About services for appointments to the doctor

Now you can’t surprise anyone with an appointment with doctors via the Internet. How does this market work?

So, some background information.

To automate their activities, medical institutions use medical information systems (MISS BARS, Infoclinic, Medialogue, SWAN, etc.), Word or Excel files, non-specialized CRM / ERP systems or their "variations" on the topic of medicine / recording somewhere (Gbooking, YCLIENTS, etc.).

There are not so few IIAs and different medical organizations, depending on their needs and budgets, use different systems. The problem is that there is no single standard, and each developer invents something of his own. Although more and more often you can find statements that they are developing according to the HL7 standard.

Usually, MIS is installed on an internal corporate server inside the medical organization with subsequent paid support from developers, less often a cloud solution is offered (as an example, I will cite MEDESK). Usually, in order to bring a record to the doctor on your website, a medical organization must buy an additional module for IIAs (sometimes this is a very expensive pleasure). Therefore, the medical organization is satisfied with the fact that it makes a feedback form on the site, and the applications are dumped to the employee (in the mail / admin panel), and he can enter this information into the MIS or Excel file with his hands.

And so what we have. There are many MISs, they are all different, somewhere in general they are absent, and somewhere there is no possibility to connect online recordings.

To understand how this works, you need to understand that in Russia there are two segments - state (OMS) and commercial (one-time and VHI).


If you simplify the business model completely, then on the whole it is more “technological" lead generation. Collect traffic, transfer the client to the clinic and receive a reward for this. Success lies in effectively solving these 3 tasks.

To attract, in addition to SEO, doctor ratings, disease directories and more are used. To transfer the client, it is important to establish an exchange of information between the aggregator and the medical organization. But here, as mentioned above, there are many problems with diversity and integrations, therefore they often solve the problem of recording simply by calling the call center “back and forth”, sending messages and making the client’s hands in the schedule. Sometimes they use “truncated” integration - by unloading information from the system with some periodicity and displaying slots on the portal. API integration with MIS is less common, since it is necessary to agree with each MIS developer, and not everyone is ready to negotiate, or we have our own plans for creating our own portals.

In the commercial segment, the record leader is DocDoc, acquired by Sberbank in 2017, with the number of records to the doctor at that time of the order of 300-500 thousand per year (2017 figures, now this figure may be 1.5-2 times more, given the growth the number of customers), firmly secured a first place for itself, the others - Infodoctor, Medbooking, Medkompas, etc. lag behind the leader.

Government segment

The main question here is which IIA works in the region. Therefore, each region or group of regions has its own leaders. The larger the region, the larger the service.

The largest Internet resource in the country is the Moscow service emias.info (Moscow) with more than 20 million records a year and the city portal of public services Mos.ru (Moscow) with half the number of records. Both portals are connected to the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System of the city of Moscow (a single cloud-based MIS for all Moscow city polyclinics), except for them in Moscow more than 10 different Internet resources provide an appointment with doctors in city polyclinics through the open API in EMIAS - this Mail.ru, Medihost, Yandex, Medaboutme, etc., although their share is not so significant. The high performance of the 2 Moscow resources emias.info and Mos.ru is explained by several factors: the high population of Moscow, the depth of penetration of the MIS “UMIAS in the medical facilities themselves (UMIAS is actively used in the daily work of employees of city polyclinics) and the open API of recordings for third-party Internet -resources (competition between resources leads to an increase in the quality of services, for example, one of the first mobile applications for appointing a doctor in Russia was developed in Moscow by the emias.info portal back in 2014).

The second place in terms of service is taken by the portal k-vrachu.ru, which unites 11 regions that use MIS from SWAN, the same company owns this online resource for appointments to doctors. I must say that this is a fairly common practice when a non-state portal is functioning next to the regional medical portal, which is managed by the developer of MIS, which is being implemented in a specific region. More rarely, there are situations when regional authorities open an API for third-party companies (Moscow is more likely an exception).

St. Petersburg and the Moscow region have high potential as subjects with a large population. But while in terms of services, their potential is not sufficiently revealed.

Recently, the federal resource gosuslugi.ru (over 76 regions) with the number of records of 2 million in 2017 has become a notable resource for appointments with a doctor. Despite the good growth dynamics for 2017 (4 times growth), in absolute terms it lags far behind the leaders. One of the portal’s key projects is the My Health section. It should be noted that gosuslugi.ru portal itself is a B2C story. The Ministry of Communications and Rostelecom is responsible for the portal, and the Ministry of Health and Rostec are responsible for the IIAs with which it should integrate. It should be noted that both Rostec and Rostelecom have their own IIAs that work in a number of regions. But in order for the project to “take off”, it is necessary to solve both issues: deal with the “front” (since regional medical portals are competitors and understudies of the gosuslugi.ru portal) and back / MISs (because each region has its own decisions issues of informatization, therefore such a diversity of IIAs in the regions). The issue with the front was solved in a simple way - by closing regional medical portals, transferring entries to the gosuslugi.ru portal. Thus transferring traffic to yourself. With this, including the active growth of entries on the portal in 2017. With backing (integration of IIAs) the issue will be resolved more difficult and longer. But it is the solution of this issue that can ensure the steady growth of Internet records for doctors on the gosuslugi.ru resource in the long term.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/463369/

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