questions were mainly about how to use static analysis correctly and how to get people to check their code. ”

Well! Pretty exhaustive. We hope the next time the schedule of performances will not be so tight.)

DotNext Saint Petersburg May 15 - 16

There is an opinion among the members of our touring team that DotNext almost surpassed JPoint in terms of vigor.

“How so?” You ask. And so it turns out that far from everything and, I would even say, very few people know that PVS-Studio has a sharpe analyzer. And those who know do not imagine how much it has been modified in recent years.

And joyful and sad at the same time. But most of all, probably, it’s still joyful, because it means that again we have vast expanses ... We have distributed many licenses and received excellent feedback from users. Hooray!

The developers actively participated in solving problems, asked questions about usage scenarios and the principles of the analyzer, features of integration into the development process on local machines and integration into CI.

Be sure to come to the next conference to record success. :)

Positive Hack Days Moscow May 21 - 22

Sergey Khrenov made a presentation “SAST, CWE, SEI CERT and other buzzwords from the world of information security”. The audience gathered more than decent, people even stood in the aisles. Sergey himself characterizes his performance as quite successful. Or maybe the eight-thousandth audience of the conference simply had nowhere to go.

But with the stand we were less fortunate. And now I will tell you why.

Another event, with the participation of which we came to understand that the format of the exhibition is not at all ours. The claimed huge number of visitors, alas, did not lead us to developers and managers, but more to schoolchildren, students and specialists in other areas of IT. Therefore, a long story will not be here. Only experience. :)

Why not our format? I will give you only one moment. It was terribly noisy and difficult to talk to those who approached the stand. We had to constantly speak out loud, and half of our stand-men were hoarse already in the middle of the first day.

Voxxed Days Minsk May 23 - 25

And again, our C ++ \ Java developer Maxim Stefanov was faced with meeting a new large audience. Previously, our team has already been to Minsk, and more than once. But Maxim came to BelExpo for the first time.

Spacious ...

We knew about the conference itself that the Voxxed Days event brings together communities of engineers around the world and takes place in many countries: Canada, Italy, Singapore, France, Switzerland, Cyprus, and since last year also in Belarus. They sent Maxim, so to speak, for reconnaissance. Well! 500+ participants, 50 top speakers and the entire hardcore java world ... Impressive!

Since now our analyzer can also be in Java, on this celebration of Java-life we ​​managed to occupy our niche and even gather 60-70 people for a report: “EVERYTHING ABOUT STATIC CODE ANALYSIS FOR A JAVA PROGRAMMER”.

Even such gurus as Yevgeny Mandrikov and Tagir Valiev attended. Nice ("... and scary," says Maxim) :)

CoreHard Minsk May 24 - 25

Another home of ours is native. So many familiar faces! We love Corehard, Minsk and spring. Almost as powerful as static analysis and C ++.

We found that the audience of the conference intersects with C ++ Russia and a little even with DotNext, so that in terms of handing out we were little able to surprise the guests of the conference.

We are always ready to play one game with you

But we are here mainly to communicate with members of the C ++ community, so that they can share the pain with us and discuss programming in all aspects; argue. We are ready to tell beginners a lot of interesting and new things.

Our Yuri Minaev made a report: "Do not mess with the support of C ++ programmers." There is no recording with a speech in Russian yet, but we can show you a report in English

Unexpectedly, but not about statistical analysis. :) It was funny, they say.

Yuri, as we noticed, loves to edify his finger :)

RIT ++ Moscow May 27 - 28

We remember how we were struck and literally stunned by our first RIT festival. So many people, so many activities, stands, directions! We still believe that this festival is one of the largest and coolest in Russia, but now, having gained experience as stand-up specialists, we can make a few criticisms.

Unfortunately, with such a huge flow of people passing through the stand for 2 days of the conference, it is not possible to communicate with all participants. We always try to guess by emotions on the faces of people who have not yet come close to the stand and have not begun to ask themselves whether they are interested in our product, stand, whether they are familiar with us, or have read something from our articles. In general, the concentration is lost in the cycle of people, and the worst thing is that the thematic ones for us, for example, the developers of C ++, C # or JAVA simply dissolve in the general noisy-motley mass of conference guests. At some point, it seemed to us that we would achieve a greater effect in terms of introducing people to the methodology and possibilities of static analysis by telling reports that anyone interested in the quality of the code could come to ask their questions. So this year we did. Two developers went from our team.

Yuri Minaev in the Backend Conf section with the report "Complex use of analyzers to improve code quality"

As always, the organization is on top. Jura was delighted, especially from a tour of Moscow. Great, says, it was fun.

And a little more complicated topic - “How to create a high-quality static analyzer” in the Quality Conf section was made by Sergey Khrenov.

Both reports were met with interest. Listeners asked questions, were interested in details and nuances after the speech. In general, the guys had only positive impressions from the performance. Keep it up!

SQA Days St. Petersburg May 30 - 31

As for SQA Days, here we have not yet decided whether this conference is ours or not. Although last year we came with a stand, which was very popular, and even made a couple of reports. Probably, despite the fact that the conference is focused on the subject of testing, this event covers a wide range of professional issues in the field of quality assurance. That is, the list of reports covers topics of both methods and tools, software testing automation, quality assurance processes in the company and many others. It was with the stories about improving and quality control of the code made by our developers:

Sergey Khrenov “Specificity of development and testing of a static analyzer”

Well, I wrote it here ....

and Maxim Stefanov " Extending the idea of ​​static analysis from code verification to other development processes "

According to their feedback, the conference is definitely serious and necessary for the testing community, and our topic is interesting to many participants, so the lectures are attended and many interesting and difficult questions were asked.

If you think that being a speaker is easy, know: NO.

In the future, we will be ready to talk about improving the quality of the software product, if there is such an opportunity.

OffZone Moscow June 17 - 18

We can say that the theme of the conference echoes the familiar PHD. But here, our speaker Sergei Khrenov had a real flashback in the days of floppy disks, the assembly of prehistoric computers for a while, and the smell of soldered circuits.

One badge already impresses with its appearance and secret, which not everyone was destined to guess. You can read more about him here .

Sergey made a presentation “SAST and Application Security: how to deal with code vulnerabilities”.

In general, the reaction of the listeners was rather predictable, the topic aroused interest, various questions followed. It is a pity that only three was enough time to answer.

But maybe will one day become an indispensable companion to all the speeches of the speakers. We will wait :)

DevOps by Fevlake (on-line) February 27 - 28

And just a few words about our experience of participating in an online conference. Philip Handelyants and Svyatoslav Razmyslov conducted a master class on SonarQube, answered a couple of questions and went home. Simple and fast) No long trips, unfamiliar places and people. It saves time and a little bit, even money.


At the end of the article, I want to say that after all we do not see ourselves without face-to-face communication with users, so meet us off-line in the second half of the year!

List of conferences that we will definitely attend in the fall season of 2019:

And these are only those conferences where we will be present with a stand. Now my colleagues are already actively working on preparing reports, so in the future the list is likely to expand significantly.

If you want to invite us to your conference as a speaker or partner, write to Ilona. She is our conference coordinator.

And to be generally aware of our lives, subscribe to social. network:

Also feel free to ask your questions in the comments if we forgot to mention something in the article.


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