IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2: Java 13 Preview support, profiling tools, a new services window and much more
Hello! Traditionally we tell what's new in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2. The list is large and still incomplete: if you want more details, welcome to the
What's new in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 page .
Firstly, we significantly accelerated the launch. We hope you noticed :)
And also:
- Java 13 is coming out in September, and IntelliJ IDEA is ready to work with it. The IDE supports the new switch expression syntax ( JEP 354 ) and the new text block functionality ( JEP 355 ).
- The IDE can refactor the Inline Method even if the return expression interrupts the execution flow.
- If you find problems while analyzing the data flow, the new Find cause action will help you jump to the problem code fragment.
- We combined the inspection for Java “ Duplicated code fragment ” with the tool for other languages “ Locate duplicates ”.
- Code completion now recognizes typos and offers the most suitable options for incorrectly entered text.
- Now, when working with structural search, the IDE instantly highlights in the editor all the found code fragments that match the search template.
- IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 now integrates with Java Flight Recorder on Windows, macOS and Linux, as well as Async-profiler on macOS and Linux.
- The new Services window contains all the connections, as well as the startup configurations that you connected to Services .
- The IDE allows you to view the file system of a running Docker container ( Services window → Docker node → Files tab).
- You can control all code style settings for different areas using the EditorConfig file. More details .
- Thanks to the built-in integration with the TextMate editor, syntax highlighting is available for more than 20 programming languages.
- IntelliJ IDEA now works seamlessly with large files.
- The default behavior of the Move Caret to Next Word action has changed . Now the IDE moves the cursor to the end of the current word.
- Surround a selection with a quote or brace is enabled by default. If you type a quotation mark or bracket with a selected code fragment, the fragment will appear inside quotation marks or brackets.
- By default, the Tab key, pressed while entering text, moves the cursor past the closing brackets or quotation marks.
- To make the code more readable, we changed the line spacing: now it is 1.2. You can change the line spacing in the Settings / Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Color Scheme Font.
- To make quick fixes more visible, we changed the design of the inspection pop-up window - it now not only contains a description of the problem, but also immediately offers you a fix.
- The New Class window has a new design: now there is a preview of the options.
- Modern frameless interface in Windows 10.
- Near the elements of lists and trees in the Project View window additional information is displayed: file sizes and time of their change. This is included in the View | Appearance | Descriptions in Tree Views .
- Gradle dependencies can now be viewed in a chart: click the Show Dependencies icon on the toolbar in the Gradle window ( Alt + Shift + Ctrl + U on Linux and Windows / Alt + Shift + Cmd + U on macOS).
- Improved code analysis in build.gradle files. Autocompletion now works in task declarations, Gradle task notations, and even inside dependency blocks.
- We improved the display of output information about Gradle operations to provide you with information about the current status of the synchronization / assembly process - now the status tree and the information output console are located next to each other.
- Maven sync information is now displayed in the Build tool window, which makes error and progress messages more visible and makes navigation easier.
- Auto-completion works by default as part of the Maven dependencies in the pom.xml files.
- IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 introduced support for native handling of ignored Git files. More details .
- The IDE will remind you if you forget to include in the commit files that you usually include along with the files you are currently editing.
- Now you can commit from the Local Changes tab: check the Commit from the Local Changes without showing a dialog box under Preferences / Settings | Version Control | Commit Dialog .
- Now you can watch the Git file history of one or more directories selected in the Project View window.
- When executing a merge or cherry-pick process, the Branches pop-up window has new options: Abort Merge and Abort Cherry-pick .
- The new Show Diff with Working Tree action shows a Diff comparison of the current and selected branches.
- The IDE now offers you to add files to the version control system that have been copied to the project from the outside.
- Support for JPA with Kotlin is better: now you can generate Kotlin entity classes.
- The Async stack trace action now displays the state of variables at the time of the last suspension.
- The new interactive mode for Kotlin support files automatically shows you the results after a certain interval of time without having to restart the script.
- The IDE highlights Kotlin TODO comments in the editor and displays them in the TODO tool window.
- If you use external annotations of null validity for Java, the IDE warns you about incorrect use of annotated Java methods from Kotlin.
- The IDE now displays a hint for type ascription and highlights those parts that do not match the expected type.
- Type mismatch hints have become more detailed and are displayed with vertical alignment, the code display in the “was - became” mode is also used.
- Type annotation tooltips now support dynamic folding, tooltips, navigation, and highlighting of parentheses.
- Groovy 3.0 syntax support has been improved - nested blocks of code are now supported, and curly brackets and arrows in closures are highlighted in bold by default so that code blocks are easier to distinguish from closures.
- Now you can replace the redundant variables with another destructuring: press Alt + Enter in the editor and select Propagate to destructuring .
- Now, when you rename an identifier in a JavaScript or TypeScript file, the IDE groups dynamic occurrences separately from other occurrences and excludes them from refactoring by default.
- We made more accurate code completion for components and their properties from the Vuetify and BootstrapVue libraries .
- Now you can select a method when performing the Step Into action.
- Search by data.
- Quick page resizing.
- Filtering by data sources in navigation.
Jetbrains runtime
- IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 now defaults to JetBrains Runtime 11.
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